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Bicyclers Are Complaining Of The

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narro wness of tijis bteycle patin. iM-any of those who liave no'fc yet g&b out of town are cog.'tettng upon wlierO to go. ■ IMlae Anirlih W&gner aviIi; : lires ia 8eiO' townstrí.)), dieil on Monday morn.Kng las't, as a reaul'fc o; Uxa heat. By refaremee i i tbe M. 0. K. R. Mime table som" important ebanges wüll bo fo'umd in th.8 í'iL'.mmg timo, p-rïwJfpially in the mail, )in.t? west, vrti'iib la s':n' ji i!r lioui" later than formerly. Tlvy-e aeems ta b3 an op2alön, in 'lilic a ]H':j:ip-. Lihat iv" fchO city Ug iij) . ii 1 1 Huüitsr pond, urjtil ord.3r of tlia court, tiie city may have a nae iktle law snit o;u Ets h:in -. (Men A. Tnowbraiiv, wüiJ confesed Po purloifjiing mail inam ïlhiï Ann ArIdo-p p'osboiï'its, was eentöneedi to" one yiear's imiprisonmant) tn t,h,3 Deti-oit Hiouss oí OonTeoUjoe, by Jitdgie 8wan, of tJio U. S. Bist. Ooart, at Detroit last Thiiixsüay. Tlue sentence %vas uiLUsually lig'lDt becauas Mr. Trowbridigio made re.sittuti.oa of moiney tlaken. August WaitUeicüa, of E. Amm ut., üea-rd a noïss in hto klbohjen. Sundiay ryiih, amd, upoa gitos lato tha room Pomnd a staangií e n maJdtig tree wliih the ptoc-e. -'aus" attemptoi to i urn the anilmal ouit ■whiea % turnen) upon Ixilm aad' blfc aad sccatcihed; his arms ila a tarribte inannea-. He is tuaw a baKb'vr in hlujuting ev&ry cat ila silgihuc. How daar to oau" haart i.s tiho oW frilvei lollar wtten oiiiü klad subscrib;■ pnesewtB il ta vüew - tiie abeiuy head Witho:a;t mecfctite oí' collar, andall th.9 stuange Idulmgs 'üliat seeani to Uis H6W. Th.e widie eprëacüiag eagle, tilie diollar below it, tlhie stiara and the wordB and tilie ebitanga tjióng.s they teil. The colii of ouff fatfluera ; -we're glart' üliat wo fcmow ;t, for scune tinne ot o'tttiei' 'twill coiniri Sa quit,a well - ■Wie spvead-eagle dallar, the Btarspangled diollar, tfi.3 old i;Mve.r dollhr we all Iomo so well. Schill, of tCie IVoa-tüiside, a member oí tihe G. A. E. P'os'i', dled tikis moTinang at about 5 o'clock, at hi.s lio'uie, witïi heart touWe, aged 71 yaars. ïli. Hinsal - : ] 1 le held at fh.9 hiO'wss Friday p. uu, at 3:30 o'cloek. All nwmberj oí tilie Post U'e expect'ed tio att&nd. He leaves no family and no i-elat,ives, buit liad a hO'uisekeepe:', wfco had 't.akein good ■are of h.bna., to wh-om tus has willed 'his vxrpeathy. recemtly had an ■lnerease of peasron from $16 to $2 pssr niontih, buit dlfl not lïve t eojoy 'Ji V'3i-y loiilg. The fteceased had a record of belmg a good soldier. He ■wias a p.rïviate in Oer. F, lOtili Mich. eayalry. amid eerved duPümj vh war. ''Teil your readers," saM a gendleman ta (h? wul'ter tday, "that there i's a. scimple anid iuexpensive way) to keep mii'lk sweet wiitHiiDut having an ice bax keep }b in" "How ?" "Simply by takilnig as inucli ■ ei barax as yecu can between your tiaumb anld fllnger, thravrïnig it inta your pa.n of mOlk, and; takwig a sp-oian anti sti'rLug it in. We have kept a piaa af millk swee fjve days ïa crur oellar Sn Uhait way, and I nill wanranit i!fc for two dhyis up sitaire, evien in tfbjiia hot waather." The receüpt is imexpeosive, and if you doubt ÏÏÜ thene wBH be n;3' haitu in giving it a titjal. Our ïnflormaat says' that iii nevei1 lails ait his hntne., anö he ■vouM mat be wïriliouit toe knowledge ol th,a lüttle f act f .r a gnea-t dfeal. One of the üni"TOESi.ty professors, J. O. Sclhlotterbeck, has beea tmpted hy some westera unvers.ty, with, oía o lar of $2,500 per yaar to b ih.3 professor of plianiiaciOg-iiosey. He deoluies. He is an assistlant proiessor at Ann at $2öO, antli is afraad oí tihe big sa.lary, auil feara tJne name of t(h,e pix)'liilp would) pi-oia a S'i'oat'ei' burctou xhnn he conld bear, laiiid added to lits oavn. cog-iioiiiieii would SOO'Q plmmntU'OgMiosej-inosEfe lisia t3 a premataire boer, or afflict likii wltth, a co-inmoai, yet fatal (ollege Öüseasg. Tiie wstem college will llave to "nosey"' round! elsewhere íor a pnofeaaor of plmr.macognosey. Scüil'Otiterlbeck won't farm a .men of ttott kibid1.■v-v-v- v-v-w-v-v-s- v, - „


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