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NOTICE. We, the undersigned, do hereby ngree to refund the money on two 25-cent bottles of Baxter's Mandrake Bitters, if it fails to cure constipatlom, biliousness, sick headache, or any of the diseases for which it is recommended. We also guarantee one bottle to prove satisfactory or money refunded. Eberbach & Song, A. E. Mummery, Palmer's Pharmacy, H. J. Browin. Wamted- At ttte Ann Arbor Central Mills, cöPn, oats, barley, buckwheat and beane. We buy all grades oí waeat, flamp and musty as well as, sound graln. Bueklen's Árnica Salve. The Best Batv In the World for Outs, Bruiees, Bores, Ulcera, Salt Rheum, Ferer Bores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, ChÖblalns, Oorns, aad all Skin Erupttons, and posiitlveOiy cures Piles or no pay requlxed. It is guaranteed jo giive perfect satisfactlom or money refunded. Prlce 25 cents per box. ?or sale by the Eberbach Irug & Chemdoal Co. and Geo. J. Haeuseler, of Manchester. m The A. A. R. R. will not be Outdone - Tílc Aimn Aröoir Railroad has adopted tlie new iatercUangeaMe mileage book good ovier fort,y-five ilifferent roads and now bas 1U oa saile ab al] lts principal stations. It alsO' uells t:he oíd oae th.ou.saad mile family mi:eag boot good tor eirtiire íamily ïor %yro yea,rs orer tllue Amia Arlxor laüroad oaly. TUeae two boofcs RlnouM acco'mmo'datie anybody ,who ttra-Teis one thjo-usamd nuiles la a year. ■ E. B. GIIjMORE, Agen-U Veterinary Book Free. Dr. Huimplirey's Veterinary Manual on th treatment oí Horses, Cattle, Shep, Hogs, Dogs and Poulfcry, malled free upan request. Address the Company, New York. Notiee to Depositors. The undersigned banks will pay interest at the rate of three per cent. per annum on all savings deposits received by them on and after Oet. lst, 1897. Deposits made prior to September lst, 1897, at four per cent. interest will continue to bear interest at the same rate (four per cent.) for two months from Oct. lst, 1897. On and after December lst, 1897, the rate of interest on all deposits held or received by the undersigned banks, whether represented by savings books or certificates of deposit, or otherwiser will be three per cent. per annum. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. FARMERS & MECHANICS BANK. ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK. STATE SAVINGS BANK. HJALT Barrel Salt at Wholesule and Retail. GET OUR PRICES. DEAN & CO., 44 SOUTH BUÏN STREET 52-3ml7 The best ia the cheapesfc and the Courier is the best. Subscribe npw and have the news for the long winter everatngs.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier