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Otey Of Virginia

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Paine's Celery Compound in High Favor in His Family. WASHINGTON, D. C- Congressman Peter J. Otey lias distinguished Iiimself by active and lionorable service in the house of representatives, where he was sent frorn the sixth district of Virginia. On the floor of the liouse and in tlie committee room he is a conspicuous advocate of measures for the advancement of good governinent. In wliat high liónos Paine's celery compound is held in the family of this distinguished legislator appears from the following letter: Dear Sirs : - For years I have been a great sufferer from neuralgia, and during the past winter was advised to try your Paine's celery compound, and I used two bottles of it with great benefit. I was so much pleased with it that I persuaded ray brotber, John Floyd, to use it. He liad been having a bad form of nervons dyspépsia, and now, after using the compound for two nionths, is so much inaproved that we feel sure a tliird bottle will complete his cure. Every one bas spoken of the marked change for tlie better in bis appearance. Respectfully, Mrs. Mallie Floyd Otey. This is one of some lö or 20 letters from United States congressmen or members of their families, that have recently appeared in the newspapers here, heartily reconimending Paine's celery compound. One of the most eminent physicians in the city being interviewed by one of the papers, saye : "Paine's celeiy compound marks a tremendous stride in tlie cure of diseases. "No remedy has ever succeeded in drivingout the underlying causes of nervous and organic troubles so sure and rapidly. No remedy represents so compreliensive a knowledge of nervous haustion. It cures where otlier means have been tried and found futile. 'There is less hesitation nowadaya among intelligent people in attending to the beginnings of poor health. It is wel! known that disease is progressive and cumulative, easy to drive out at tbe start, but a menace to life when allowed to entrench itself in any organ of the body. If people would consider headaches, rheumatism, neuralgia, sleeplessness, indigestión and and languid feelings in their true light and as seriously as tliey deserve to be and niake a stand against them atonce by means of Paine's celery compound, tiiere would be a wonderi'ul diniinulion in the amount of kidney, liver and heart disease." Any one who reads the heartfelt, einphatic letters that liave appeared here i from men and nomen who owe their i health and of ten their lives to Paine's I celery compound will be impressed by the sincerity in every line. "Tbis great modern scientific invigorator and íiealth-maker is doing an enormous amount of lasting good these June days. lts success in making people well bas had no parallel in the history of medicine. It has cured thousands of cases of rheumatism and neuralgia, many of long standing that have been despaired of by friends and physicians. "Compared with other remedies, its permanent cures stand out as a mountain does beside a mole hill. If all the men and women who have entirely got rid of nervous debility, threatened nervous exhanstion, sleeplessness and such organic troubles as kidney, liver and stomach diseases by its help, during the past year alone, could l)e brought together what an army of greatful people it would make !"


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