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The Comers And Goers

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Henry Stahl has gcrae to Brooklyn. P. G. Siiekey was up irom Toledo Mosidiay. Mita Oatbartoe T. Herey is a guest of frtanids iln Jadkson. Mrs. John SehaieMer, Jr., Jias remirad lioüue irom ChücagOu Mr. and Mrs. Wm. N. Bnown were in Chicago dwing last week. Mms, Estey and daug'hter May have ietunaed home froni Jaokson. Chas. SatoeWer retumed home to Canianidaügua, N. Y., Satvurday. W. B. Cady of Detroit, i3 tn the city as counsel ra the murder case. Satuwday, Dr. F. W. Palmer oí Brooklyn, was au Ann Arbor .vifettor. 'Heno-y A. Stetabacli oí Chedsea, .was a vSslww here the last ,ol last week. Mm. Mary Bueehler of W. ThCrd st., eefllebr'ated her 52d bi'rthday Monda y . W. M. Sturgeon' has gone tO! the noi'rhern part of 'ite state on busif Hess. Jacob VoIIauil and MfeS Lülilan, visjted friends in Dexter over Snnday. George E. Coopar, who had bee:i ál Howell for several ftaye, reuu-ned M'onday. City Treasurer EJward 1. Seyler 'eipemit Sumday in DetToit, the guest of hls nrotlier. Mrs. Mattie Lovéll oi FlSfflt, has hem the guest os her daughter here during the week. Mms. J. M. N&ytor and nieoe Miss Launa MoGra-w, have retürned lisome ínom Eocliester, N. Y. Mrs. Wm. Stadel, was ,tbe guest of Ann Arbor friends, !ias retuirned to Grand llaptds. J'O'hn Grady and family have ietvumied to Mi'nneapöKS, Minn., altei' a vtei't! witih hts panenits here. Miss CoiJa. Cramdall' af S. State st., h.&s goae to Rajpiliis wlwire she takes a posiltüom as teadlier. Eev. amd Mrs. John Neuimann have been entert-aining their dauglxter Mts. Sdhreibei-, of Saïtae, for a few days. Miss K. L. OitocKer, oi Mt. Clemieais, is a: guast o; har auivn Mrs. ,H. B. Hutch,3nis. an Moiaroa 8t., lor seenal weeks. Geewge H. Jliüler, ot the fina of Wahjr & Miller, -Jooic in the Kalamazoo söreöt failr, ama says IA was a great event. Miss Mabel Manrïtit, who has been viisi'ilnig Mre. George E. Kelley, on 6. DivMon st., has retnrned liome. ta Scotlaad, Canada. Mrs. Grace Sklnner andi Mrs. ltuith Madteoo, ui Xovi, visftted, Arai Arbor Ir3ends from Satuirday until Manday.- Xortlïvïlle Eeooa'd. Onartis Lawramce, J. N. M'orse anJ J. J. Fepgoso'ii have b&ern tD LansJng tlhi's week attending tlie annoal meettog o th Graocl lyodge ï. O. O. F. Mr,-;. Altee Ctements, nee Crapier, wirltee tü her hioime from Moeeow, Idahio, iJhat seaouid growth straw"beiTieB a,re plentilful there. Quite a luxnry. Mr. Aujstiii gave a daoiiing party to 25 ooupile at th.e Unüversity Dancing Söhiood, Pfilday evaning. It. was a wai'm eveufag, buit tlie young ijeople emjoyed it. Prof. Prod C. Nagel, oi Adrián,, wan the gtnest over Kunday oï Eugene Hflbar. Prof. Xagel Is tihe lïve and . wide awake Adrián correspondent af tha Neu WaslilteaLaw Post. Pus-t.master P. B. Dickersoin, of Deiro:it. was In tJae city Satuirday, om business. He is a pleasant gentleman as woU aa a polltioal huistler. E. X. McPherran, of Marqmette, was jn the city Satarday. Chías. Cañe oí Adrián, vislted Chas. B. D-avtson over Batun-day and !SunTtie two wera a.t ShU'oOi : t years ago and afierward at the si'ege of Ocwitoth, aud tliara U a b;Kid bf affectiau bertween them that no. one can describe, but those whw have had similar experienoe in touching eübowa dlown south


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Ann Arbor Courier