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Malthus--part 2

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Majomía la id it. dnw.i. vaat the c'hief qí the tncee tmmedi'ate checkt) te popultktion i wftttt of food. Thie gparslty i.i Mflít'-. oí Van twoet eamge coannuinítlies la DO-I bo mucb uiwil }y vi c;aeei, vlee ;ui.l dlseaae, as l).v scarcity cr; Bab3lsteoce. Tafclag ttr i w i g ■ p ■ i e .-i, bet." nnother, ' -■ f . .', . il : ' ' ,!,■ S spenft, ;iii i - .■:i tmitíessly, la cbdeavo Ing t i obfeaia ühe Vadaat aecesglties v; Ufe. Thls diffu-ulty nlns Hhiem afj wltíwwl distloctiion : !■'■'.'■, w.i 'i1,1 aay exist. 'l'll ■ s; mi: ! d ■ ; i ,i n i"d . ;■■! i as th)3 ;i.l ■.■Mil' .l'll C Ín ail Kup ■' ior societi ■.-. aliJiiough the pooireei portions oittr o.' 'liiess, ex]■-. lemce ffca ír.l i . "The íeor tlcnic-.y," toe ísays, "Sn popujatjioia íully to k'i-]i p : -Jire moaiiis ó suliHi.-t ii.-c, must ín generaj prevent; the lacN' a ■ me i as í ' un havtog a, gjreat aind permanent efíect ín ImpaoTíng t.hf eomli'iioii oi'ïlie poo:1." Baar rafe1 and cbafitaibje comtrilbus, he tliiiik-, ma,y tol some extont a,lh:vi;itü tili; tortènöityl Of individual íifcls.'O.' tii:i.". but minst ir.'oul the evd'i over a, nKioli lafger sui-i.-icc. Fk", smppastag tlha pesenA proporti5o.ii. between popujatioa aid iood oouftiimies, "I cinu .t by ïneans of mfaney PaáK tbi3 oonidütion oí ai poor iiu.i'ii, aiirJ. eualbje h'ám t live mucÈ ■bettur i!li':uu he dad bejlore, without pTioportianiably depressimg atlnera In tiis sitm; cjass. Ir I rebremoh the qu.iiii'tliity o-i foo-d consuaned í;l my hiouse, airad gi'vc lilmwhat I have cut oef, I tihiaa beaefit. ïini vitlwuti depressing any Tafc mywo;f and family, "K'hia pe;1lKaps may ba wall able to ibear ib. If I wm up a, plepa oí uncujtiiviated land, and give hiiH' the produce. I thoai beoeöt bo-t3i, him and all tttse taetn'benB oí iwieiaty, but -.v-Jiat be Tytíld-e coinsumed is tüpoAvui into t'hfi cammiosi stook, and pco'baJKjy wnn: oii xilie neiv pc'oduce wibh it. But i I amy g-ivj liinr moaeft-, .siippasöng Mi.; produce of fche couatry öo renáaiin tta same, ï give, liijn ,a titSfl to 'a la ligar líliare oí, tiiat produce tilim ij-', Avaiijli libare he cannofb reeeive witfeiat (liminisíiing tko etoarea of otaiere." Haa hostiiity tia ttoe Boor Lav.s, vo 'Judiscriminate dhariitiies, and to all o metliods oí cSiecklng frugaSity, tlhüft, and prudomtiil íoi esiglht, especlally itmong tite lab'jj classes, has bsoii represcii'ted yy eupeffïteial :iinJ dennagogic Wïitere as lixstiiity to po.verty anid to tiho ■victims oif po.verty. Aa imspectto'n oí hte viai-ua'ble cliapters on these floipics, howe-er, öliows tituat it wae mo;t flrom want of Bympatlhy wlith the poioi' and destiitiute fllia't he heíd these views, lut, ou, t&e cojutirary, t!i;it tliey proceeded frcftn a hroader anl mo.e effliigllitened coinpassioii t'han Uli;u oí hiis opponents, and one whicU liad regard fair DUe picxverty of tlie future as well as ühat oí presemit. He says : "I ieel pereuaded ifhat 'l the püiüf-laws had nevw exisbad in vhis üowimtry, t'ho'iijii thene might have 1een a íe.w mji--e inatunces ofij very eTei'e dJtet:t3ss i'he aggregate maan Q ilhappincss aincmij; tllie eommoa people wo.uld ha vu l.-en uiucü ri'eate'r it is at iK'eseat. Tliei radical deiect ov' aLl isysteans cu" "Ulie kind is ■t'hat xi tend'iay; tJ' depi"ess tlie condLttoiii ei fhoáe tluit are uot reCieved by pa riislbies, and 1)01 créate more pPC-'." He notas tlhe error oj poii'ttcians iu mwtaktoi an -ilíect toe a cauist' by suppoJn tiliiat vlio piopuiouisinese o cevtaiiit states was the cause o: proyperity, instead of fhieiii" p:csperity beiog the canse oí tlneiir papujaticn, just as tto old' pollitical eec;io'mists imagüied t)hat the ubuiïdance oí ppecie was tihe cause 0{ nattanal wealth, insteadi oí belng the effect of it. In regard tJ Oüiraiity, 'me. held that althiough the eifecc Mpaa. the giver is to pui'iiy a.iud esallt tino mind, so thoif. it is llterally as ve.ll as scripiturallptinie thia.t It is more bíessed ta gire thiaii to receiive, yet benevojlence, like other impulses, must 13 Jrequently luw ugbit to'th'e tast oí utliity. The pioor must be ift to ïtie nA.taral coosequemcefi oj tluelr cornluct with i'eepect to indastiryi amd maiTdage. atfoieiiTvlse ttoey wlü be more penmaiaeotly Injared titaan beaietited. Relief to Illn; il-;o nid impjjvidiiLvt la dlstress must be sca-nty ; but u.i'geaiit Us1 Pess (mom acddeiufaa óncomaected wltihi ind'o:?au:e and impnoivldeace) and uutneiited caliamities, are thi gemjutoe ol Jecta ai ihiiity. Andno oppoi'tunIty of dioing good uhouid bc lost froim a mere Bupposed poasibUity of meeting with a wo'.'thier cbject. , The commoji dedamation, tlliat the iikt"ioet ppSce oí JabUíi' cnugtub always to be sufticient decemtly to' support n fiamily, and that empl'Oymeu.t cught t.o be JO'und far aa wh,o are w'ilHng to work, MiaWlius scouts as au absurdíty. Fior tilLO wages ol labor wlll alwayis be regulated by ühe prr tio'ix oír iShñ supply to tfiie (kjnand : "To -vOidh, t betta? tito ca.iditioai oí tlftü by enabUn. t'luom to connmamd greater quant'itias of necessarí'Ies aind comfort of life, and llh,eu, to r-oiíupin i ii oí high wöjgB,1 la tilo act 0( ai Hilly by -ivh,). g4v a,way his c; k; anl th,en cii?.s ;o it. A m irket overwtockéd witJÜIabx', and an rumpie :niinini'i-,ition xo eadli. labarer, 'i ! ji ■ ■ t s pecíectvy incompatible wtth eacih other. Ia the aaoat i 'i' ui;d , iOy i . ■', ■ i'xi.sin;! ÍJDgBtÜlr '■'■ ; ;:.ii 1 t ) coa,ple -Jn. on cven ín ímagínation betnaya a groas tgaorance o; tke elmpleat )i : oí pollti iiy.' No", Ji ■ hiaids, eajn ííxts i.i -oi.nii -, i ii L.fty be ovei'com'Q excop't íor a sliort !, by ajy arti'ácii-l jiieitods wfliiteve'. Priovídteg laboj1 ooit otf th.: iu ;i ! )iui Ls wi Inoi do t. B.istng tha p:-ice oi labor by; antoia or OOmpiIilsiiíMl Will 31it effect It. j;,'-í eaeh. mían th.rce acres and a c wfcl mot aeeomplfcín, it, uniese ve are preparad tu glve tlw aa me to hte chi.;il ( :i. and h'-.i clii'idren's ehüdren nd luiiüiituun, which ií an ímpO38ifblity. A.nd whatever piorsperlty we possess exista i.i spite of t'he liaw and methode l'Jke thrsae, i 1 :i u, choougb tlieiii" nssiwt anee. To thOvSe who' dfeun viuit the siitod'h'isiioa 0,1 land, so that each man mil!ht luave a sbar.'e, woaíd ba a pa macea paveriy, ]i.; Sastances CliSna, "alKuit ci!g;'ht r territo:"}- o.í France ?" Wihera vlu.s netlio,l has b'ea carrOad o;mt :, .:■ on a gigiantic scaie. Propenty ín laúd has bcen di'vided int very moderate, pareéis, by th3 Eniecossire , t'.íbutiou o.f the possessioms oí t-very ) Sather (qually amoag hfa so,ns . . ' . . . ínom the geiaoiwl prevalence ■of eariy manílageB thlB is n,ot o.íten Sncreased by colla teral bucccsíSjíi. "l'liest' causes tend to level wealMi, aiul iev succesd t: sueti. an o.f i-t ai3 %o mnla? tliMn indepiaulent oi any effosJts of th,3tl.-: on HO'" its i-aerease." Vet the Jesuït Premauie, vriting ü.jaie to aaotíhe' Jeeuilt, eays : "I w-fcl teil j-oa a jlaet ■wihich: may a-pIjear to' b3 a paradas, bu ti te aevertteSeas strictly tme. It ík, that t'lie riahöst aaü nnoat ilcmc-t-lhiua; empipe oí the woraö is noSwitbstaiKÍin-, in ane sense, mIlj most misratoe oi all. Tíls eOiimtry, however extensivo un,d tertiïe it may be, is not sraCflcieDit suppoi"t its imliabitants. l"ui' tittnea as much.terTito.ry would tueoesatairy ïj place thean at theiir ■se. . . . Extreme misery impels peopte to the moat cri'eadtal cxcesaes. . . . Mb-thfirs destroy or fxpofee rnany o.f theii" child'i'en. . . i'aionts ix'A dauhtera jar a tiiile. . . . The labore aad efforts oí these peopte are beyonwl coniceptiom. A öhinasc wild iass whole la; ys in diggi'ng tllie eai'th, atnetiines ap to hiis kaaos ia walter, audi in the ervaning fe happy tia nat a aman spiooniSul of rice, and to drink. 'the insipid' wetèr in wlhicli it was boiletd.'' Ham a a APe is c"haap, indusfa-y univep&al, and' thriít so ubrong, -bliat tlie '■hiñese immigrante are the dread of era.y potopie amomg who-m tliiey Betble. BuC eai'ly marriaas and the general absence of maral Vestraint combine, w-ith causea nentioned, to poess popujation beyond th.e iSmits of subsistence. Henee t'hei.' numiefro'us rotuperies, infanticides ia nniies and epidemics ; aud yet tlhese tfliecks are aO'b fo'and sufficient tio repress the siiperEecuiniity ot the Whfce Ifialthus lield thiat amy postflve taw lianitinfe tte age ; marriage ■wouM be uinjust and imiao'i'lal, lue considered tihnt any direct encouragemeint to mat"im:CHny must of necesslty l poiiHictouts in ltö offects, becaTise, "Tlhe natural tendency to mar. Hage ia ia every co'uiatry so grea, t.'lnait, ivltjhout any cncouü-ageimieint wlhMever, a. po.rper place íor a víK alvvay be iilled up. &uclh ontoamgement, thsrefare, must either be perfect duinfüle, o.r produce a mianr'lage wUiere there is ma-t a propeu pLace S:" oae, and flic consequence muist neceseiarily bc íncreíised pio.verty aaid mopttoïtiy." Sir Geoirge Sitaniboïi ibimd the :-ioe of ihl0'" everyiwüiiere a,s isanall a I)i:poprtioji to tlie rate damianded ïor pcKïvfeloaifi as thi3 peopCe -:i naMesr, na matber wlia.t eoompanj lie adopted. ', oaya .ia;t.;ms. --Tiu' eiüfeet af f'h" anoowinafee.meffits tio marriage n H'Ih' ik ii is to keep the i'ew'.-iï'di (i ja"bor-' BiS 1CW aS l s-i:.!llr, .Til COB83qiuiitiliy toet preiss them Öoiwn to) tüie fubjecit di plovertiy." In ooiniieotiljn M-itlii oa: "j,v nuarrlagefi it. is t. ) 1) ■ obsaövtid t,iuit tlieyj a,fe nlas proiii!-, ]■■ a,:i 1 a".' luírriVji'o moei inst:uime)ntia.l in patadmclng paverty, Blad a n áiiorease oí ju nrtaSty. A h.'feli htrbh-catbe aml a high death nate act and. re-act apiola eaoli ortJier. it hiae appeared inkleed cJearly in the eourse oí thfe vonk," says the authioi", "that ia a;ll old states the nwrifliagee and bi'rtto dopend 'Jy t)hi3 daatöis, and th.vo' ïa ao 1tDiei0fa':;ugdaw'nt. tlO ■■iirvy uaioiw ko ]v:ifufi as a, great mcwtlalüty. To et CiOnfifetently, tüi;.