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The Comers And Goers

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Mr. ,aad Mrs. A. B. Mmnmeiryi are Ln Batrtfle Oreek. Misa Louisa D. G-K-cs is visiting i'elntives ia Detroit. Dr. D. A. McLacllifan was up prom Detroit Batrarttoy. Jlrs. Hannali E. NeaJ and son TUn liavc returaed home. Jomotihan Simague lias gone lo PlTniou,th.t.o vislt frtnd. ■Miss XeOlie Surles of Ceatralva, BI., Ís Tisitinig ab J. K. Sago's. Patlroünaa O'Ma'ra. ils takia bis anjiniuai vacatilon thíte -n-eeik . &TiS! Sytbi: Petit-ee, ai Packaj:-d Bt., Is visitSing {rienids in. CBucagO'. - Miss &aira Woedon was a guost "Of DetdrLt frionds laist week. ,51 r. aad Mis. Eugeae Hutiscteí have retanned fnoan. tbAtr wedding trip . S. A. Miaran has beoni 'm ObiicagSo onl biis'lniess darüiig ttto past week. Dr. and ifrs. P. C. Freer lua'vei beovn at Peasamlt LakO duriag the week. aflas Molly Oarsteas o'f Ohicago, is th.s g-uest? of Anni AnrtX? frLendsJAss't Pwsccutibg Attoniay Mrray ivas 3a Sa;iiii5 gaün oreri SunProf. E. F. Jo'hinsonj ïeit foi' a hort ti-2p to hÜ3 fiiPra üm Ohio Priday. Miss Mary Bell wlio has beeni vMting iin Cleveland, Oh.:.'o, lias retunied lióme. JIi's. A. E. Tobey, cft Oa.'ifornia, is a gnest at Itev. CadweCU's, on Ohurch sforeét. Eev. Htmy Totock arrïved lnome Saturday mamüig' írom litó Btay ín the east. ) I Misö Ca.rrie Brilyben, wkï luad been Yiiii'tïng lier Indine liere, has reburned JacbstQ. Jffee Maiy DuEfy Jefti wj öattuday ïast far kep sohicail dutites üa cock, U. P. Mfcs Weibel Sawyer, of BarmJngton, has retuwied home after vüsübüag fr3end!3 bare. Getrge Jfama,, fl Detroit, Vras vh.e g-ueet oí lj,va sister Mrs. Rice A. Beai, over Suuday. WaJüajce Palmer a.uU Jok Ball have t)Eai r-hceCflng aroumd DetjrO'Jt jo-r eevenal daiye past. Mts. A. L. FjaggJias retunn,ed lioine alter a four weülos vteiib wilth. irieads vi Grand Haven. PjxxI. aiid JIrs. J. E. EeSg'lLaTd htuve moived fxcin N. Th,ayer Bt. to 49 'SVasliteaa'w ave. Ifilss May Coitey espects to atténld the Kiilndergarten Oo'jlege fn Ohlicaga tiails Tvüa'ter, Mr. and Mra. J. Fred Btaebper aaid daugftiter Cjara, vLsi'bed fri'eads ia SaVine over Sunday. Dr. Oaxl' C. "Wordeoj lept yestcrday for NasUviUe, Tenju., wliere he Wlll ïïocate per-ma ïnjtttly. Miss Annde Eabiuson ha,8 l'&tunied from lier snmmer's stay with frieaids 'u Phila.delphia, Pa. Mrs. HaU and daufftuter Florence, of OhicagiO', have ïeated Miss 'w hiouse on MouiroC' st. Mrg. IWodgett, of Monroe, has beeu Ti;-iijtúng Jier motlier, Mira. Amsdcu for a few d'ay oa Mi. Pernéela, of Gibsombuj'K, Ohio, U in. tilie city Bettiug Her two Amsiitere ioicafced in school. Mre. M. J. Mi.tcfliel'l oí B. Divisioi st., :,s vírt'tilng friendo íu B-i-antfoTd, Ont., Jos a few weelis. Mr. and Mi. Wsk N1. Brown and iamiiy have retuniedi from Lheir Btuntaer home a.t Eik Rapids. Mrs. E. F. Benbam, was caüedl to Wajinie Mondiay, hy th.e ianass of lier daugkter Mrs. Parsliail. Mrs. NettAe Dratoe and eister Miss Iva Gvegig are ia th.e ci'by. vil'sUiiig theix mot'her da Fauiitarii Bt. Miss Oto.i'liottc Walker -who was Vhe guest of relat&TOa la Dstnoit ftis-t week, lias retunned liomo. -Mr. and Mns. Oiicü-tiian Braun who beeu vJsUtniLÍ írioiinlts in öraiul BapSde, Üave retunned koine. Mns. TaWaak rebcrned jrojn the mst Jreeteirday, aat i-emaunne a.way as "JUag as Blie intouded. , Mre. James E. V'SSA and daugtilber Mre. Arthur Hopper, of Aipeaa, are iUli8 of rejatüves Sai Aan Arbor. MÚ3B Ga.-a Albor bias &onfi tO Dollarville, wluere sho lias a piasitdtö as TbtO'tfekeeper ío a iumber íirm. Br. E. D. Brociks lias 1'emo.TCdi o t!h.e luoiiise he recenltly purcUiased of Aid. Arthur Browa op, N. Ing-adls Bt. Míse Can-fe Watts, of E. Mborfay st., bas been eiutertaiiiing Mre. Ida, Cadwe31, o f Adrflan duriiug th past we&k. Mir. W. H. Gasitja, whl3'. was TÍbiitSng hr sfoteJ Miss Xich-ots, on ilonro.e st., has returoied. liioms to Corúas na. Gco:ge Hayjer, o: Van Wert, O., leea visiting tilne lióme oí liis laírni.s on S. Iiiiaïls Bt., fot a1 íew 4a yp. , ifiae Lucy "IC. GjIk; í-etaraed ve ker KflwJ'tíi; íuties Saiii-day. 848 WiU resJldic at 50 Wasia.tijiiaw ave. ■winter. Mr. and Mrs. W. Beimott gav a (l'cj-yiitfiil whiiö p;vty to a oamiber oí thür fntendla las Frfdaj ovcníing. ■ . Atkim A. JlO'utjj o",iD pt., ■ñas returncil lióme irom a risdt witü íiioirjas m Milwau,keo and other wo.stam citi.cs. O33vr L. Davte of Howeil, doputy probate regter oí Livitogsto-mcounity VfeUted Ana ArbDi" iriaiids tto i-ast, of the week. Mns. J'C(ha W. Bemaobt of S. ThajxT st., gave a veíyi pjeasoat tiüinbie party to liar 3a,dy tríamete Monday aiterüopn. iMr. add Mrs. Chiarjes Woiolcö-tlt and il aster BaïptL, of Amin Arbor, u-e, vtaiitiuiig re3attveö and irianxia befe. - Mila-U Ijöador. Miss Moni Tucksr whO has been in New ToTJt tihO euniinier, lias gione to Howell to tieacti ia the pub;ic sdhlotfls. Hloio. Heavy N. Löud, ai Au Sable, tn.e io'onde:1 01 tïne Wes-leyan GuUd lectuirc oo-uiree iO'uadlatú was to iiw city o-ver Sunday. Mrs. B. W. Beatos ?ava a neiglhtlxilu.iod vestouent toa. 2ast Thursday eveaing to aHwut 25 ueig)Ètoorin Episcopad ladies. J. Vtoltomd and daugtlïtwc Miss lilïfe Jlay, Have reoniDved frotu Thiompson st., to' thtó cornOT of Oatlliarilne aind N. Ingialls s'te. 