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F. Stoffiet is agaln the agent for the Detroit Tribune. The fluff rug factory lias put ia a new telephone, No. 17G. Miss Clara Lakowsky died AVedneslay last, agecl 20 years, with coneuinption. Charles Zuern has removed his meat market from E. AVasTiington to AV. Hiu-on st. The infant eon of Mr. and Mrs. August Winter, of S. 7th st., (lied Thursday last. Farmers are wanting help' to cut corn, but the professional idler heareth not the cali. Lewis & Merrithew is the name of a new law ILrm haviug their office over Duffy's store. Edward Clark llarsli. oí Detroit, lias aesumed hls dutlea as secretary ol tlio School oí Muele. City Engineer Key is preparing plans for the new additlon to the lire department building. A lew dollars invested in palnt by honseholders is oíten a great beautifier for a city or town. The Board oí' Supervisors oí AVashtenaw coiuity wtll coinvene Ín annual ession oüi ilonday next, O&t. í. The 12th annuíil reunilon of the lltli Michigan Cavah-y will be held at Quine y .AVednesday, Oct. 13 th. The first issue oL the High School Breeze came out Thursday last. Didn't you ieel it fan yooir chaek ? The sham battle and drill at the Fair Grounds Friday will be a sceiie every one will desiiro tO' witness. ■ i Rev. J. T. Sunderland went to Saratoga, N. Y., l'asb Thursday, where lie read a paper befove the Natioaial UJiitarian Conference. The Delta Gamma are now living on AViilmoit st. E. F. Mills & Co. íoiw have a telepluone, Na. 117. Phi Rho Sigma, is the name of a ■new medie, fraternity. Acting President Harry B. Hutchins has put in a telephone, No. 22. The Sigma Chi's have removed írom YoVland st. to Church st., No 011. Kansas City, Mo., will be represented in the Univereity tfliis year by 18 students. Télepboae No. 62, 3' rings, calis up Supt. Mills' oifice at the fair grovunds. Dr. Ryan, the new presiding eider oí Aon Arbor district, will makè thig city his residence. Geoi-ge Dengler was raised to the sublime degree al a Maater Masón by Golden Rule Lodge last Thursday evening. Accoxdiing to the Jewish Calendar Momday was New Years, the first day of the year 5658, bat there was no eelebratkra here. All the business honses oí the city will close on Friday afternoon to give everyone a chance to g-o to the county fair. The little three weeks old daughnter of Mr. and Mm. John Fullerton, of Wall st., Northside, weighs only a poiuid and a half. There is but llttlei difference now twixt the length of the days and niglits, but the evenings are a lieap longer than they were. Librarían Vanee says t liat the law depsurtmemt will have more students tha.n ever before. And the i-ooan is ■not too plentiful, either. The October term oï the circuit court for the connty of Washtemnw -vviil coevne oii Monday next. The jury is ca-lled for Tuesday. Tho public schools will close to-day to let all the cliildreni have a day at the fair . And we hope that it will be a fair day, all day. Wm. Walen has improved his place at the corner of E. Anu st. and 4th ave., fully 50 per cemt. by removing the feaice from around it. Manager J. C. Heiulerson of the Ann Arbor Organ Co., came near getting quarantincd down in the fever diistricts lasb week. A sliht blaze in au puitbuilding at No. 94- oíd. style- E. Wasbingtoh st. called out the fire department i''riday i. m. LlttlB harm done. The U. of M. Daily will emerge from its chrsyalid state Frlday, and devote its e hrysograpliy for the balance of the year to cürysoffiogy. The circuit court dockefc for October has 2 erkninaj cases, 29 issues of fact, 3 Issues of law, 11 ehancery lst class, 17 chaiu-iTv -ltli class, maktag a total of SI. Th scliioal board has secured a room in t.he Germán M. E. church in w'hich to accominoilate' tho overflow in tlie 2d ward iscliool, and Mis Fannie Van Gieson is to' teacli t3ie same. E. R. Gilday, of Monroe, wïio was once a candidate judge of this circuit, some years agO', has been in the city getting hls daughter iiocated in the University during the past week. The new pastor oif the Germaji M. E. eliurch preached his first discourse last Siuiday morning, to a good sized auidience. His name is Rev. Wm. Jauch, and he comes f rom Mfe WealtJiy, O. The Daily Times snggests thai the $12,000 of sewer bonds ouglit to be taken by oui" citizens. As the banks will pay only 3 per cent., liereafter perhaps the suggestion will be acted upon. Now that the crushed stane has been bui-ied on B. Divitsiou st., 11 the city coumcil can enter into a contraet with Jack Frost not to throw them up a.n'ain in the spring, the job will be a goad oiiie. Ended Is the long varatlon, Joyous time of recreation. Now without, innch jubilatlon, Children turn to education. While their teachers through the nation Waste no time In gratulation. Some regard wlth consternation To return to regulation. Others feel exasperatlon, Thus recalled from dlssipatlon, There is frequent lamen Uition ; Hchool to many fieems vexaUon, Trlbulation, desolation, And acquii ing Information Isn't fun, like osculation, 80, without much exultatlon, They resume tbelr o-.-cnpatton. In a word, the situat on Katlier dampH exhilaration. - (Soraeiville (Mass.) Journal. The Clemente residence on S. State st., h-as just been re-derara teil by Major. The hotels have their busy days now as well as dio the room rentera and room hunters. The Plioenix Singing Society are ou the program for a concert Oct. 11, at Landwehr fraSl. Tlwsre has been 110 trace found oí Mfcs Margaret Hutehinsan after she arrived at Chicago. The University fooit ball team will eomine.nee practice on the home groumls her e this week. Fcutiac senda a delega t ion oí 17 students to the University, oí whom six are co-eds and, eileven boys. The new State Telephone Excha-nge will be located over Hinsey & Seabolt's store, on E. Washington stieet. A gasoUime store "acting up" at Mie home of F. Karzuck on Felch st. Monda y p. m., called out the fiire dcpar'tmemlt. Secoind Lieut. Herman O. AVadters has tendered nis resignación to Company A, and his place will be filled at tho January election. Chas. F. Watktoe, last year's coach for the U. of M. base ball team has arrived in the city. His moither aceompanies him for the winter. Dr. Stairite5' has returned from Euroipe but bis wife aind daughter wiil remain for a year. They enjoyed the Wagner Festival at Baireuth. Was'htenaw county tax payers will haw to pay the state $66,760.59 thirf year. But iiralikO many other counties it oiwes the) state nothing. The directora af the Ann Arbor & Ypsïlanti street railway met in Ypsilanti Saturday and ordered the interest paid on their botnds Oit. lst. Tim Burtoii of Jackson, fainted in an Ann Arbor saloon and although every expedient was tried, didn't come to uintil asked if he'd take a drmk.- ReJíated by the Grass Iake News man. Jast previous to hls leaving for Ana Arbor the bar of Hillsdale county gave Judge Víctor H. Lañe a fare■vell reception, at the home oí James 5. Galloway. It was a pleasnnt and enjoyable affair. Profs. Frank Booirnes and Dean Worcestr have the leadlng article in Che cui-rent number oí The Coamopnütan. It is .-ui interesting and flnely Ulustrated deecription oí their trij) tnrottgh the Phlillplne Islands. Dr. Albert ElKiott, ol Montreal, P. Q., Canada, who has been recently appo'jnted Instructor in Pa.thology In the Homeopathie department, is one of the best students i"ii the cast, and a great acquleltion bo the Universi'ty. People having house plants in their Sardons tliat they can spare Woaild do a kind and eharitab'je aot by fïivIng themïo tlio Fruit and Flo'wor MIbsIckd for öue Hoepitals. Leave all piwh ptemts with Mrs. Dr. Lynds, 227 6. State st. A haind cnrgfan on wheeEs with a panorama acechmpaniement- a man to turn the crank and two pretty talr fïii'ls as violinists and hat passers, made some good street music Baturilny, thnt captuired the. street loaf6F8 and idlers. The Bay State Beneficiary Associatie whlch at one time had a arge number oí pcfticy holders biere, has beön dented the priTllege oli doing bnelmesa in MleMgan by State Insurance Commtesioner CamplbeH. Too luucli rwitgo, too little lacome. Evory day- or evenini;, ra Uier- the oecessity for au ordinanee requiring b'.cyele riders to have lanterns on their wheels while ridtog at nlght, becomes more more apparent. li 'm almost dangerous to be out on some of our streöts after dark. If it had not lieen far the Uwnys alert ear of Sheriff Judson, there would have been a jail delívery last Wedinesday evening. Two prisoner nogues had cut off ome or two Of the Irton bars and