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The "christian" Nations Of Europe

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- óuld notw clrih and end Sen. Weyler bo Avmea.i. Tlie Luwei-t affl.uilr has been istagd in Chicago. Here te a chance toe the pvtfolitó to &oe how the dog passes sn Irom o;ie etage to.anofcher. A Bos'tOQ cyclist who XÜd not Eong ago gave direottons to have l.i body cremated. Thte reaffly is rytag tihe ecorching business 'o an estíreme. PresWeat Igtesiias, of Costa Kica, Kas pr,ociaianed himselï dicratoc. He rwxbablv saw that uamebody etoe woulid be eleobed ili he waited loc táe iKiDots to be comité l. "Tlie adhtiteib oi Henry Geocge," ays .-ui ESastern paper, "are g wïhl ovei' kim." This is a miebate. eeorge6 adüiereats are noit g wiüd. Tiiey have always béea vJld. Bryan go1 : -.'■■' Lor aj)peajClüg ac Gbe Wx'nXa Kas., tato, and ihau n-eut over to the uext town and yeflüed Avivu aiahis mJght thac p.rospea-ivy iad. luot rettirned. Oae ai tm-e mos totareatiög newsi r tílnat has Bbrack our tablo a long tilmo ïa ttoe IJj.-i:tle Poet-InrtieHaigencer, of Oct. 3, coataiuiaig eiig'ht iages devoteid eatirely ïo 'iho Kithmdüke Grold Fields, a de■'.51041 oï the vari'ouis routes, and how ïo g-o and vrhat to taks. IE any one tü Sn th-e least infcereeted In that Voic'-i uj) goiden reglón, tïtis isuo wou.d ba a Ome ttiing tio s&cuffe, as vh ■ laiüimation givon is simply invaiiua il ■. The ivpubKtüiLs h& eiareonee Black for mayee oí Detro-lic, and the democrats ha 'e ie-i j.ii. Mayor Maybuiry. Gor. P diiies to put his liuigeir la the ;i.-. bu'; B let'tkug the nwu wlio . ,'..;■ u hku 'iiaTe theïr own way, juut Avhat tlie outicni'e wüi be. Mr. Blacdi is a go'j.í man, in eTemt of his eletí;;i Deuroi; wiH iav a goad mayoc. Sev-jpaJ o: ciie "m-arked" aldermen, in l.i.ii partios, .kaTe been tutiie.! down ai tlie notnittating pximaries, and ocd man pur ■n the ticket in their pla e-. The Hon. Tam Johasoe, the man ■wlio levfcs tribiiioe oi.i thie yaor peoSIe of sevtea'al lai-ge .ifciea by making tihem pay at least one-Mii-d mre tor stieet ear fare tiiiaa Is aïieasary to seiu-e tio the etü.kiioi.,1, :s o: ihose aterpirives a fair retiK-n Sor í&eir oapitial1, ia a ciiampüom o: Henry öeorge, mayor of New York ! Johnsoia ijs au advöuate o; t-ha single tax tlheory, that l'i li.n-u; ai Lb i gay all the taxea aiad all r.vlaj; personal ; , 01 turse, Jodiniïoai has no ... ;:, o He ' is a a r.-esi railwaj OArner oí coLEousal projiortian.s, and with íh,e Laad alone to pay taxes he ■■■ ':,M eaiape all u'j.UlgatWns .-erötnent that proteets l.ím am.l makes h:. business Reporta from the farming reglaos show that coirn is shocketl. So are the free sil ver advocates. . ■ h.ivc hea.vd atcly I abewt aiy inm-casv iiu 0ip inúee al oi tlie wKK'kiin.ü'inan's (liancr palt, bmt it is períoinnMig lts daiiy tliuy again ;n hfotiding a goipd' niidJa.y inealí íor he American wag earner wiio has !i-ot lilis joib bacik imlder jrotection. Ï. Vassá-k Ha.wkins. -vlio stole publk: money and van aivay toi Canada, Has beeo brouight to Washingtoni and conviicted. Nofw that euch thiings dan be, what argunierat wiüi Canadi. aas bq able to presen in Oí keeping tille Dominion ou;b of tlie Union ? . Man iis destiroyimg witliin a centiwy or ,so forests tliat it took Stature diuMctoeds of years to produce, and B cboing nothing towacd replacínig these protectors oí the eartih's mioistmre. As a cohsequeïirje man has to euiífer tihe odnsequeuces of his owai improvidience in droug'tfhís. Over 26,000 barráis on' Am apples were öhipped to greai li:itaLn jai ooe woek receiuúy. and the price per barrel in Liverp-aioï averaged $3.7.j. The cfroilcest Newliaii pcippms brcLifj-hv i"c:n .?;.■').) ïo $7.25 a barril. Our Amprk-aji appdes have secared aa c-:.ii.l -.],■,! :êciut.atiai abroad. Jiisttee Fild, oí hj U. ti. Supireme Oom-í, üas resignad has positicia, and Pnesi'dieait McKinley, in a very pleasam tebtar, haa acceptod thia same. Steplbsen J. TieLd waa appointed by Abrahan) Lineoün, and lias liwved lonigar ;teui any ottejr justtfce. It iá altogetiaer probable tlmt Artoiraey Goaanal McKenna avíü be appoinled to lili the place, Geaimaná who cherish thc-M'.eals aad prfimcáples oí tlhetr vaca mitsD nickeu at ühe e.fuaive exchamge oí protestationa os frtendah'ip aiiil cosüy or liislOi'lcally üatereating presents between Vlie Kaiser aaii tlie Suátaa. To be iCcked oiat a.s fae champioa ot' lOi tyran-t o; Tiu-key is a uoivel ;nd mefui diatinetibín (oc ühe soveriígn o.' a natíoa famous íor love oi lJberby as weM as ;'or iad&peaadence of ri.or.gln a ml fotr all ïhe arts aad graces o; Cárisblan elviilzaUoia. First assistant po-stmaster generai Heath, who has jiujQ reiturued fromi i is home in Indiana, teils the ío51owifflg to illusmue thp coaJitioai-s he ioiund tluere : "When I was in Indiana in Feíbruary I .mieifc a farmer WI40 was in great diebreBS. He was an oíd írieud, acres oí; aa öoiad land as can be ïouud anywiisre. Ifc was mraiflbgaged sevurad vioueana doillara and Jxer offered to sell his eqaiy at a.n almoist uolminaJ igtare. Last week Isa,w t.he íarme:agalin aaid asked Jjimii ií iie still wan'bed to eeil. He totd me that Uie íarm was not íar sa3 ; fcht,t lie jiad m,id eooiug-h oiab oi ib fco setble his iutwasib account, pa.y oíf par toi hi öebt, amd to build a -.uew hpuse and 'liad renewed lús raon-tigage ab two per ceinrt. iower interest thfin he lial beau paying." Charles A. Dana, eOfarr oí tlie Xew Yiork Sue, died at litó nomo in üienoove, L. i., on Stuiday aítternoon aat. 11 deatih, alcfoough a shock to, the natoon, was mot usiexpecJted at iiis home, wiiere hfe famUy had beeai preparing flor Mi0 HVLa evont for some mio-ntfcs. The early days oí the war broRig-ht the steriitig qualities of Mr. Baua fntoi prominenee, and, he was appcCmted secretary of war raider Staööoia, by President Lincoln, and ! later om, became managiíig editor of ■Lfae X. Y. T'i:lm,au lM[iei. Hot-ace ley, and siiïi la tor th-e and pritetor of the N. Y. Bun, a post. tltolu he never reaimquish ed. He was l'om in 1819, and, was conseqoently 78 years old. Am oW school poliÜian, and an incowuiptifcile public niaii pas,sed away Sa his deatli, and iihe peoiple of the natüoci wiU sorviiw over St. The Michigan Eepiresemitative, pub l-ii-eii ai Adrián, in the interest of the CtpÖQèa ])(Hple of Michigan, Ohio and Indiana, present t;hO name oí Ko'iuii-i .. 