Athens Theatre

The presentation of Christopher, Jr., at the Athe.ns Theatre last Saturday evening, was meritoriou?. The play wm excellent, the playew Tvwe excellent, the audience was veS firtertained. Christopher, Jr.. aad Christopher Sr., were both fine, nni ïere was not a poor actor in the ast. Tlie sltimtloaie wae very ïudierans. and the audltors wre o'icn fOHTiilse;l wlth l.ui.a-hteii-. The ]l.n is jinst the soi-t that the majoriiy oi play jjoers like. It helps them t; chiow away the duil a.ral heavy cares ■of business or Jiouseliold, and comjels t.hem to enjoy two or tliree Sours of pure fun. If ever you i;et a chance to hear Christopher. Jr., tJy thia company, the Coui-ier's advlce is to go and hear it. It ís worth the jjiice. Probably one of tJie most charmïns enteitataments to be heard here thia jar, will be the Kellogg Bird CarciiTnal Concert Co., at ■tftbe Ath&na TheT.-iTe to-morrow, Thursday evening in tíñe Y. M. C. A. courae. The beM; thing' to do is to puirchase a Rourse ticket and get youir seats reserved.
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier