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Wonder Just How Much The Coal

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- ! i y .J The average p 'polis ree ignizasvhe misttakfi tbat his party msudb ia perxuittiiw ltsell t b' 1) nii'i) inzle-d by the aemocrats last iall amd is agains ti i-epet-Kt !i ol that Oxperteace. 'lliv glowtng ui in Wt.ic4l Mr. DebS picfcu.rea his aew oommnniam is Ukely u (l.-p.'ive vtie demotarata of OSlio, Iowa and ila' -yiau.l oí i large o; votO3 In ïte oomlug fall lectáíJa. The southera democ"ats wlio held ap liandis iin holy hot-ror when Ifbei" must progrtísssve. men in congreas vobed fr proteetlon, have reCiuve-ed thedP equanimiuy iu a reHnaifcably stoor spaos of time. Newi-pcpers o: all sectipiis ;uid all pol'ïtoal pariiaa atul business men vihout reganö ïo pollttical afïiliatipu reporc a d'eeided improvement in business ospeclally in uliose lmes related to mamifactunag) agriculture uil raiinoadB A papes1 c-urreney új ba iss'ieJ by -1il' gioTernaneot in quantities to give s per cap-iba o $50 all around ifi P'roposition and He expectá to kivack oat vea ttilver mi smbs - ;is 'lú:; chiei plauk oi thi platn'orm oï the populist coaBuséa'ess men whi i now expresse a u 1 ct8rlulness 3'e.sag xh-i iinmediitO utue base i lenes upon llie fact tbe yoang demootiacy i-i eomkig ilioroug-lily futo line for iroteciliat there is iittle proepeet oí auother revisioai of t'ae tarii'f í'or y yeai's. jjd soldíters Ávlio have found liu-ml-jeives bnífleil at every vu-a by fcastile exuminiug siirgoons in their ■si'on claim diïriog tShta past ioin jears are aot tlireatening to vote fin; democratie ticket because President McKfnley's CkHnmiasicmer of Penü bas dfemlssed albcnaib live htin4reil oí tínat clase oí ofíice4ioiaers. lí an iinter-state co'-nmoi'ce laiw eau pegulate tlie affai'rs oï, aad tisie ratea b.irgocl by raltroadsi surely congress ckug'kt to have a like power to prexisxt tthc combinatïotti of mine owneas '.o bleed tUie pople ïor tJied-r own pecaniary benefit. Ttoey shoUd live but' tibey sbould let other live also. It must be rather dïscisuraging to tke advociate of t!ie f ree ajid -anü'mited coinage oi siPvier ai tlie ratio of 16 to 1 tio see that ovsbwliïie chaiaion oi ca.1138, cx-Goveí'iior Boies of Io'wa, come otib ia favo" of a pajer eiürrency ba-sed' on tihe inarket tialue oj silvei' bullion. Uncís Hod kas been a slhitniiig Kght in the ti'eo i-Kver party, bat lis iiiew propotUon ífh.ows tbat he has lost his falth tn (t. Giorv. Pimgree has marte no ?nistake in appiototjug Hannoii S. Ilo-hne?, of Chel-sea, a a mímiis" W tte state u board ab Jackson. Mr. BDoímes is a íirsU-'.ass man, uml will m-aka an admirable mèmèer o; t&at cr any ottier board lio m;iy be i.-alle-l 10. It Ls srated that the free sÜYerites ■of Owosso are adlilng to hear Bryan ornee again, and an attempt Ja being made to get Ilíiu ttuere at a picnic with tlne idea, ttot he wM íedeein lüniselr. fur it will bs romembered tirü he in-ide a dlsmal íaUatra of it wIiími he appeared there duriiiig his oanklMacy. Say, you Owoss&itee, Stan. Paikiíl can entertain yoa better iluan Bryan eau, any day. It SSrtft necessa.ry tía import a man . Hoiii. George Van Xess Lothrop, of Detroílt, died Moaday mo-mlng, at th,3 famiiy re-idence, oía Fort et. Weet aged 79 years. HO was born at Bastón, Mass., Aug. G, 1817. As a pi-esi'.icntial elector lie voted for Daniel Webster far president. He tvas on of the most promime-ntUawyers af the state, amassed' a fortuine, and became wiflely knom-n. ín 1885 tte was appjiuted minister to Russia by PresMfent Cleveland. Moaiey t!alkp. The mme mvnevs are tlhe men who have puifc up the cash to keep silver campaig-ii running, and, tüey loot upon ib as tUeir right tö dietermine who sihall lead, the fight Sor whioh they are paying. They are p-erfeötly cold-bl'O'O-ded about lt, and sinoe tihey s&e tih,at Teller or Towne woaM be more useful to them tihan Bryian, they have HO' 'íesitation in ordlering tihe Nebnaska orator off the track and smbstituting Teller or Towne as their leader for the next ■national emnpaign. Boinie of the populist are paradina tQue ooaJ mimen1 strike and tihe number of in-en thno'Wn out of emlploymetít fhereby, muoh as a niercliaiït would advertirse lite waxee. S1oiwds tihat the stfike is what lias been suspected from tlae st&.rt, a polüieal diodge: worked by Bryanites and backed up füuanciially by sucJi weal'tihy m-eii as MeLea.n, of Ohib. Tlie denïo-populfets may make some capital out of it, but wUiat an extremely cruel tjiíng for tlie poor men, and more cruel sbill for tlLir wives and bato res who have tio euffer from ■mant and banger because 'Uhiedfl" natural probéobor iï uised as a catepaw by urnprhicipled po'.iticians. Go foirtih and fclil the iatted calf, id. let the reliihes be shaorp and the side disbas hot. A prodiga! .has refunnied tío tih3 democratie camp. Jiobn V. Steehan (known as Gen Jack whiLe he was wlth the (;ue:illas) has lias ackniowledged tibe enroir of lila wnys and renounced tlie ;al-se g-ols he bas been chasing and' the fickle courtesaiils wiho bsgudled' Mm wHh the belief that oonifrfence In their pro.mis-es would hriurj; tihe 'uil measure of proisperity.- An.n Arbor Demoonat. Htvw oould a man return to a fold 1ie niever leït ? In advocating the dioctrinies Mr. Sheeüiaji advocate!, he was sim.ply clinging to ths old and soiid principies oí the p-arty h.e was boni in and passed' his yoning man■howd in. Quite natusrally lie was indülgmaiit wihen the populists and sociiallsts togethier with all the oth- er cranks and malcomtentis of tibe, day, foirclbly tiook possesslon of hls party at CJhteago1 and1 pro'mulgated new and sbrange iallacies as the priinciiples of the democratie party. Kill tihe iatted oalf if yc-u want to ; rejcv'ice over the conversión of as many as yoiu can converb ; buit dön'b cali ib' "eoimimg b-aek to tlhe party," for that is tóe truth. Saya M. G. Mull.all in The North American Review: "The conditiou of the Southern States is unsatisfactory, not meiely because in educatton, industiy and ivtalth Ihey are much behind the rest of the Union, but bec owíng to want of facilitics, their resources are not properly developed. It istrue thatone-third of tlie population is colored, but, even allowing for this fact, Hiere is no reason why tlie South is not altogether on a par with one of its own Mates, Texas, which has 22 per cent of its population colored. Witb. regard to tlie number of its inhahitants, Texas has .45 por eent more railwaya, 110 per cent more banks than tlie otlier States of the South, and eacli of its hands einployed in farming produces nearly lliree times as much. More schools, move railways, more banks, are needed in the Southern States, and if perserving efforta are inade in this direction the resulta u 11 certainly prove successful." Many modern Euglishman dislike the lines in the national anthem : "Confound their politie.s. Frústrate their kuavisli tricks, On Thee our hopes wc fix, God save the Queen." And tlie Dean of Eochester lias suggested the following in their place : 'Keep us trom plague and dearth, Turn Thou our u-oés to mirth, And over all the earth Ij'1! there berpeaoe."


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Ann Arbor Courier