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The Reaper Death

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On Saturday mornimg last, Charlotte J. Kelly, ïvifc wl And'rew Ii. PctersoB, 'oí fhe Kyer IKillinr? O., died at their home en Ni, Mala fit., oí teai't trouble. JIrs. Peterson bad beein in pow healtlli. for a long time, tm't n'o one anticipaited such. a suddon cAll oj tlic feil (lestpoyer, and were nat prepared ïop it. Her death leaves Mr. Potersma cntt-rely a-lnlne, Bh,c'ii' oaly san liaving died some tvo years ag1. 'Th,e deceased was a riatí-ve oí Can■ada, and was 47 years, 3 mos. Dit alge. Slhe was a deioted mernber oS t)h.e Metüiodtet church, a,nd a woonan ih,o practdeed in her Ufe wha ghe pnofessed with her. Ups, ajid ae a coiir gequence 6lh.e drew about lier raany warm personal fnieiads. Slhe -mas also a íatünSul member oí tfee Order ert the Basterins Star, which O'rgandisatlop attended her funeral in a, body amd tpok charge of. the (services alt the grave. Fu-neral eervicea were held at the hemse oin Monda,y afternoon at 3 ■o'clock, coauducted by Kev. D". MeElnoy, pastor of the M. E. ciiurch. Mt. Petereion i certainly called upoit to bear a great burdeju of Bornow, aad the entire community pympatlhlze with him in hls ir:ief. Mrs, Lina Durheim - Deatih earue to Mrs. Liaa Durlneiim, at her home on 8. División ut., o il Manday marning last, and relieved her fpom the Buffer ing she had enidui'ed so langf. Patiënt and uncomipbüning s.he had been an iiwalid, coniimed to hier room, for the past three years. Slhe was a lady vrhct was well kao in the city, and; universa lij; respected. Mïb. Duirltieim hiad reached her C4th year, hiaving been barn ín Oehiringen, "Wu'-'toniburg, June 16, 1833. Bhe was a daughter of August voti B-raun and oaime to Newarl?, N. J., in 1854. Shortly after her arrival Bhe was marriied t3 Mr. Darfieim, to whom slic was emaged bel'bre her departure from Germany. Mr. anl Mrs. Durheim at once wout toi tihe home prepared ly Mr. öar'heiim i Temiessee 'Where tihey remained nat il 1869, whm tJiey removed to Ann Artbor, ,whe:-e he died ia M-arch, 1890.. íMi. Duir'heim wias tlie inother oí seven olLildren, six of wlixwn are livIrjiii". Charles and Prederick Durheim of M'uekegon, Misses Emma, Mary a-nd Rurt'h of Aimn Artoir, and Mrs. Keltoglg, olf O range, Massachusetits. A sister of t'he deceased, Mts. Henry Siyvarth, of Broofclyn, Xew York, bias been at ttue bedskle os M:'s.; Dur■hcim for the pa;st six weeks. roiiUieral services are being Iiold this acftennioon, at 4 o'elock from tte restüeince on 8. División Kt. Charles F. Staebler- Charles F. Staebler, w-ho carried ii am art store at Xo.' 25 S. Fourtli ave., díed at tira hospital oji Saturday at atuout 5 O''clock p. ni., wiiere he ihad beea taken F'i'iday alterno on 'o 'liave am operatloo perrormed. Borne two aso lie jkv(1 cwie successfully perpormed, but tliis ïirae lie could not survive the o.rdeal. llr. Btaebler avíis well known alboiut tiie city, was :!." yeans of age, aiad a gram of Freá StaeTlw of W. Huroia st. He leaves a v4fe ajad iufaart daugttite:-. The fuiucnal secrvíces are beiug keld to-day. Th.e deceased was a niember of tJie A. O. U. AV., iii wbtóiJ he had $2,000 lnsunamce, and also oí tiie Elks and Knigthts of Pythias. Funeral this a.ternooin at 2:30, íroiu tiie resideace, Rev. J. Neum-aai coa■ducting tihe services. Death of a Former Student- Rev. Samuel F. Dickinson died at Colorado Springs, Aug. 7, aged 58. Mr. Dickinson was a student in the univers(Continued on Sth Page.) THE REAPER DEATH. (Coutinued trom Ist page.) ty 1800-63, coming frotn Massachuette. Prevented by illness frotn graduating, he later look a conree in Chicago Theological Seminary, graduating in 1869. He went then to Central City, Colo., as a lióme missionary for a year, afterward filling the Congrejjational pastorate at Blue Island, II)., 5 y e ars ; Cambridge, 111., 8 years; Newton, lowa, 6 years, and Grand Junction, Colo., 7 years. He broke down onder an attack of grip last spring, and now rests from a lile of devoted, persistent and fruitful labor peculiarly loved by all to whoin 'he ever ministered.


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