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8413. Otis E. Killeubeck. Augusta 21 Nellie M. Ferguson, Ypsilanti 22 The one thiug peculiar about the above is the fact that the couple are the first to apply to Sec'y .Mills, íor the iiouor of beiug inarried upon the fair grounds, on Thursday, Sept. 30. Mr. Killenbeuk is a iiice look'mg young mau, about the medium heighth, inclnied to be slender in build, but with a pleasant face, and will make a good looking bride groom. The bride is said to be a very pretty girl, one oí ïpsilanti's handaomest, and that s saying a great deal, for Ypsilanti is famous for its good looking girls, and that she will créate a sensation, aud become the envy of lier nompanions on that day, as she marches proudly to the altar with the ian of her choice, goes without saying. The couple will receive a fine lot of ïagnificentpresents, niostly useful ones, nd will be able to go to housekeeping n fine style, with very little outlay. The presents offered by business firms onsist oí : In the first place tbey will receive the Ann Arbor Courier one year - free, and so will learn all the news of the caunty and country. An Eclipse Cookiug Stove, with reserToir, and pipe all complete, value $18, rom Christiati Schleucker. A New Ideal Sewing Machine - au deal present this ia too- from County Clerk J. F. Schuh, value $45. A beautiful Bed Room Suite, all com)lete, f rom Mack á Co., value uot less thau $50. Schairer & Milieu will present the sride witli a fiue beaver oape, heavily triintned, worth $10- aud as there are cold daya to come, and all brides delight in being well dressed, this will be a very acceptable present. If the bride is unable to make sufticient music to keep the household in perfect harmony, she will be assisted ty the Ann Arbor Music Co. who will present her with a delightfully sweettoned Miloharp, value $S. This will no doubt soothe many aa hour of care, and do away with that tired feeling that sometimes does come, even to the young married people. The couple will be presented by Bress & Rinsey with a complete set of their fiavoriufi extracts, 15 in nuuiber, a present tliat the bride will soon learn to use if she doesn't already know how. Sid W. Millard will furnish the couple with 200 high-toned steel-engraved, copper plate invitatious, priuted in Klondike colors, and reserved seats will be provided for the 200 people to whom these will be addressed. That genial and alwaya aceommodating gentleman, Deputy Couuty Clerk Pliil Blum isaued the license yesterday, and with the very best flourish of his pen made out the neceasary papers and handed theui over to the prospectivo grooui without a cent of costs. You see what a little nerve and timely action does for a person. Here ia a young couple that will start in hfe well supplied with inany aeedful things by beinji brave euougli to stand up and be married before all the world, anddecided enough to rnake up their minds sufficiently quick to get iu ahead of all other applicants. The Courier joius its cougratulations with the rest of the world and wishes them a long lile of prosperity and happiness. _ iA eutecriibe fop th,e qfourier an,d get a. iree tilcket tq tto CJoaaty Busy Store of Schairer & Milieu Choice Selections IN New Fall Dress Goris! New Stylish Pabrics tliat were bouglfc and made for fchis season's trade. Bought befora the raise in the Tarifl And will be sold at the old prices. No better line of styles and patterne or finer exhibitions of color combinations can be found. Plain covert Clotlis and Twoïoned Novelties at 39e Bonrettes and Warren Suitings at 39e Madison Fancies and 46-inch French Serge at 39c 100 pieces New and All Wool Fancy Dress Goods worth up to 39c all at 25c ayS 40 inch Mohair Fancies and Novelties at , .50c aya Silk Finish Novelties and India TwiHs at 50e aya Two-tonedJacquard and Coating Serge at 50c a y Camlet Suitings and English Curlsat ■. 75c 2OO Pieces ïïe w Black Goods Great values at 25c, 39c and 50c a yd. 50 pieces pretty new Plaids at 25c and 50c ; 75 pieces Plain and Fancy Silks afc 50c, 75c anti $1.00 a yd. In OurCloak Department We Show 300 New Capes and JacketsStylish up to date Garments, at $3.50, $5.00, $8.50 and $10.00. SCHIER & MILLEN THE BEST PLACE TO TEADE IS ALWAYS WHERE YOU CAN FIND THE fet y s. Auythlng poor in quality is dear at any prioe Th is is especially true in the line of goods kept iu a DRUG STORE. GOODYEAR k CO, are IVERY PARTICULAR, and keep everytbiner fresh and pure, aud make a specialty of promptness and correctness. An elegaut line of Perfumes. New Odors that are very popular. No. 5 S Main.


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