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There is Nothing so Good. There is nothing just as good as Dr. Cing's New Dlscovery ior Coasurnption, Coughs and Colds, so demand It and do not permit the dealer to sell you some substltute. He will not claim there is anything better, but in order to make more proïit he may claim snmething else to be just ai good. You want Dr. Kmg's New Dlscovery because you know it to be safe and reliable, and guaranteed to do good or money refunded. For Colds, 3oughs, Consumption and ior all affectlons of Throat, Chest, and Lungs, :here l nothing so good as Is Dr. üng's New Discovery. Trial bottle free at Eberbach Drug & Chemical Co'i 3rugstore, and Geo. J. Haeussler, oí Manchester. Regular size 50 cent and $1.00. Good Readiug Cheap - "We will send both the Courier for one year and eaeh one of the followiig magazines for nne year, for the pricea given : Oonrier and ínter Ocean - - 1.33 Courier nnd Leslies' Weekly - 3.00 Courier and ïlich. Farmer - $1.75 Courier and Cosmopolltan - - 1.84 Courier and Harper's Monthly -1.50 Courlor and Twice-a-week Free Press - - - - 1-50 Courier and N. Y. Tribune - 1.25 Ann Arbor Railway Connections - S'Lnce adopting lts new train Bchedule, the ;Ann Arboir Rallroadi m&kee immedtate oonnectlioiis witta, other lines on its laorntag tralns ior ïlonioe, Pontlac, Grand) Rapiüs, lonia, Mamistee and Trawrse Cilty ; od tts dftenioMi tralns ior Pontiac, Lanslnig. Grand Rapide, Ianiia, Saginaw, Bay City ntwl Fltat. The moirning traüiis make gooiii1 connections for ArtHan, Hlllsdale, Mancbester, Muskegoin, Petoskey, Bay Ylew and 'MacliInaw City. Ooutti bouoid ti-alus make cannectlona wltlh all linea out of Toledo. The boate crossing Lake Michigan connect witih north bound train tihroiugh Aan Arbor at 8:43 a. m. foir all westero and northwestern pointe. Five hundrred' mlle boolts on ealci for $10 ; 1,000 mile ïamily books good tor 2 years, for $20. E. S. GH.M0RB, Agt. A. P. T.L. The American Protective Tariff Leagut tt a national organization advocatinjf "Protection to American Labor and Industry" as expliined by its constito tion, as follows : "The olect of this League hal! be to proto% American labT by a fcariff o.i niport, whioh ehall dequately secure American industrial produot tgainat the oompetitior. sf foreign iabor.' There are no personal or privata profits in connectïon with the organiza tion and itissustained by memberships, contributions and the distnbution of lts publications. FIRST : Corre8pcndnoe 'is eolioited regardïnj Membership " and ' Oirc!al Correapondents. 8ECON D: We neod and wlcoma oontributiont, whether amall or large, to our cause. TH I RD : We publish a larga line of document oovering all phase of the Tariff question. Com" píete set wilt be malled toany addreasfor 50 oenti. i FOURTH : Send postal card request for frt ampie copy of the " American Eoonomitt. Addreas Wilbur F. Wakeman, GenersJSeorctVft 180 Wast 23d Str4t. New


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Ann Arbor Courier