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- . There is Nothing so Good. There Is nothing just as good aa Dr. Ktng's New Discovery for Coneumption, Coughs and CoMs, so demand lt and do not permlt the dealer to sell you some substitute." He wlll not claim there ia anythlng better, but in order to make more proüt he inay claim sometliing else to bo Just aa good. You want Dr. Küng's New Dlscovery because you know it to be safe and reliable, and guaranteed to do good or money refunded. For Colds, Coughs, Consumption and for all affections of Throat, Cliest, and Lunga, there In nothlng so good as la Dr. King's New Discovery. Trial bottleg iree at Eberbach Drug & Chemical Ck' Drugstore, and Geo. J. Haeussler, ol Manchester. Regular slze 50 cents and $1.00. CAN CURE ASTHMA AND HAY FEVER. A Noted Physician Offers to Prove This to all Sufferers in Ann Arbor Th,c majaríty oí sufíerers from Astilmía iand kiaidred eoinplaimts, after trytng doctora and muinfberless remedie advoi'tised as positive cures withiout aTail, íiave come to the comcluedon bhiat thei'e is no euire tor this moat dfe'breesimg disease, and these sama persons wiill be tlie inore iin doubt and Bkeptjoal wlien tihey learn througb tibe columns of the prees tliat Dr. Ru(ïoaph. 6tóh'iifmoJMi, the recogaized apthioirity wtoo has treated more case of Chieso dise&ses tlhaa any living doctor, tas adhLeved euccess by perfecting a remedy whiicih nat only givos lmmediiato relief In toe worst eaees, but has posiltdvely cured tlhousanda oí eulferera wluo were eonsiidered incurable. These Xvere juist as skeptical as soma of our readers now are. Dr. Schillmaan's remedy uo diOubt possesses th metrit wMtoh is claimed for It or ha would nt authiorize tihis paper to anoioimce that (he is not only willing bo gi-ve free t(O eachi pereon sufferimj fpom As'töima, Hay TVver ol Brondhiltls in Uhis city, one liberal "frea tisal b,ox" of hJs Cure1, but urgently re'quests all sufferera to cali at Uoodyear's Drug Stj'ore, Ann Arbor, witfaln t,e next hree days and recetve a, package absolutely free of r.harge, kmowlmg ttuat lm making tlhe claim toe dioes for his Cuire, a doubt may arise In 'ttoe mlnds oí inanyj and ttoat a perscmal test, as he offers to all, will be mioire convüncli, and pnore Kb merits, thian the publlshlng of thousanda of testhnoniials from peraoD? who hiave beem pennanently cnred by the use oí hlls Asthma Curo. "Dr. Scfhiiiffmanin's Asthma Cure," aa it Is called, lias been sold by drugglsta oí thte city everslnce lt was flrst Introduced, altbough many persons may never have heard of 6t, and it Is wlth a view to reachiüi? thee that ha makes thla offer-. Thte Is certainly a most fceneroms and fai!lr offer, and all wh are Bufferllng from atny of th above complaimbs Bhould remember the date and place wtiere the dtota-ilbutlon will be made, and avaU themselvea of the same. Persons llvtag ooit oif tails city who deeire to test the effücacy of this most wondertnl remedy wWl recelve a package frea by wriitimg to Dr. Biehlffnuann, 830 Rosabel street, St. Paul, Mlnn., pro vlding thOir letter Is recelved berora Oct. 16th, as no free samples can b obbained after that date. LE8S THAH OME CENT EACH t RARE CHANCE SÏ8 ?SgrfE'üeE"s 156 POr $1.50 Au arrangement Just mnde wlth The Detroit Free Press makes it posslble for us to sava some money for every reader who takea advan tage of this opportunity. We undertake to furnish THE ANN ARBQR COURIER AND - THE TWICe-A-WEEK Oetreit Free Press Both ONE YEAR for S1.5O. lie Twics-a-Woek Pree te' Is the Best Posslble Snbstitnte for a Dily Paper. Published on Tnesday and Frirtar Moroings la time to catch the Karly TrainR. All the Latest News np to the time of golng to press. Complete Market Beports in each lsssae. All who cannot get a Daily Bhould Subscribe for this Ideal Newspaper The Free Press Is offering Premiumi st Special Low Rates to SubscrJbers. and tou ÏSiSSiTvJM? cost of both THE MANY BARGAIN'S OFFEBED. WRITE THEM FOa A SAMPLE COPY. In No Other Way fn Ton Get A Mueh For S Little Money. SUBSCRIBE NOW. DO NOT DELAY. Free Farm Labor Bureau. In order to asslst the thousands of unemp oyed men in Chicago, the Worklnsen B ,Hme. at 42 justom House Place, has establlshed a Free Labor Bureau, and isprepared to furnish men to farmers and others in all parts of the country without expense to either. Employers applylnff should state deflnitely as tö the iiiü of work, waes to be paid, and if rallway fare will be advanced. Address, y Labok Bureau, Wobkingmen's Home, _,.,-.. 42 Custnm House Place, Tal. Harnson 213. Chicago, 111. BarrelTSalt at WholesBle and Retail. GET OUR PRIGES. DEAN & CO., 44 SOUTH MAIN STREET 52-3ml7


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