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Pnof. Peías ■ ;nú faimAly wil! have ipa: i ■ ■■ Hawklna I th-s av i i , ■ h sta be Te'x ■■ i ■ ' fcele' h ■ 03 ']"! ''lil Wt lJl' J-. S. R. R. d 'I 'ni,;. Geoi W. WiaJkar, foc '0 yctu-s aup't o the Ad1:1:)!:!! BohpoCö, has remioived to thiïs city. The Brinday Seíiiouii cxcureion on Tli'utisday imis a grcat success, KOiinie 900 peKH)r.e attendtng. GEOTge Neat, of t'his city, aad a sister, liaA-e favloa lueir t'o a property vialaictl aifa over a Jial.r' niitllLonj dolttirs. On Síituftlay aexb the tthlCdraa af Bt. Iafec'.s Suauluy Sdií jíoC1 are to hold a picaic ia OamJptbeU'a gnave, tibe ■miotiott11 lUne. Capt. E. P. Ailen lwn allen, tl victirn, tb t!ie bicycie ci'aze, atid' pedáis aeomiul tawjn iop all xihe; worM tttoe a bjy ia ln teiiii, Gou:go E. Xeat, was miEUTied ou Sepitemibér Ist. t Miss JXra K. Sikes at t'lie Bapttet pansoaage. Tliey wi;i ïeside at AVesit) City. Boy Güieqe, aLerk ;it, titie IltiM'kims liouiie, lias beem appoint,sd; to the raivay innil service at, a salary -ƒ 0 pee year. He Í4 t report at iMUanapoja, Ind., hy Sept. 8. (libio Plhoianix J. age F. & A. M. have presöuted a elailml oö $15J0 againöt ihp. M. f!. IL. E. ii:' amfatfflee to a,;ioiv '-;n,ï antttlbiii" exonaisiofn. to ht, ailvci'fi.s■(! a.t a las to titoe:.'. --. W'yfiiHl.Dttc Jjodgo Xo. 11, I. O. O. F., ai tWfe citr, baa siirrcadered lts ils chlarter, and gfren up cxistenee. 'Hhiere "va nü y emougtti ín the treasoiry t' pay ajl owtstamdSlng inThe Atlar.üs base ball teaail ai 1li: city went up tï Bt-igTaifcotu '!;iy and defeafcd tfae B ccaim. a scoa-e of li to 11. Tfcis is the time tliat team hn& leen tlefeated th:s Iïöibci't Hemlpaniil liiad flVK Hampnh'-'-c sheep, WorUVs l"a,ir mze wdnneffS, tójlotl by flogB la.sfc AVedncsdaf nJëShlt, on bis {ana. Ttue slieep were ■woffth $100. Haw muöli were -the (Jogs wopUh, ? AUtoert Graves ojs the townsliip, has had hís tam strack by Usiitning Uwiee ïiiul buiriued eaciu tiidiue. Sp' ligtLtnáttg öoes t-vrice In the sa ui" pCace. 01(1' saws are otei ■:i in t'liese hiusttuig times. 'Btosdt rhat 'leader in., t'iue new rpsSjjattti AVocklv 'TUaes read ft little r ?" 'asked au Ypsilantia.n oí tb w(:'He:-. "WeCdi I eliould 'Kcjiiku'c' " wfie aaiswered. "It;iQ(3'ks as thouig-li Oraniei' ough-t to Feward Ward." The statement fe made that there fe a nftw weebjy papar in Ypsilanti caUeS the Ypisüauti Weekly Timos, Olí ivhlfch Sewariï Cnamer is editor, and C. J. Howard b-asiness mianager. Haw aorti Been a copy, howeve-, nt "Rife tof.tice. ■Tlie "Wiasihtejiiaw Mtttmai had aan 'tasunaiiice OC $200 oni butiding and :?200 oei ciCttiteixts, of t'li.a ba,"m o John ,E. Eas-wcrth, of Pilttsfield, tha,t buaiied the ftaert) al íaflt weeík. CJaAise ;ï j i :-t ■ explosiO'ii oi la,raij). Tally one hvj-e fop PüWtBÍIeSd. Lorenzo Sea mans die el at Jiis home In this twwnsdiip last pirldiay, aged S3 years. He was ai aatne pi Verimont. and had liTCd ati hls farm home simcc 1SG7. He had au afflnu cliair tbat U-as been handn! dú(wn in the lianil'ly for ovit 200 yeaffis. 'Bpb' Beeíií'.-. t'lio well kmoiwii colo:-ed miaai., was wortAng on D. C. G-rif,::i's fa'.'iu Frtday and ia reaclUng il)jv;i in t'.v.' gpass 'vas bLtben by a fa'ltlc-saiii ko in x'tei liaaul. It dida'c kill Bpb, but tli? aaiafee iiasn't reported in" duty sütee. - SedtLneCi. Ypsil'ajni hati a oloinecd man, uamed Loa Beckwutü, w-hoi is punchlmg and pounding his wajj iutoi pramiiience iui pugiltetic circles. r. aining "Irwvoi's" as soinie cali it. Om Aug. Ui he wfflrt a Itofcta enrtotiiir)jt'r, it, Balttaucxre, Md., ia fivie romuds. lMank "Wioc'don, of tiiiü eity, has in-viented a top tli-at epais sjvea miutttes, and wlileli bjr raAxnis o; a s, - o circles wit.liin circles, imites musical souoids th&t a.'1 ftuite pleaslog bo ie ear. Tii)c top is lm sucli dfinand t.hat ttie 8a1 'y can uot sui)piy the orders. iMomd&y aitoi-ncon smeat ttóeTea enttered tíue reslderuee oí Jamos I Irwiu eomportior on thie Coinmerci&lv and cai'ried 0,3 $1S.5O, whiCli Mi'. Irwiu tad in a drawor. Xo otbher pi-optíity WBW3 taken.. It is evMwrt tlrat the t(UU;"Tes wore lowkitag ioir eah oaily and kncw -glit w!here t'o ii'nd it. Mr. Irwin says lie wffl placo his nuortey iii a savhigs bank Uoi-eaitor.- C0111DMtttótaJ Tihio State Xjrmtii Oodlege has fai'od well ia flLü seleotiioa oif risiton-s to Khie vaiious edwcafbüonali institutioes of thja staic Out ol eeTBsa boards of vteitsorg, Supertoteodent os J i ■! : ■ - ;ns"u(;t;iin Hammond ha gïven :irst piaCC i I sLx tO 711. ui : . rs . I ! ■ A'irm.culty, as í .11: '.v : Alma, D. Eugane SSnitfb ; Adetem, W. H. Bherzer ; Aitoi m, 1". A. Barbotar ; i E, A. S: ing : lli.l-iï ilr, n. L. i'' ige ; Kalaanazi D, K. (;. ; I í ïnel. -V Uuricinr at rpeülaiati made a gCWiOBB lllistakc th.2 otllfcr Light. He gio ifflto a hnniee occupied by ;idles. Dbey at o.uee Oired i voüey 0.1 soream.s at lUan, ama he, saU:y ál. atod, ba succeeded ia makinfe ii escapé. If he haV liad a raap to deal wltÍL, he coald have shat ■Wan and p.ocedl wiöb bus-loeae, tmfc a woiaan's sca'eam, aa, that was more tJian, he had bargained ioa-. Perbaps he ivas aíraLd oí eatehing; ye;■.■ feTiec.- Adriaw Press. Thuis city íuciiishñs ttoe loütwing list al teachers to dütteren Bohools agout the cioonltjry : Ida, Cou-ertí and Fioicniíf Wíajrnier, Trarerse City li-ving Hunitea-, Ba.taviila, Xlí; Adilie Parjgejr.Eacamafoa ; f;v:t-ve Kinne, x"v Harem, Oomsi.; Eimh. l! -adslmw .■iJHl Mcllfle Tuttle. M;ia;stiiiL3; Belle Marshall, Milwanifcee, AVis.; Esbhier Eomleroy, Elk Eapifla ; Mary Horrigan. Xi-g-amnee ; Mati'lda Muitcliel, Prances Klef, lyl'llie Hiiuí, Xellie Liooinf., Leai Spenioer, IabIu Chianúlv", Detroit ; Emlilie ( i ;:,n.l and Oarrfe Hay, ( : Beritha GtoaStgoa, M;. Ma?yCaSi MtiBbego.31 ; Janct Van Dusen, BeldIng ; Mariom HoJtoies, SaglaaW' ; May TaomBOm, Pera, lud.; Laura puíler OoOdiwateï ; Flora WHbefr, Molino, Jll.; L'llJan Haiml, Yanktoii, Boruth Dakoiba ; Maymu 'Vcio-d, Wayne; Edifh Hard, Bentoa Ha,íbQir.


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