'Mis. M. Hejidry, j)f E. Ana BÍ, &ad Oauglhiter Mss Betfle, have veturned fnain Oakvitle, Oat., Avtoáre iliey have ■beed ío;r eeverai weeks. Mise Maiic Goodman, -who liad becu tte gmeSt of Mrs. Harrison Boule ioaa timie returned to hier home ia Westport, Mo., Frfday. Saja Kinne rotuniad froni liiis nijver ruines in. öojor&do, Friday. Wtiiite lie it there lie Bays wlieat te the ■bettor stutf tJ owa ft&w. Free to tiie Oo-aaty ' Vaür ! Kwry pei-oia pa-lug $1 in advance yor one yeair's Ocarfer wia reeed ve a vioket tQ) t'ne Ooninty Fa4.-, Pree o cost. CSltiy Treasurer E. L,. Bryiter roide h.Ls Whieeï t3, SCLifti hyam öaturday to remaba over Sanday wi'th, Hts wilie and eliödircn wIiij' are Vtel'tflng tliöre. Miss Aübie A. Pond returned biotat to Amn ArlXiT ï'rid'aiy fi-oaiv 6tay on tine Pacific cciast and witai friendS in ilt. Ceanrins asid petroit. 'Pk;, and Mrs. J. B. Jctunsoai, of X. Uru'lvüi'siitiy are., have bea cntc.'ta.mSns Miisses Jeiuiie and Raititie Eddy, I of lífehigan Citiy, Iad., dwing ïtae week. Peter Dignan, Ji Jacbsonvüle, Fia., acciompanitóU by biSi wille and ch.ild, ara :ia ttuei cïty visiting his old ketma und tonnen iriund--?. Mi-. ïürnaii lnas fiouiwl beaitli anid happiuetss Uciwn south,, anid báa maruyi cdd SiAeods liere are rejoiiced to greet hilan, üiiiou agaaa. Judge Nerwkl-k aiiid takaSJy. are uv ïesiücnltis Cxi Aran Arbor, wibere vhey have pwciüased a boauíiiJ.VJ ïnie. B-y tbie remt val Dextei' loises nE) of ite best aenJ mo!SD pirogireesïve citl. i: -. Tlucy ta'ke w.ilthi theuij the best i ii bart et frteiads. - Ix-aidor. Míb. J. ! Leüaipx} etiairted frotniiher paira ■ in. Siiaii'O'ii, on Mondlay o- 'jast w.adk. KSrkwood!, Mo., lo JjCUi hl3" lDHS"bLUtt(l!, WjDO' í,3 V3SLCÍ waa accoimpapiifod toy . ILeUaaucfs broUlior T)iad., oí Bnif ify, whiO' is a i;r.adusaiti3 ií tina IVart. mal and weat thoro üo accept a pf ■ s'itSioia toi teachL. Cusas. W. Wiagiaer ama i'innijy did íatemd to come hiome }rom Wequ.etons'ng 3ast weak, bu,t wlilaii tlia ivoí wave etiu,ck tilxis oauabry, lia conojuded ta remiaia anollhisr week where it. was oaol aad pleasant. 'óeasible cioinc'ju,sioni. Ttore are otherS' Who were ïMrt so. wise. A. A. Pearson, citji editor of tüic Daiyy Timas, arrivedí lioine rom Baropc S-Uiiiiday n'-ght. He wotrid have crea te J as gveat a Bemeat-Ou as Paderewsbi liad he appcared tio !us írierwls wU Uie gro-svth of whlfikere he ralsed du.ving hLsf oreiga Ijour. But abe Pader. he had tlie.m. cu,t offl Searetary .Taia?s H. Wade recetved a Setter irjuij PreöideaLt Angelí Fi-i.d'ar Jarit, lm wli.tu! ha saya : lfWe wex goby iro':n, i'arLs to Ocas'Uantinüipl'e beca use oí waslh.oute oa tüie roads. Bo we wemt ïrom Manatíes by öhJps. Om. toe -vay we were muiiiL ia otue cj-mp:i.n(r oit a Brltlistti pri'ace and' hia tiww ulsters, h.v were very a-gTeeaWe."


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Ann Arbor Courier