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Interchangeable Milage Tickets - A new fanm tff Tlho.usíuMl-'Mile Ticket, the vesTilt ái c&reful cotosideratliao and dfecussiöm beöweea ttie vailro'ad aawl fcheiir principal patriotas, will be placed om 8ale September lat, at all ímrfo'itnnt Miclhiigan Centrad' ticket offices. The ticket is eoW ia $30, ■svith a rebate tcx the p-uirchaser o'f $10, tv toom used up in cocnpliimce vita tts canditi'o'na and is accepted on all the lhies in the Central Passenger Assaciatio'n., forty-five ín numtoer and coverfog a. vast exteat ovf country. Nü máleage bo'ok hfts yet beea devfsod so accepfcabile to' all parties co.ncernd and eo' advanfcageoius to the haldei'. Every ofci'3 vlo ?.s likely to travxjl a tjh.cas'ajad mïle in . a yea.r öhoiuid avail tlienifielves oj it, and siho.iiid consult the neai'est Michigan Central ticket agent. 4w. Sehedule of Teachers' Examinations. Tlie regular examinati'o'ns ior all grades will be held at Ann Arbo'r the tlii:d Thursday and Friday oï August 1897, and the last Thursday ■and Friday o'f Ma-roh. 1898. Esaminatiöns ior eecond and third grade at Ypsilantl the third Thursday and Friday of October 1897, and at Aan Arbor the third Thursday and Friday of June 1898. Special cxamlnatioïis few t.hird grade only at Saline the third Friday oï Beptember '97. AV. N. USTER, Oommissdtoiaer. m Ann Arbor Railway Connections - Slnce adopting its new train tschedule, the Ann Arboir Raüroadi makea lmme])kite oonmectlioins wiMi other Unes on iite niorning trains for Monroe, Pontiac, Grand Rapiids, Ionla, Hanistee amd Traverse City ; on lts aftemo-ooi tnains for Pontiiac, Lianslnig. Grand Rapide, Ioniia, Saginaw, Bay City and Fltat. The moming tralns make gaoid' connections for Adulan, Hillsdale, &lanchster, lluekeg-oin, Petoskey, Bay View and Maclcinaw City. S'autilii booiaid tiraims make comnectiona witlh all lines out of Toledo. The boate orosslng Lake Michigan comnect wltih north bound train tihrouf?h Ann Arbor at 8:43 a. m. foir all western and newthwestern palats. Five humdred mile books on salo for $10 ; 1,000 mile famlly books good for 2 years, for $20. E. S. GILMORE, Agt. Take a Lake Tour to Island of Cool Breezes. Go to Mackinac Island, via tlie Coas Line. TheD.&C. new steel passenger steamers leave Toledo, Mondays and Saturdays, 10:30 A. M. and Tuesdays and Tlmrsdays, 4:30 P. M. From Detroit, Mondays and Saturdays, 11 :00 i'. M., Wednesdays and Fridays, 9:30 A. M. Send 2 cents for illustrated pampblet. Addrese A. A. Schantz, G. P. A. Detroit, Mieh. . The öo-uavty Fair dates are Bept. 28, 29, 30, and Oct. lst. Please pasto tíüB in yomir luat. CAN CURE ASTHMA AND HAY FEVER. A Noted Physieian Offers to Prove This to all Sufferers in Ann Arbor Tbe majcwfty of sutferers from Aflthmía .nd kindred oomplatots, af ter trying doctors and mumíberless remedie advertteed as piositlve cures without avall, b.avO etwne to tine conclusión thiac tihere is no Ouire Sor tnds motst dfetressimg disease, and these same persons widl be tlie iaore im doubt and ökeptical wlien tiliey learn through t-he columns of tine presa tliat Dr. Rudolph. ectoüfmiann, the recognized apttuority -wh'O has treated more case of thesis diiseases tüi&n any living doctor, has aflhieved euccess by perfectIng a remedy whliCih not only gives immediate relief ln tbe worst cases, but bas posiifalvely cured tlhousands oí sulferers wbo were conswlered incurable. Toóse Were ]ut as skeptical as soma of our readers now are. Dr. Schlttmanm's remedy no doubfc possesses tb meir-jt wMoh is clalmed for it or ha woiild njot authiorize this paper to anmOTmce tbat Ihe is n,ot only willlng tío ■i-ve free t,o each, person suffering Trom Asöbma, Hay Tver of Broacfod'tis Id tihis city, one liberal "free trial box" of hit Oure1, but urgently re'quests all sufferers to cali at Goodytíar's Drug Store, Ann Arbor, wltlhln tüxe next tihree days and receive a package absolutely free o-f fiarge, kniowlmg ttet iin making tlhe claim be dioes for hls Cure, a atrang doubt muay arfeO In ifJhie minde al many, and tliat a personal test, as hO offers to all, wlll be mioire comTilncing', and prove its merlta, ttoan the publlshin of thonsanda of testímontals from peraoDS Trho bare been permaTiently cured by tbe use of Jiiia Asthma Cure. "Dr. StíhJiffmamn's Asthma Cure," aa Hit te called, has been sold by dnig-gist of thte oltty everstnce lt was firat lntroduced, altbough many persons may nerer have heard of it, and it Ís wlth ft vte-w to reaobln?: thee that he makes thía offer. Thls is certalnly a most genero and f a offer, and all wfoo are eufferítng f rom amy of th abo ve Oomplallnts Bhould remember the dat and place where the dltJilbulion tHH be made, and avall themselves of the same. Persons Uring out of tti-to city who deelre to teelt the efftcacy of thte moet wonderful remedy will receive a package free by wrltlng to Ir. Btehiffmíuin, 880 Roaabel etreet, St. Paul, Minn., proviidimg their letter is received before Oct. 16tlh, as no free samples can be obtalned after that date. LESS THÍN ONE GENT EACH ARáRF HHANfiF FOR subscribers nanL unanuc old and new. 156 FOR $1.50 An arrangement Just made with The Detroit Free Press makes it possible for us to save some moüey for every reader who takes advantage of this opportunlty. We undertake lo furnish THE ANN ARBGR COURIER AND THE TWICe-A-WEEK Detroit Free Press Both ONE YEAR for S1.5O. Ao Twicg-a-Wsek Fres Pres: Is the Best Possiülc Substitute for a Daily Paper. I'ublislied on Tuosday and FridaT Mornings la time to catch the Karly Trains. All the Latest News np to the time of going to pre8S. Complete Markct Iteports in each Isssue. All who cannot get a Daily sliould Subscribe for this Ideal Newspaper The Free Press la offering Premiunn at Special Low Rates to Subseribers, and you can easily save the cost of both papera by takingadvantageof THE MANY BARGAINS OFFEBED. WHITE THEM FOa A SAMPLE COPY. In No üther Way Tan ïou Get A Mnch For S Llttle Jloncy. SUBSCRIBE NOW. DO NOT DELAY. Free Farm Labor Bureau. In order t,o assist the thousands of unemployed raen in Chicago, the Workingme.n's Home, at 42 uustom House Place, has established a Free Labor Bureau, and is prepared to furnish men to farmers and others in all parts of the country without expense to elther. Employers applying should state deflnitely as to the kind of work, wates to be paid, and if railway fare will be advanced. Address, LABOK BnitEAU, WOKKINGMEN'S HOME, _ . 42 Custnm House Place, Tel. Harrison 213. Chicago, 111. BarrelJSalt at Wholesale and Retail. GET OUR PRIGES. DEAN & CO., 44 SOUTH MAIN STREKT 52-3ml7


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