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WANT COLUMN. TO RENT- Two houses suitable for rooming and boarding also unfurnished rooms. A. M. Clark, 47 8. División at. TO OBTAIN the beneflts of cümatlc change, I must sell my property corner Thayer and Lawreuce and corner of Jefferson and División. The per cent of income on money to be invested to buy 47 S. División better than any house in this city and I challenge successful contradiction. Any of the above will be sold below cornpetitiou. A. M. Clark. LOST- Two notes of the Ann Arbor & Ypsilanti Electric BailwayCo. One for f 1000 and one for $500 dated Jiine Ut 1897, payable to John Winter and Ollver H. Lau. Finder will please forward to Couri-er office, as notes are of no valué except parties to whom made payable. FOR SAIjE- My household furniture, consisting of bed room sets, book cases, lounges, gas range, lolding bei, elc, nearly new. Also my embroidery', Silka, Stamped linens and perforated patterns at less ihan cost. %sy, South 5th ave. Mrs. Hartee. DO YOÜ WANT a teacher's Bible? You can have one ABSOLUTELY FREE. For partieulars, address, "Bible", Aun Arbor, Mich. WANTED- Ralesmen, inexperleuced preferred. Position permanent. Sakirv paid every Saturday. Nelson Bogue, Batavia Nurseries', Batavia, N. Y. A GENTS WANTED. Free outfit. Cycle Tires $5 pair; Hose, Beltiug, Maekintoshes, and General rubber line. Sevrral agents earn over $1000 yealiy. Prolected ground. Faotory P. 0. 1371 New York. FOR SALE. The property on the corner of State Streetand N. Universlty Ave. bas been platted into store lots 23 feet front on state st. and 78 feet on N. Universlty ave. and is now for sale, on terras to suit purchasers. Title perfect. For f urtner particulars apply to J. Q. A. Sessions, 26 E. Huron st. or Resiclence 30 Williams st. WANTED :- Severa! upright, industrlous persons in Michigan as state ageuts.or managers, for responsible house. $7f"0 and expenses. Permanent positions. Enclose reference. Addresa The Dominion Company, Dept. 2, Chicago. WANTED- BlacU walnut logs and timber. Highest cash priees paid for same. Address Lesh, Sanders & Egbert Co , üosheu, Indiana. 51 HOUSES AND LOTS FOR SALE OR BENT -Priees for rent from $10 to $30 a month iu central localities. Modern lmprovements. Enquire of J. Q. A. Sessious. Agent. Office 26 E. Huron st.; residence 36 Williams st. tf


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Ann Arbor Courier