3 m, Jir., ■( Betroít, ío Pnesddiemt MrK;ii!y as a suiuvble ano fon" an ippoiaitmeiit as Indiían ln-pecítcc. Tlivs íi'rii'ttanan is the iruBÜier amomg bis people, -vhoee s.-ivices to fcfite lasü jyresiderotiril ca,mpaigm Avene considered to be of siu'h valu-e to thíe repubfein party that he was jjreseuted wïtli a beauítiíul gold badge by the Nattonal Kepubllican oonimi'ttee. No-w iiis people tome torwiard and ask for Miu sometllnng suibstantiíaJ for what he has áoae, and wioh the ondoTsement oí sux-fli republicans as G-O'V. Piíngree, Han. Geo. L. Maltz, H-eory A. Halgii, Ex-Uw. Rioh, Hon. D. M. Ferry, Cnas. W. Watkins, and hotsts ai others, lie ouight ta be mire oí securrng ihe mwliewt reqmest. As there is no 'Oher aspirant anucing the Afro-Ameriean.s the President Wliï pro'bably see iiis way tíeax in lie matter. TluíTe is a great dea] oí truníi !.n '.lii-s p. iragrt.p i w hih scans ,-oi iiá t w. p;i-mtUi has wriiteu up, an.l uome di.he-"■n-ewfefjEiper man." has 'i&keu and cred'íi.d to a, i .vangt;": "I; .1 man á ihe owuier ■,.'.' a buil 'jnp ■voiuh two (k.l.ÚL-i, ;; cheKÍ3heá "i, as iin' appi'3 lilla oy.e n 1 '..', jlk l; him n í' at íiiglut all onie-r toffn. lia: i.' is Ís thia fath.' oC a boy ft is a diffareiufc mal-te:'. Me is mirnei loioae 3ib the age ov' abouc tea yeu)?s to ;;j to .ie devJ he tlK.o-see- ::,n i 1 e gi nciviil.' cl.oo-es ni heii pewiple wotnder where the lu-ir.y o; tPamps. bums, íoafers, diaad beats, gambïere an;l druakards ooima from dwcade. Tbey are germiaated ú'om tlhe seefl gatbered froon ouí' ho'iiiea and Morirá broadcast oa oui' viillage streebs. Perfhaps your boy ts mjaktng a gixxwtii ia i.hat tlireettcm. "WhatsoeTier a man soieik tütat hall 'ha reap" ts as t iixbioiiti'y tiruie in Uhás regard as any oí'her. At all emente, the boy o-ught to be giran un equal dhanae wttfli the buil pup." Jamos H. Maddeai, of UlinioÉe, wlw ii3 tli U. S. cocnsujl ta Smyrna, in Asia Miniar, saved 't!i)o lires o).1 a rwimsber ai American missüaaaries las; -r a tli.e Tui'ks ,and Kurds were küliiog so maiiy Chrisiians. A nntmber oí missiioaaries Jiid been arrested and put on priisoai. Tlip anthoL-itS s reíiised to release ta-em. .-wjitliout ocdcrs from Oanstantimapie, and jio uch oirdei-s carne. Finai;y Mr. Maddeu wient to a hardware sio e, l)Oug'H-'u an u, an.l 'weiíc to the p.'ioa aad demanded tii(3 reüease oí the I-ri.oiaers. Tbe jaffier langhad at hiim. "WhereufOti he tOök the ax anj MiiasUcd the to. eptinibe-rs and ï'Éleased tíean liimselï, acid defied che autti-jot'itieis to tooieh tliem. Hii brave d.eed piiit .a q.isecns upiy.i t'..o tfliilust l'ar Curietian bl'aod the '.Molianimedaints wne endeavoring id etíir up at Smynaa, and saved ttuousands oí íives mo doubt. Mr. Jladdeai is a G. A. K. mam, aad ome '.vücl ougiu tío be kep:t wiiere he is as toiag as he ■v:ll stay. Ii Únele Saon hd íad a few moine such. consuls to that counwy it iwobM haTO beie.n befcter íoi1 t!h.e Chriötians.


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Ann Arbor Courier