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The Comers And Goers

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Fred Gauss is withl friands la Pon.Mac. Otfiffcer ís t ajdng his aar inial va.catlilii. Earl Gasser, oí Toledo, was Va the cttj" yesterday. J. McKlnnon lias moved í-om SaVine t.o 33 S. Füfth. a-re. Olifes Gru,be, of S. 4tto ave., has gone to Wayne, to teach. Bfir. J. E. HStaWU 3v resides alt K"ol 20 W. Tiii-d ek. KeT. O. B. EobeJ-te h,as ïn'ored back to 'Shiawiassee ccmaity. Öre. WaMnon, of S. State st., is home from Bay View. ' Mtes Lizzie CJaacy returaied home f rom Toledo, Ohi-o. M4se Fío na Kotíb, has returned lióme from the nortfiern resorte. M. I. Stevens liras from I#ndioa to No. 51 B. Decisión s. Mies GbfllPSOrtte MillawJ speat the week wttoh fricad? im Miíwi. Blrs. W. W. Wñedoa returned yesterda.v from Milwaukoe, AVis. Pnof. D. M. L'-chity is ra.ovim? hito fois new, ihioase on OJivia place. Míbe Paurime Scihmdd; is visitiag lier lisien' Mts. Frolim-, to D-eftroit. SIrs. Ajnna. B. Huestíu ,of Chicago, Ís Eo-Wi Wvlng a.t 25 Badnaffd st. (MttB. Prof. Russen and have Tetunnied from Yarmtoiutíhi, M;ass. iPpoí. "B. F. Biick has retiwned. t o ( schO'Od duties at Auetiu, 111. Mts. Charlotte O. Stow-e has returned from. her v3?it afc Tipt-On. Mise Tvcile Matóluetí of R. WvisiOn st., is spanding tiue week la Toledo, O. IMrs. R. M. Beacli has removed írom 9S TVaííhJngton. st. to 1J= S1 Ingalls. J-anies Fwriay, olí Ohífcag.oi, has ben th.e guest df früeaüde dmrtng the week. W, P. Stephons of the Electrtc L:glit woKbs, is serilotuOy; ill with la, grippo. M'iïw Mactfca Prake leaves t-o'-day for Detnoi'b to reaaaiit a few ctaye. Geo'Vge Stcurias hias bsen; the guest oL friends in Owiosso íor a few lays. Ma. Joto Heydlauff, E Waterloo, is with. daughrt)eT, Mrs. Clias. W. Vogte. 'il'rs. C. C. Masom has been rteltlng ter gister Ifris. Saneuiin at Ce&ar Sprints . iriss Xareae Seyim,oar las (jaae to Ijakc Lindera, wbere Oh-e is engaged in teaching. The Tesorters have retunied home Just In, time to oatoh. some warm weather. John Walz, of the State Savings r.aiïk, lelt Moiiiday, for a two 'weeks vaeatLon. Mts. H. M. Grardauer, oE Lansing, hias been. au Aan Arbbr visiteur daring tlhie week. Mts. Ixmise Ivtuox luas ieöLOvied to this city from Three Biviers, and w;i iSve on Wümot et. i"Miss Helmi 1ofrtoin went to Tria■vense City Jast Friday, to1 coim,meince lier schooft duties. iM'HB. W. C. HJoUajid's ïefcurneU toi Anm Ai-bu1 frcnn ;i vilsit wittih !ier paréate In Jackson. Ks. 8. M. Ttófcer, of Jackaon, has ■bediii the guest of her1 son I. A. Tinker duriixs fctaie "v,eek. Thc famáliy oj .Taoob Reabolt returaied Muiklay írom a bhree w.eek's etay at Zuikey Lak. E. M. Smith faaa .■ebunaed1 from a 6umlmei''s stay !ai .T'aekson, t li! home on Mon'-ioe st. (Miss Jennie Afmstrong has been effteröainlng ter nlece, Miss May Aijiista-oag, oí Datroüt. Miss Steila Godkin, whioi has been a guest of her gnaiwUmortilier, at CheJfiea, hias retarqecl hO'ine, Bev. W. W. Wetfmore nttended the funeral of a relatiivo in Po tro i-t Smiaay, i':.t;. ,ï, Mra. W. R. Perry afrred Tlii:sda,y p. m.. tram Les Chcïïa.iix. ■Adolpli J. DiieM, of Miiinecipolis, Mimi., is visiting his mother on Paekavd sVeet. li:. a,nd Mns. B. A. arrilvod ücxine f pmii JfaiCfciniap T.hiursday atEemnioitt. Mrs. Wm. P". Gatos 01 X. State et, ïs coarvajeeci-pg fro-ni a eorious ut,taclv of tonsï-itis. Mrs. Tawbey, of HazeMuirsit, Wte., is visiting lir rao the1:1, Mrs. ipence, of Jéfferaon st. i-. and Mrs. Keinpster of MÜ-maukee, Wis., are guests of Dr. and Mrs. A. B. P'rescotrt. D-. D. II. ,Ty:?i, wttiiol kw,s beea wSlth kik atetar a.t Lsslie, jolr ,tlie summier, tas retuirmed hiolias. iMltee Hejea G-aoi-'g ba ïvtui-Jied froau a. vncat'ion af eevai'al weeks at NBagafa Fails, N. Y. Hevbert A. Dancer Iit last nigUt fc.r Dtü'utih, M3aa., where ie will viiilti frien'tte ÍOJ" a time. Miba Knx Dunsti8T Iias4joiic to Dollar Bay, Hougflit,on coanty, ïo teaeli Ia tte public schools. (Mts. J. H. Hyde and s;o:ï Ray, of KÏV&rslde, Cali., are visitinsï Auu Arbor ret1#ves andj riends. -Mns. Lawrence O'TooOe has l)een the guest of aou; Dr. J. H. O'Tooie in Detnodt, (iuring the week. 'Mt. and Mrs. M. J. Cavanaugb, went to Paw Paw last Frtdav tK visit Mr. Caramaugb-s brtlier. anti Mrs. Bíloe A. Beal gpenft SiiiMiay and MJnday wicli Mr. and .Mrs. Jay Keitli, in Dexter. Mr. aud Mre. Ge. JL.. M(aoire, are enteVDaining Mr. and Mrs. G&o-rge C. Bascan, oí Cleveland, Ohiioi. Msasa Margaret J'Ones and Anna llarris were guests dnri,ag 'chp week oí MJss Lefla Kelly, í Milán. Miss Steinbaca and Miss Stanley, of the Utopia parlo, wíll spaad ten days ia Cleveland looking u,p styles. Ex-Mayo" and JIrs. W. E. Weïer MBf to Araa rom Zukey Lake Mtonday c:n ttoetr wliieaLs, to remaln a tew. dayö. A oambeir of friemds gurprised Mrs. L:zzie Haai"y of S. Univemsltflr ave., last w(eefc Friday, batore büw left for tlhfi soutli. Prof. and Mire. M. E. Cootey are h .mt irom X. Y., where witli thelr lamlly t.hey have been guests oí Mi's. C's parents. Dr. llit.on R. Stimaon, wJio liAS beeu ia Teiinessee flor íae yea-r past, will opea a cfcent,al offiea ac Adriau in a few days. Aid. aoid Mre. G. C. Eliiades. have tx-eu entert.aiuing Mr. and Airs. h. C. Wrotodman, o; Minueapolis, Mimi., diu'ing tJne week. Ex-P'ostimaster Eugeae E. Beal accompanied by his w.iie andi daughter Ailta, have beea at Jlackinac aad Alpeaa diaring the Wjeek. Pitolbate Judge H. Wárt ajid ïa.nifcy ia ve mlved tota theiff ïiew cesMence a,t the eJrner oi N. State a,iwl E. Anu Bts. Mlrs. MaAh Boes, iOiinwiy wiittt MÜ3S Botwer ia tihe L. O. T. V. oííice, lias gioime to Chflaaiga to accept a s-ilmijar pofeitKun as stemograpiher. D:-. Dol. Stoup, denit '97, foirmt'rly ■o1! tttife eiit,j-, Diow olí YpsKia,ati, toas giclao to Narwaiik, Ohiilo, to wolpfc ín ti. dential estaiDlishimisn oh a salary. Miss Emma Herey, w.hli has been sp&nding the vacation seasou Witb (he? iatlner, oa Spring fit., lias returjieil to' her sch-o-o) duties ini Denvr.:-, dolo. íf:ss Ca.rri Xortom, of B. Anti, 6t., ielt Morwllay tor a Btiort va-cati&nv wliSdb she wül spend with frierais at Fonto.n, and pl'aces in the vic in i ty. Th th'.ee sojas ei Mrs. Fred Huta of A'niD Actoor, have beeii vïsiting at tlhe hninie oí Ap.-s. E. Parker, ol tbila city, ïoir tlhe past weeik.- Ypsiiiajiti Coaamercial. il:s. Dr. .1. Wl. Mbrtotl of E, Ann t., and sfam Witlard, h, beeai visittng Wiila.rd's grandpaxente, Mr. and Ure. Wetmire, af Comcord, (lurSiig tih,e week. Miss Martha Taylor, teacu r 01 Gh rm,aL. in tbs high BC1M03 at Te-re Haute, Lul., is visitiiig her home heme, on hei way back romi tv sumnii :■".■! atay in Ennopfi. Prof. and Mrs. F. O. Clark vvh.0 have been rlsittag his párente in Elinois, are spending a few' days witu Mts. C's fataer J. W. lCiúg'h.t, 1x2fore ríKturniní; to Coüwmbus, Ohio. Pred C. Brown, whai fotunjleü the Daily Times, hias been in tiie city during tttne week, to meet his familyi who are visiting hiene, and to loiote over tui old etemp-ing1 gnoiu,nid. OMr. and Mrs. E,oss Oranger gave a very pjöasan dancing party Monday evnin, in hoaar of Mr. and Mrs. Etaehart, ol Seattle, Waah:, wfco havo foeem visiting in the city i'v-' .sonue time. Geocge W. Axt?jl, whu Ivas bean aw ay j.' t'he sunnntf', has ïvtuiuied ed ty h% home 011 Pares ave. M'ry AxttQ's daughter, who has beeia absttt ín Oo'jcrado toe tme past year or two, has ivt-annod, attd wïi remai'a witli fatthar this year. W. W. Ttittlu o!f Am ArbotP 93 ea.llSng oto Iris o:d frieads hans, a,ud Ik i's CM?edDass to say ttoafc he Ü3 heartöy M-ejiiO.mecl tey all os tfen. He rifles . wteel and .;ay Btbatj ,St is oinly modérate exercise {ar Mm 1x make


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