needed to do n, little more, but were caught just in time. 1 The excellent course af the Y. M. C. A., and the opportunity to reserve seats for the entire course, makes the Salo of ticketa better than ever before. People are seldom given so much entertainment for so little money. Do-n't deilay buying your tlckdta until itis too; late, and then kick yourself foi' the neglect. Ly&ll S. Nichols, son of Mrs. Flora Ij. Niehote, of G15 Churcli st., ilied on Friday lnet, Sept. 24, at Plttsburgh, Pa., with typhoid lever, after a long eontiaued illness. The remains were broxight to liis mother's home in this city. where services were lieUl Suoday ]). m., conducted by Kev. Henry Tatïock. The deceased was 19 years oíd and a general favorito with his eompanions hero, who grieve over his u-ntimely and sad doulh. Tbe pollt'cian ofti-u hath Mu ;ti troublt ere Iip wins the race, And BOroetUntfl works hlmself to death In stekiUK for nu ensy place. The new telephone company is doing jmst what all telephone eompanies ought to da in cities, laying vheir wfree underground in a conduit. A hose cart, 600 feet o( hose wad necessary Chemicals have been placed on the fair grounds, with, firemen in öharge to look o uit for aoy eonflagratiom tliat may be started. A. E. Miunmery at hls Washington street drug store has au abnormal hon comb that h says he ordered to comb City Editor Pearson's foreign whiskers with. As Mrs. Zeitz wi.l be u.nable to carry on her Sïhwol of Mus ie work -Jui year, a di-stingui-ttoed ar tiste wi 1 take hier pla.ce. On recommendation of Proí Jomas the Board !kis engaged FrattHteln Elsa vom Grave, a gradúate oí tbe Munich Conserratory. EiLgene Helber tliough somewhat fllsappointEd in orne way has been made happy in another. Ilis horse "Flashligbt" -wem the free for all tro-ttlng race at Adrián Saturday, maktng 2:20 in the Tast hat with two tengthn to spare in pnsinï the line. The idea is being agltated to uitllizi AVliitmore Lake íor a two-mlle course. and so inaugúrate a boating crew hre In the UnlTerelty. The cycle pa tl) lun.s m.iile the idea posslible. If ifc should be dotie tlie Ann Albor R. R. will tto doubt put on a train between tihese two places . Thie coaigregatioin of St. Andrew's Episcopal churc'n will hold receptions Thursday. Frlday andSaturday evenimgs, at Harris Hall, froon 8 to 10 o'clock, to meet the new members of that church, who have moved to Ann Arbor recently, together with the students who are in the city. The aldermen whoi vlslted the proposed city park last. Friday, resolved mot to make aaiy recommendation to tbe council in regard to purchasing the same. There is no dombt but tliat the park wotild be a fine thing, but to get out of debt just now woiiM be far more satisfactory to the taxpayers. Edward A. Cadieux the State iitreet barber, died quite suddenüy Monday night, after an illness extendfing over a few days only. He was a member oí the Maecabees, Forestovs. Royal Neighbors and Modern "Woodmen, and ca.rried some !?8,000 or $10,000 life insuranpe. He leaves a wi'e aad oiie child, a daughrter. Jay Fox, one of the best students in our schools, is establishing himself as a tutor, and can be found ati 901 Forest ave. Any young man or young lady who employs Mr. Fox will secure the services of an earnest, progreeeive, consclentious student and teacher. Any young man who will help himself to an educatiou as Mr. Fox is doing, is deserving Cf great praüse. Tho regente hare done a xevy wisc tfhin-g in eiecflng Dr. Kinyon of Rock Mand, 111., to tlie chair of Genaecolögy and Obstetrics in the Homeopathie departmant, and his acceptance is certainly fortúnate for the school. He is one of the most prominent Homeopathie physieians in the United States, and his presence here in the faculty will go far toward streegüieiiing and building it up. The Homeopathie department, whii'h is harmooious in lts working force, has some very bright and active men In lts faculty. Dr. HLnsdale, the dean. is one of the foremosft, and rlght by his sida will be fo'imd Dr. Copeland, secretary, who knows a good deal about medicine and considerable about diplomacy ,-ind statecraft as well. Then. too. the department is working in entire harmoiiy, and the school will prosper as a consequence.


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