-ijüTo," he Ba.rc:is('i-aiiy remartoa t wio adwaoa.te ';ir,y raarrtiagiee, "we itonld üüaU', imstend oi fooUsbly and Malnöy emdeavwiing t imperte, the "P'nrtJijiïN o; n.ituTf itipro:lu Ing Ulij jiim tialóty, ; aiwl il we dread tbe too i'reqii lat fetaftioin of th; ho ri 1 Iorm6 off deeiti .i : i ,■..],:■ i n , o nnj) & naBui ■ to use. . . . I; by aad tur meaos vii x aaaua] m i)."talliy ano' e I .ryj.iil in 36 ar 40; 1Í 1 in 18 er 20, we mLg!bit pTObuij; ( h y 1 1 , ! ■ , -,i - m unry at : ,i ■ age of p-.iii ■ ty, Bad yet pew 1) aba üately ved. "If, li.'iwi'vc:-, we ;i:i marry at thL . and yiït Bttl .oontioias onnr exer. Ie -010)2 operajbioias oí oatus, we ni y paai ta tü i ta vuin. Nature vl;i niJib, aar eannrat, fe de5eiateï In ii.r pu']): es. The &e eseary miCftat it.y m,;i.-i oaime Sa some iioi'm uaio:tltier ; aiad tlic e i ■ .' o'iie dSUease wj2 oüly ba ttie nigraai I i lili th oí; amiO'üher perhape ni.ore f;i I Tlie miOBt geaenaii and iuuwt power ■ji; o:.' oor deciros, aíter tíhiat of food. iiL ins-i-j.i ïi.'tw.'cn ï'.i ■ sexes. Thls ís a.s matacal nnd aeoessary tia lío: mor. The a.utli.oir exp tïates M'ith piO'etSta iecvKr oi tlia boauity and hap , ma j v:', ,-ukI ite poiweï tn sovtenjing evi; paastops. He puints out the! paaato'Ji ini man Ia in 't BC 1:-ul .1 : ;is GrOdwiia -wliuld lh,ave it tJ' be, alma tlhiatl iit Ia "the ymkneijry oï piraoat th:t v;v;(-;iy, Che Tio'jupt-uiüus saítaiess oí tehnip sr, the Kiouate kLndiie.sH cl feelSu?, vlie hntig-i'ntiti'Oii and tllie wtt oj fv womae, wihiWh excites tibe passJioji oí jü.vie, arnid ïnDit tlhia mana dli'.stinctiO'n. of tier btJ:i'-; e jumiaie." And MalthfflEj "tivit ie is a;n 'ij'st af the tteat the öartli HtuauM be repümfsftied," wiaa al apindou tlha il iliw pas#3i wère vssry aonsMeratoCly diinlJiii.s'li'ed, t'inat object woviüd ;ail o-t acoottnjp_f) Ibmeiit. Oai the su'biect aíchiastfy hie argües ítoat Sta eaiman't bj Mi'Olatacl withiout prödtocing peTSCouaá aaid social ovil, umd tto:vt piwinfeaoras intefrooorse ■Vftoutjd be xiüinitely wwnse Ukui ea-rly nilai-riiag-ctí. DesirirJg tiiiat thö ear: yeairs al lite iJhaakl uiot ba spi.'iu trt Save, tliotiig'h without -the ii.l gi'a'ti:Ue.a;cioia oí it, li3 patota out : 'I! tüiie ciuistiam ai mot miai-ryjiiig eaiMy p:evïAis geoenally, uil tí violations of tibutótüty wrO equaOy (TLshoaiova'bje ín bjtti bkeös, a nii-e. familiar and f:ï.d.y into"e-üWis-e between them mgihrt pCiaoe withuub dnuger," ;mi:l tu ttoe Jata-ne advantasc ivnd toenaaeed hiaippiuescs af bO'ü;i. (Wc regiret to have insb space to pursiie our aut'hiO'r iiarüiar, but ve t.ust eaonigia luas baan naAH to txoae-Tate hÁ'in fnoah popuiír charges, amd to -wttneit tl puibCAc app-atite, to reaid ior itweji. We kinfow oí no boojli Wlbfbta wijl botten pay ;ot thO'ughtïul pcruspl. Füt tinj wffiter boldly sweeps asi'de thie. sapluisbries oí his ithne amd thie etaijaAani'-T S politáfiaans, a-nd giJas jor (Upectioq to Ivature amd íacts, tfbo &3"atwa oi fe-M kmo'Wledgie. He obsei:-res, ais 'ive ■vrjouad oínserve to tibia var4ouB eímipi'iics oí our 6a y : "T(hi& comsta-ney oí tibie la.vs of matu, man oí effeets aand oauses, is tiho fO'UiidHAioii oí a'.l biumiam fcnowledge." Tlie social evils ■Bhlat ftfíect us aire oí aor mvo making, because WAey extet oaily loi sex faj" as rwe otatsaige natuffiaO laAvS. Tltue eum ■oí üimna.a miseiy is miatoy attrtbnih tabile to want. Vi-rtue iteaM dies wOnen su'bjootied to tbe pwtnafited ordeal of equalM aimd lnopeless povertiy. And (tibios tbiara Ís no: device under tlhe san w.Uerelby we. may be eaved, except fchpo ng.U the miortal aind pi'udetati'a} restraint oí 0ur eexuai pasái'one.


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