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I ■ IT'S INJURIO US TO STOP S UDTpv =y TV Y a fip DENLY and don't be imposed upon IB (i 1 1 ÍM by buying a remedy that requives you II II II f j to do so, as ü is nothing more than a ü= JS A JX substitute. In the sudden stoppage T_ of tobáceo you must have ome stimfi )% ulant, and in most all cases, the ef(l )f K fect f lhe símu'aní be it opium, J 11. morphine, or other opiaies, leaves a IMBHBMHM -Pst o Ji , iij i tí rthí ) f "! - tracted. Ask your drvqqisl about BACO CL'EO. It is purely vegetable. You do nrtt hfivp In sniï ?g tobáceo with ItACO-CUltO. i wtii notify you when to stop and your desirefm wiüeease. Your system will be as f ree f rom nicotine as the day before you tooh yourfirstchew or smoke. An iron ciad written guarantee to absolutely cure 'the tobáceo habit in all its forms, or money refunded. Price 1.00 per box or S boxes (80 days treatment and guarante'ed cure), S'J.50. For sale by all druggüt or will be sent by mail upon receipt of price. SEND SIX TWO CENT STAMPS FOR SAMPLE BOX. ' fíooklets and proofs f ree. ' Eureka Chemical &1Ffg Co., ' ia Crosse, Wis. Onice of TilE PION'EEIl P1ÍE3S COSiPANT, C. W. TIons'irK, Supt., St. Paul, Minnesota, Sept. 7, 1894. Eureka Chemical and MTg Co., La Crosse, Wis. Pear sirs- I have been a tobáceo flend for many years. and daring the past two years have 8moJ;ed flfteen to tweiuy cisars rcgularly every day. My whole nervous system became af fected, until my phystcian told me 1 must glve up the use of tobáceo for the time being at least. I trled t'he so-callcd "Keely Curc,'rNo-To-Uac." and varlous othcr remedies, but without succe8s. until I accldenally learned of your "Baco-Curo," Three weeks agoto-day I comineneed uslnir your preparation, and to-day 1 conslder myself completely cured; lam in perfect health, and the horrible craving for tobáceo, which every invetérate smok-er fnlly ap?reoiates. has completely left me. I couslder your "Iiaco Curo" simply wonderf ui, and can ully recommend Ie. Vours truly. C. W. Horniok.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier