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Who Pays The Tariff?

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n: , r i muis is tUal i lio AmeriOnn roas, always pays thfciamouiri oï iiieiaïiff wliieh we inipóse upon fèreign gooiis tha1 wc import. Timia and again, on the e.vidence ot Eorèigneré titéiaselves, tius has b'eei n-'m i-.l. Only a couple of weeks aso we showefl that it was paid, a far as our imports of üritis'.i woolen goods are concerned by tlic wage earner in Jïradford. Now we hare anóther iiistance. A manufacturen of cllnical thermometers in Lontion wrote to liis New York correspondente, on August 21, 1897, as folloivs : "Ton wBl, of course, notk-e that I have reduced the prlce of elinical thermometers, so that notwithstanding the Inerëased American duty they wlll not cost you any more to import them. I have done this to meet the Increased duty lately imposeil on my goods and to prevent orders fallioig off and to enable you o supply at the old prices, as you must not increase them, and the prices charged you are etrictly net. Tliis, I feel sure. you will appreciate, and no one has such low irices as you hare." A copy of thls letter can be neen a1 the office of The American Protectlve Tariff League. We should like to hear from ali freo trade editors conceruing the letter of Mr. Hicks. Doubtless thpir theories -vould dlfler from nis business experience, but we are inclined to believe that they will agree with us that this is a ease where their silence is golden, where theix silence is golden.- N. Y. Tribune. Michigan 's Day at the Nashville Exxisition will be Monday, Oct. 6. This state did not appropriate anything for an exhibit, hut the management of the afluir lias heaped a few coals of fire by )eing generous to the state nevertheless. The atternpts to bulldoze aDd intimidate the reporters of the Detroit papers at Shepherd and Mt. Pleasant, who are at those places reporting the investigaron iuto the deatli of Cashier Struble, are prettv bad signs. It looks as though Jiere was something rotten, that could not be subjeeted to public inspection. "The benefit of protection goes first and last to the men who earn their bread by the eweat of their faces. The auspicious and momentous result is that never before in the history of the world has comfort been enjoyed, education aequired and iudependence secured by so large a majority of the total population as the United States of America."- James G. Blaine. "With the Mexican dollar worth only 40 cents, the lot of the worklngman in that country does uot oompare favorably with ïhat rjf our own workman. Skilled workmen iu Mexico get less than one-half the wages paid in this country and get that in "dollars" worth only 40 cents, thus reducing the real earnings to about one-fifth that of our own ■workmen.- Stcckbridge Sun. Tlie Michigan Farmer has beeu lookng iuto the coudition of the wool mareet, and although there has been a marked improvement this year, tlie outook is still more gratifying to those interested iu tlie sneep, industry, in fact remarkable. Couipariiig the price of the present time with those of 1896, tlie lifference on fine wools is sliown to be rom four to five cents ; on half blcod vo to three cents, and on coarse from one to two cents, or a general advance all along tlie line. For instauce Michgan delaine was worth last year 18 to 19, this year 22 to 2-t ; Michigan x last year 15 cents, this year 19 to 20 ; Michigan fine, uuwashed, last year 10 to 11, this year H to 15, etc. The Courier is ahvays in sympathy with people who are oppressed, but it does not believe that the mob thal the sheriff met at Lattimer, Pa., was out on iniission of peace. The boast had been nade that tliey would compel certain oinera to qnit work, and were en route to do so. The sheriff was notified and resisted. Had the sheriff and the leputies been killed instead of the mob, there would have been rejoicing in inauy quartew, where there is now grumbliug and írroanin;. All the facts will come out, and tlien justice can be given upon the merita of the case. While worknien should not be oppressed, they in turn should not oppress or intimídate others. This country is oue of mutual bearance and forbearance. The rich and poor are alike equal onder its beneficent provisions.


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Ann Arbor Courier