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The Comers And Goers

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Prof. Honch has returned home in ill bealth. Dr. F. G. Novyi is horne f rom hij foreign trip. Prof, Dixoin is home agaln irom his Macation trip. Bofbert Hut zei was up irom Detroit over Suiiwlay. Mrs. Martin M. Beaboüt is ia Providemco, B. I. D. C. tiOW-ery ham returaied from his trip to Cliicago. Mrs. C. K. McGeo isspeuding a few days iu Chicago. Dr. Max Winkler h-as returned irom Ctocinnati, Ohio. Mrs. W. F. Stimsoft is visiting relatives in Nashville. Miss Bertha Schaixer has returned to her home in Saline. Pro. Waite whoepent his va(;ation in Chicago, is home again. Jlr. aaid Mrs. AVm. Goodyear have retuxned home from Detroit. Mrs. Wm. Candóla returns irom ■her visit in thie north to-day. Dr. Yutzy, who has been in Chicago for a niontlh is back home. Dr. Herbert J. Burke was wibh his brother in Detroit over Su.nday. Mifis Beckwith, oí E. University ave., is in Detroit; for the week. A. B. Smith, öf the Hilan Leader and family are in the city to-day. Kev. Fr. E. D. Keïly was a ftuest of Ka'lamazoo friends over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Oiuas. F. Dietas, of Chicago, are guests oí his parents. Mfcs Muttie Bowdlsh is home from a six week's vacatiom at Charlevoix. Prof. Stanley director of the School of Music, etc., has airrived lome from Jiarope Mrs. E. K. Frueauff, of Owosso, is the 'gaest of her matJier Mrs. Bophia Hutzel. The Misses Burt of Sagtaaw, have been guests of Ann Arbor friemds durtng tüio week. A'W. George Ij. Moore went to Detroit Saturday to vïsit retotives for n few days. Chae. W. Wagner and family are home from their summer's stay at Wequetoneing. W. B. Decker, who lias been studyimg in Europe the summer, has retuimed home. Prof. Chas. E. Greene and íamiíy have returned home from their summer's vacation. Ed. Stowe, wluo is with Schalrer & Millan's, has returned home from a vacattexn trip. Miss Amelia Breed of Ann Arbor, has been visiting Miss Francés Higley.- Ypsïlantian. Mr. and Mre. Chas. M. Jones of Witíhita, Ivas., returned to their jhome last Sunday night. Miss Emnia Payme, daughter of President Payne oï Nasliville ünivercity, is in the city. Miss Jcmnie White, lit. '97, is to teaek fiiiglish in the High School at Elgta, 111., this year. Prof. and Mrs. A. H. Pattenglal who were in Charlevoix for the eummer, are home again. Dr. WaUter Bootih, of Grand ttapids has been viaiting hia mwther's home bere durimg the week". Prof. and Mrs. Lyman, wlio have been visiting Mrs. L's parents in ICajisas, are home again. Prof. Jodin C. Bolte, who lias been absent In Europe for the year, is expected home to-morrow. Mrs. Shtwermam, of Ypefllanti, is pending the week with her moither. Mrs. Swtft, oí Eilzabeth st. Prof. "Warren Florer, the new instructor in Germán in, the Ü. of M has arrlved ere fronv Indiana. Frank Tice is back in nis p leice at Wetmore's, haring been 111 for a Few days. Dan Zimmerman returned Frlday iiom a successful Rocky Mountalo humt. Mre. C. L. Petrie is emtertaining her dau.üliter, Mr. T. C. Brooks, of Jackson. Dr. R. B. Pope, t'ormer pastor liere, goes to Cambridge, O., to preaeü ncx! year. Miss Graee FJagg, oí S. Tiiayer st. returueü home Saturday, froan Grand Haven, etc. Prof. and Mra. V. il. Bpakluig ban1 returned home from the Atlaatic (.ast vesoirts. Mr. and Mie. James L. Babeock returnad home yesterday trcwn their summer abroad. Frank aoid Enima Taytor have goee to Battle Creek to attend the wedding of ttoeir broither. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Beardsley, of Claikston, are guests o)f tJieir daughter llrs. II. U. Lamed. K. D. Benjamin, ptormacy '97, has arr.ved to take his place as instructor in the chemioal depao-tment. Deputy Probate Register Peter J. Lehman attended the funeral of an un-cle in Bridgewater yesterday. Geo. Heseilsch weidt, of Ann Arbor, called on relatin'es here last Monda? a ml Tucsday.- Che'.si'a Herald. Sperry Pope, san of Eev. Ii. B. Ptfpe, was in the( city yesterday, i d liis way to college in Cleveland. Frank M. Byam, whto was general secretary for the M. E. ICpworth League, last year, has returned. r Mr. and Mrs. George S. Vandawarker arrlved home from a vacatioa trio of some weeks last Frlday. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Bt. Olair, who have beea iii the northern península íor the suinmer are back again. Mr. and Mrs. H. Kipp, Mrs. Pin!. Hieler, and Mrs. E. Nordman o[ Jackeon, are in the city Tor the week. Mre. Martin Crocker oi Mt. Clranens, is the guest of her sister Mrs. J. W. Bennett, oi S. .Thayer st. Mrs. Fannie Bates lias been entertataing her siater Miss Lilian tiooan. oí Lansing, diiring the week. Mrs. M. Brenner, oí Aun Aruor, spent several days of last week witJi relatives here.- Chelsea Standard. Miss M. Ellen Clarkea oí N. Di-ision st., has returned' liornie aft-er a visit witli frioinds in Cleveland, Oliio. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Maynard have been entert-aining Mrs. M's parents Mr. and Mrs. Jas. FoUey, ,ot Lansing. Miss Helen G. Wetmore has go'iie to New Vork City where she will speüd the coming seasoin In the Btudy of art. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. TVnvnsemd oí New Briiglitora, Pa., xvere guests p( Aran friends Friday aaid t-Saturúny. Mrs. Ottüe de Sehweinitz, of Bethlehem, Pa. is the guest pi Mrs Soplüa Hutzel, oi W. Washington street. Dr. and Mrs. W. P. Breakey aaid Miss Carrie Owens, have returned home fram a visit vith frieuds in Marebaai. Harry W. Nictoots oí Chicago, haa been in the city dwing the past "week, caïled Ivere by the dea)th of his brother Lytíll. Mr. and Mra. Harris Powell af I'ensecola, Fla., have been guests oí her sister, Mrs. C. A. Maj-nard, for a few days. Jlr. aind Mrs. Wm. E. Hoyle, of Manchester, Eng., were in Ann Arbor last -wek looking over the city and L'niversity. Lewis M. Miller, oí Lansing, fonmany years clerk of the senate and lately ol the liouse, -was ia the city Saturday. Jljss Bulock, a trained nurse, oí Ann Arbor, % thO guetït of Mr. and Mrs. George Raymond, of Sharon. - Enterprise. ■ Asliur A. Terry, whoi has be-en visHlng cuM trienda liere, was called to Clinton, Wis., Mönday by Uie illnes oí hds sister. Miss Emma E. Cowei' went to Genei, i, N. Y., last week to attend vhe imnMal of toer aunt, Mrs. Tuttle, retui-nijig Sunday. Mns. Sarah Bunting and Jlrs. Chas. Keedle oí Aun Arbor, are the Green families iii this townshlp. - Stockbridge Sun. Mm. J. J. Koen, ai Washington t. hae Mrw. tieger atad daagliter, oi Michigan City, Ind., as lier Karsts for a Bhoirt time. Mr, l'ayne, wife oí I'resident W. H. Payite, of the Universïty of Tenitessee, at Nashville, is in the city receivimg treatment. MrB. M. Bailey of Plainwell, has moved to the city, amd lives at 214 N. Ingalls st. She comes here to educat-e her daughter. John Tattock, who has been appoiiited Inetructot in Engliah, is a nephew of Kev. Henry Tafclock, rector of St. Amdrew's paritfli. The firet high schooft social of the Beasom, hield in tha chapel Vriday evenlng was a succesa soclally, and that was tlie intention oif it. MLsa Emma E. Bcwer goes to Port Humn next Momday to attend the National Fraternal Coragress that coaivenes tliere next week. Judge Hlram Bigelbw of Galva, 111., was til e guest of Mr. and Mrs. .Tohn D. Boylan a few days last week, on his wny home from New Yovk. Mng. Narceiwi Bassett, moMier oi Mrs. Boatih of 482 E. Lljberty 8t-, celebratoil lier 90th birthday yesterIny, whlch was made a hapfty event for her by her fainiiy. Mr. and llrs. Lutíier Bovee, ,who have been vlslttag tluur daushter JIrs. Parri-s Ba.nfielil, havo gono to home at Sb. Aágustloe, Fia. Dr. Byan, the new presidlng eiaer of the Arm Arbor djstricít, has been iooiking over houses In Aim Arbor, tOKether wjtli lus wlfe, wiili a view of locatmg here. That's good news. lr. Claud'.us B. Kinyon, oí Koek Ialand, 111., the new professor of Genaeeology and Obstétrica in the Homeopathie department, was Jiere a few ilay'.s since making arrangements to move to Anr Arbor. Jennie Bishop and Maggie Farrler, of Ann Arbor, arO visiting at their iindle's, Jodin Smuck. They both rode do'woi as far as AVhittaker om a single bike, one sitting on the Jwuidlebars.- Oakville cor. Milán Leader. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Tand went vo Jackcon Sunday to attend the closmï exercises of the retlring cbaplaln of the startes prisorti, Eev. G. H. Hfckoi. Mr. Pand epoke of the services of Ih retiriog cliaptoin very teeltaigly. Mr. and Mrs. Jolin Lowry liavc been entertaining during the past week, líre. Xaocy Alien Lee, oí Oscoda, who though 87 years öld in active and bright. Mrs. Lee came to this citiy with her husband, John Mlan, as far baek as 1828.


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Ann Arbor Courier