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Fruit As Food

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A Chicago pbysician is responsable for revolutionary theories iu regard to fruits. He uudertakes to prove the practical worthlessuess us food of all cultivated varictics. Hyper-acid fruits, snch as the lemoij, shaddook, orange, apple and cherry, lie asserts, should uever be eaten. Subacid fruits, such as the grapo, pear and peach, rnay be eaten, butwith extreme caution. Sweet frnits, like the fig, banana aud date, he nnqualifiedly comiuends, as they are simply wild fruits aud have not bseu chauged frora their natural couditious or flavor Ly mau. Ou the other haud, the jpbit-s he coudemns, he says, aro forced or abuoiiuul variations, as ia showu when cultivated and aftervvard allowed to run wild. They immediate]y retrograde and assume the soiir aud inedible qualities origiually inherent in them. Man, he claims, has not been able to make a proper food of them. They are uunatural combinations ti fruit elemente, and are frequently prone to cause digestive disturbauces when taken into the storuacb. By forcing seediings, graftiug aud assiduouflly cultivating uuder artificial couditions man has ruodified the progeuitors of onr present domestio fruits, ne has raade them acceptable to the palate, bat he hasnotelimiiiated their harmful qualities.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier