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Tho crmmery at Salino la being trad'ït. Mrs. Ili'iiry WoM dted at hor home in RUanota, Aik. 18. IM. S. Oaok plantod a lob of black baas In Base Lake receatly. Th Svharon liill district gchoiol wilj be bamgökt by Jamos Cava.naug'h Hiis aeasoo. The acreage ot beans is satd to lie email, but tihe yleld and the price is all riglht. A largo quantl-ty arwheat is liohig sald by fa.nrners all over the ooumty Jiiist iiow. Over S!143 was raised at the recent mission festival at Emaniiiel's i hurch, Maaidiester. ChiClsea's co'uncil has extended the time tor codlecting villagc taxes uiitil September lst. ü. Bastlfck of Ijako Ruige and Miss Essio Edwards, o: MÜan, were marrted Auiï. 12. gome of the eottagers at Cavasi.-uit.iJh Late will remata t'.ic-o this year untdl Oct. lst. Oöfljnty Fair dates ave Sopt. 28, 29, 30, a;üd Oct. lst. Picase paste this i:i y na" Juat. Aauo-ng thie prlces that are advancing is Une price oí cheese, much to tihe delight af öiiirymeii A cement sidewalk has boon put (1 twn anemmd tlia bank corner nt Cltplse.i. ir 1!. Kempi & Bto-. Tlnere wnsn't encueto rf Je Balt of the earth left at Oaltaie eircuBday tío seasoin a mesa oí pon M:-s. Goeman is building au addition to her residente in Chelsea, vlncli taludes a porch oiu two sides. Bert Hogers, of Lotli, tod ome of the aards otf liis fowt gevered by, a,n axe glniK'ing that he was chiopping with. Pure F'acsil Commissioner Grosvenor cautions merehants abooit purohasing i'v selling siigars co-lore:! or adulterated. Wurstor Bros. & O., of ter. claim ti have BOld more agriCUltural implements tnis Beaaoo th-an ever "before. Satturóayi 28th,- oext Saturday- 'Occujib the biggest thing ol the seasoa, the Fanner's Picnic, at Whitmtw?fi Iike. Frea Bockres, of Doxter, who has built a. V0w house in) tlie sputH part of towTi wlll remove lieve i'.iis week next.- f'holsoa HeraM. The cottegers at Cavaaiauíjh Jake h:ive ta-rned thr attenti a thi. siiramev íno-m fisfaing tabee hainting. And thy in the h moy. Jas. Martin has bouight ut liis p.itiier's imterests in the toy buying aiml batUng íi--m oí Martin & Hall, Mantíhester, aiwl wíll t it alone. In the i (wn of Lima the yield oí wlheat is said to be 30 bushels to the ;u-:v, the hiirhfst t hias ever been. In 1880 tftie aveaage was 27 bu&hels. Nearly all fhe village and city sohools of the county commence on Miomday.. Sept. 6 tb, which ii also the date of the armual BChool nieetins. Stock up ■vttli sheep aan eattle, and dnft fo-rget the liogs. A man raïsiht alm'OBt as avcII attempt to (avm without a plow as without stook. Boe. Snyder, on A. T. Hugjhes ï.irm in SclOi, b?ougiht 8Jt bus'hels 30 lbs. of wlheat t'O the Dexter market in one load recently. The biggest of the seasan. The hiause ai Ju lm l'aulfcne", south il-; ( iu'lsea, was biïmed recently with all Lts coateoits. Na one knows how the jtii-e caugut. uiuy i biuo.u isurance. Charles WWtaker Is ïinding a very large sale his c'.voi.-e breed oí Black Top stieep, and is luaritíg great difiicu'lty to sapply tilie Uema.nd.- Oholsea. Standai-d. The Livingston Oounty Pioneer Associa'tion wiH h-old its anaual meeting amd picnic, Saturday, August 28, at at EDowell. G-ood speakers will address the crowd. AiiETiet KeulKi'.'ger, oí Ohelsea, luas reeeived the glad tidings tliat liis pensi'an lias been increased fco per nunith. He has been partially paralyzcd, 'and la helpless. Wfaeat 82 cents. The iarnier is gettiaig a pretty good price for his "crowii er thonw." And lie beara bom lii-s "croes of gold" wifcli a braad grim.- Stockbridge Suiu AYhent is being ha-uied in, and marteted very ïast. Bu.t few oí the farmers are hoidimg liigher priced. All the eievaUqirs aKng the lme of -t'ho Milroads are lieuilg füled to íyveifloiwinlg. Abüut 50 fricad and ;-ola ti'vcs Iielpcd lir. n,iiid Mra. Peer auima.n, of ■preeöom, celebreite thete 40th marrialge a.naiiversary" on Aug. lOth at the hiome oí their dtoigliter Mr. Geo. Nodman of Dexter. last legislature prwided tliat all deaths sacrald be ïegistered at witlli. the town, viltage or city clerk, avIi i will receire certiiictites ol death and issue bariaJ permita. Tiiis sih mld bc atteaded to proinptly . The o;lit ir ol tfcja paper eelebrated his iu:tioth birthdny ilonday iy wiorkïng at the case as usual all day. - CltobOD Local. ir lie only had liis case pW)perly distrilmted and kept au eye out for fat pickups lie was all rigfüt. Hr. Wacker, "Wlhia. woirks C. M. ïnwK lvi.i-cU farm, thffeshed íorni CO aci'es 1,500 bushels oiwiheat nnd last year barvested 4,300 bushels oí cofro fnom the same farm. WïBtv say.s remttng a farm does irib pay ?- Saline Observei'. AVhile Will al Traverse City was ftshinig in tlie adjacent bay he pulled up a h.uma.n font of enormous size. It is suppased a C)ielS3a. ii: 1 was il:nvned there.- Grass Iake Xews. Haw dare the News pedal a tihimg like that ! ! ? X. W. and TyTOVa Laird, of Chfilsea ; Bev. and Mts. I. Q. üarry and Areh'e üairy oí Saline ; H. liu'hanls iï Yiork ; and Francis E. Arnold of Ypsilam'ti -wei'e attende-nt upon the recent Btate meeting cf tho B. Y. P. U. at Fentfon. Frank Marshall iniforms us ttiat last week the Elevator Oompamy pald out aa average oí $1,000 daily for fat'in produce, except ona lay on wbloh tliey paid $1,500. Thene is surely sulistantiial evidence 01 pnoeperïty thiere.- Stockbi-idge Sun. A peculiar accident happened to John Hohenstein, of Mancnester, Monday. He is . employed at Kirable & So'hjmid't's stoae boat Sactory, and -was attempting ta öliiLt a belt with a stick, -witten it was jecked ftnomn his hand and sbriklag hiro om the breast penetiratecl neaFly to tis heart. It is a.n exta-emely dangoi'Ous wound. Au Oakland eouiity facmer vhio had ilüficulty In secvuring suffieient hielp for barvest, posted this earcaetio eign upan h,i fence : "Harvest ]iands wtarited. Hi -cd gW Wand and genial. Oabinet or.-gam music ia tüie evenimg. Pie t'lv.-ee times a la y. Tliree. spmons pf sugur to every cup of cofft'C. Hammocks, feather beds w leather divans a-t yoair option, íor sleeptalg. Eisinig hour nine oíclock in tht; nüb-rning. TUree liomrs rest at wofori. Come one, como all.'' A notan passing a bam in Glielsea, Tecently, saw tlio flash oí a Hghted matdh., and enterimg, fonnd nonio smini: boya trying to Bot t"a& hay oa (tre, tlicir failare being 'due tO'the hay sweating. He drove tne young incendia 1 es out of titoe bami and tliey vrci-c as indignant a lat of little soai■nys as ever mamma íailed ta spank. -Adrián" Press. Clielsea was a lïowling wilderness Tuesday. Every man, w ornan and Child seeined tcr Iva ve bce-a mo.ved by oomnion impulse towauT Ann Arbor and ie G-roatest Show om Earth. The two or three persoms wliom -4ianee luad detaámed in town looked so lomely and desolate upon Maila street, ttat a travoler niigrtit have flioughit lie was vferting the little urg seven miles or s; ty the ol iis nst vul iJ buey, luistling" Cholsor,._íítandar.a. 'HiatV a ]KxtcrO'us item. If c-Ycsy f.rrmor could grow nis OTO seeds St would ba greatly t tiHe advantagx' oí all, as it is in pvocuring uweleao seeds tuiat noxlous weeds affe introdiu'od in eommunitics. lli.'Busston thistle is spread in flaxseed, and it is düfiealt to procure pure dover soed. It is nat convenient Jor farmers ta g-row all kinds of Beeds, but, neTertheless, they sh mld mate every eifart to avold procurmg adulterated ki,,,ls. Whiere delibérate fraad U perpetruted om a farmer, lils neighbors siiould assist liini in p-rosscuting the alteaüe?, as an injury oí mat suaa to one is an injnry to all. TliiOsc of ou" citizeas wiio are subject to hay rever are sángularly free fnom tHue tJiis year. Hereto dove, at thits timo oí yoar, there are a im tliis village and viciniiy v.-h: wo'Uld be couigiliiiiig, sneezing and makimg laborious cforts to breattoe oómiíortably, but in spite of all they cauld do, the epidemie made Ufo a burden several weeks. They h;ive Hfft been tnoubled so far this vear and aro hands witlll themselves alwut ft, but fcmoiw mot whA-t to lay good fortune to, imiless t. be th.e absence al rag weed. witioh usaaJJy iritest? the -j-.v.'ds nad lichwnys. ïhis year there is a scarclty af tlic weeU, for eome reasoo o" other, and consequeiitly no pollen to irrítate the nraoo-us memiivane.- Eiitorprise. A lady living naar tiere lias a hen tihat is vo-.-y particular where fche makes nest. On morning, Unding t he bedroom wiadow to the house ■üpoii: sillo stspped in ana spymgi a íeatiher bed on t!ie Ooor set thercon, lelt her egg and dep&rted. The next dav the wiadow was clascd nurt Bhe set 011 the wintfexw nül f"mn wlience t-hi' egg BOttled off aid broke. After This the lady otf the house, beilng Dl a very acpolmmodating turn oj mlnd, epvead au old quilt om i:he feather bed viui Mtb. Hen made daily visita for sevei-al weeks. One day the wimlow clased shs flew iutoi the sitting i! whiilow and aftair depositing her egg ou the coiucli ílew, ouit agaia eacklbag tiumphantly. - Xotthville ïU'cK.d. We sh iii lay i-iiat hem tale up agatost the record. A 'liic,v;-liT -svíh ' 'was humplng liiniself at hfeJa speed jiear Ghelsea, the ■ day, canifi suddenly on a large . wiiich sprang up with a "woofwocaf !" and attemipted to escape. He coMiíto't ili it, and lu' i'-yeler simply excfaajaged hi.s vlied fot the ainid continuad his Jónmey ab iucreaeed speed, facimig thu last peurt oí tlhs beast, witli his Jeet parallel, apd nJlyreaet -uith, lts eai's, wliile the -vheel lay ap ag:;iHist sdme 'brusili, and snickered in its sprockets. Bterida.n's rlde was a pmny perftoroiance beslde tiliat öS the bicyclor, bu he was at laet de-'h,ogged, and rolled over and over In the powdered eartih. (jougInig fclie dirt aut oí lils eyes, he belield Jar in the distance, his aiilmated bike, witih, two cujrls la his tail, hotly ''luO'Ofing it," with a Gennan wornan behind exclaiming, "Mein Jiog ! mein Iiog." - .


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier