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Alileniwin Huston, o( Ypsilanti, vas Tn'oiucht froBá that city Saturday la Martin" ambulance, and taken to t'he UolTwrslty Hospital, where lie was operated upoo appeadicitls, and is sairt to l)e gettiii'ï aloog ilcely. . ■ : The Fenton Independent giws a Ine portrei; otRev. I-aac E. Spiinger D. I)., Che new pastor of the M. E. c-huvch in that place. Dr. Springer i the oí Prof. D. W. Bpvinger, of flus city, and was lormerly station ed at Ypsilanti. Wflbuf C. Abboitt, who has been apni.diited instructor in History, in tflie ruiversity, i a gradúate ar Wabaeïi College. "92, anid bears the distinguisliwl hoinor of being the ïlrst pcrsqn to take the research degn'.' oí B. Iá't. frqm Oxford, Bug. Doctor Frank B. "Walker, lit '.i ). has recently been dabbling in "Some Expen'imeaitB in Surgeiy," as evldenced by the September The Physlïlan and Surgeon. In the same number Doctor W. F. Metcalf, medie '88, norrates his experience wlth a Gansrenous Appendix. The anniversnry service oi.'the Y. ]'. S. C. E. of Zioo's Lutheran churci last Sunda.y eveninx was largely attfiuded. Itev. ('. A-ckenaann, preïident oi Liii i Cociese, l.imi, O la, dellvered tlie addre3S to the jrcraug peoj)le In EnglisTi, ïollowe-3 hy Hev. Nlcklae, the pastor, in Germán. The 800 -vill be vepreseutel Miis winter at the University o.' Michigan, Aan Arbor, by ttae ï'ollowing persons: The Mlsses ilinta Kemp and Grace Carlton ; Messrs. A. ït. Williams, Herbert W'. Rumnels, Ralpj Jolüiston, Wellington Eoberts Geo. D. McNaugitoo, E. E. Robmson, J. A. K. Frm,atinger, H. C. Grawan, F. McDonald and Lawrie J. BroAvn.- Sault News. Justice Joslyn of Ypsilanti, is deserving of mucli praise for öne act lie did Mo-nday. He sent a man named John McDougall to the county 5a!l for 20 days, under tfhe new statute. wbtch makes swe&ring and the asiug ai indecent or immoral language uel'ore women a puiii.sliable crime. There are one or two men in Uiis city wiio neei the same norb oí discipline. They uit aroimil hallwaya and doorways and Jiave inore respect for the presence of women than they do íor themselves. A touch of the sharp point oí the law might bring t'hem to a sense of decency. UiMler the exirting ordiaances oi 'he tty no dealer 5i;v a --ig-'t te ome mto ttbe city temporarily ana do lm-iness without paying a license. City Marshial Sweet has so noii.ied Callahan & Co., the Chl.-agO' law book pubi-bi',rs, who have always come Iiere t ttoe opaniiig O'l c:iege anl taken tlie cream oï the trade. if they coiuue business lii-e it will oost them flO a day. Whtfch) dwes aot seem exorbitant, as they take trade Hgbtfully beloauging to home dealers vho pay taxes and' all woi-ts of oxpemses, wihile they pay noitlüng for tlie privilege of doing businesB here fiemselves. To many fair minded men it would saem as ïhough our .'Ome mercliaots M-ere entitled to hÉit much protection.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier