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Ann Arbor Public Schools

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The Board of Trustees of School District No. 1, of tlie city of Ann Arbor, submit tlieir forty-first annual report for the school year ending the sixth day of September, 1896. KINANCIAJ. STATEMENT 1896-97- KECEIPTS. City treasurer .$.X3tiC8 51 ïown treasurer 1179 21 I'riniury school fund 3717 79 Fine inoney 50 80 Tultion 0291 25 Bonds -.- 5500 00 Interest -u -i-j Llbrary fines 40 01 Kent, High School hall su OU Sundrles .i 15 Overdraft Aug. 25, '97. 60U6 00 $98692 15 DISBÜRSEMENTS. Teachers' salarles $35351 50 Janltors' fees 170 n Knel - 1081 86 Repairs H85 26 [mprovements 668 08 [nsurance u 10 Bouds 3000 OU Interest Supplles _ 1088 67 Cleaning _ ].;i 25 Care ifgrounda C7 50 Gas ]89 98 Water _ 2."0 00 Freight 55 73 Thlrd ward addition 3172 85 Fourtb ward, janitor's house 635 00 Library, expense 664 8t) Library, parchase of books 272 24 Commercial dep't (4 40 School apparatus 905 07 Rent _ 240 00 Census 73 00 Election 19 25 Office expense 38 49 Offlcers' salaries 375 00 Truant oflicer iu0 00 Catalogues and report s 110 2.5 Electric power 22 19 Advertís! Dg 12 50 Gymnasium 417 00 Diplomas 52 01 Commencement expense 38 50 Incidentals „ ]8 20 Overdraft August 24. '90 -. 0501 32 f59592 15 Overdraft % 6066 00 Outstandlng warrants- - 218 91 $ 58J7 06 estímate of receipts. Mili tax $ 7000 00 Primary school fund 4U0O 00 Tuition 6300 00 Balance ._ 3M96 00 Ï51796 00 estímate of expesditubes. Teachers - $37025 00 Janltors 1750 00 Librarían 500 00 Seeretavy and treasnrer 375 00 Traant offlcer 100 00 Bonds 2000 00 Interest 380 00 lias 150 00 Water ayo 00 Fuel 2050 00 Improvementa, rep. and iucidentals.. 1000 i0 Insurañoe 200 00 Overdraft cofiG 00 Í51790 00 Tlie bonded indebtedness of the district is $9,500.00, due as follows : $2,000 due Feb. 1, 1898. $2,000 due Feb. 1, 189S. $3,000 due Feb. 1, 1900. $2,500 due Feb. 1, 1901. Bearing interest at four per cent. The balance to the credit of the library fund is $39.04. INCREASE. A number cf causes have combined during the past few years to increase the attendance of the pupils and the reqnirements on the teachers, lst, The city has been growing, having increased one-sixtli since the 1890 census; 2nd, The work of the truant offlcer bas brought in from the streets many wlio fonnerly did not attend school ; 3d, Tlie raising of the reqnirements for entrance to the University bas uecessitated adding to the old courses, besides the offerini of a new course for those who do not care to enter college. These things iu tlie past four years have added five teachers to the Ward schools and three to the High School. With the new rooms and teachers have come increased expenses. In the face of this the amounts received from tuition, iiue money from tlie courts, and the primary scliool money have been decreasing. Therefore, with the best economy the Board have been nuable to reduce the overdraft more tlian -fóOO daring the past year. Consequently it would be advisable to raise $30,000 bv taxes forthe coming, which amount is hereby recommemled. UNIFORM TEXT-BOOKS. By tlie provisions of the uniform Textbook Bill passed by the last Legislatura, the state Board of Education, together with three county commissioners appointed by the Governor, shall constitute a board to select all the text-books tor the primary schools. Owing to the peculiar position of the Aun Arbor schools in their close relation to the [Jniversity tliis arbitrary iuterference from outside does not seem for the best interests of our students. Anotlier provisión of the bill allows an escape froin its evils by the adoption of the freo textbook system. But as tliat involves an increase of taxation of .f5,000 to inaugurare it, and of several thousands of dollars each year to inaintaiu it, serious objeetions will be made. Xhat method ïuay opérate better in large cities than in the smaller ones, because there are inore poor cliildren in the great manufacturing entres. So one is kept fromourscliools ecause of inability to buy school books, or the Board have for years purchased hem for those unable to buy, and that ïas been done without any publicity. An inspection of the boiler in the 'appan School showed it not only inadeuate to lieat the building but unsafe, ecause it had been crowded too much. Therefore a new boiler bas been set i the basement. In accordance with the directions o tlie last annual meeting a small lious has been built on the Fourtli Wan School grounds for tho janitor, thu effecting a long desired sanitary .safe guard, botli for the janitor and tho acholara. It bas been decided in schools an colleges that as athletics are importan to maintain sound bodies, it is advisable to have them directed properly. In line with tbis the control of foot hall an base ball gaines by the joint board o teachers and scholars lias brought up clean, manl}' sport to a point where but little critieism i.s enoountered. The boys are better acholare, and wil) bo better eitizens for the exercise of muecles and good health secured thereby. Public Byinpatby has been with Superintendent Perry during bis illness the past spring, because it was causerl through his too close application to the increasing duties of the position. As the schools and studies havo enlarged, more (Iemands have been heaped upon liim from schools, teachers and parents. The Board receives with pleasure the news of liis regaining strength and liis entrance upon the twenty-seventh year of activity in our schools. In bis absence the dutiea were well performed by Principal Pa'ttengill. To the Superintendent and to the teacliers we take pleasure in acknowledgment of duties faithfnlly performed. We take pride in the belief that we have an unusually strong corps of teachers in the High School, Grammar School and the Warde.


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