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Prtoí. E. F. Jahmsbn .SMve the Y. M. C. A. nKer.ilnnis a gooid ia'.!; BunSay aftörtaooa. Max Babb, law '96, lias been admitted bo bhie bar Sn lou-a prass3ng the . any 0113 in the Waltter W. Drewlit. '94, l;nv '9G. W Grama Bapifds, was a guesb oí the Delta UpeSBoh hiouse over Simday. Dr. T. E. Carmady, olí Owosso, has been appo inbed assistant +01 Dr. WabtUng ;i iie dental departmemt. The Tdastmaster's Club has starte.l the seascm again, C. Sangree acttog as toaStmaster 011 Baturday cthiög las;, lliss Guace Jen&Ings, ïir. "07, ts ö'oing club wark for thK Toledo Bln.ile. Not IiidLan club- but Society club. J. A. Jameson, Ut. '91, of Chicago, pfUesMenrt at the I. oi II. AHihihü AseocdatóxMi of tliat -city. was la town FTiHlay and Saturdaj-. Ttoe OlïL'o State TlniVersity eleven wen-e defoated Satarday by a ssore of 34 to 0. The Oliio boys bad three of tbelr bot men absent. The law studenibs f rom autside vlie state are orgnntzing for the pairpose o: ilowiíiíiff the Mfcb4gan eöntingent whan tlie class elecbions come n. The Norinial team carne up lieve as giiests oi the Unh-i-s5ty foofc baïl team Satuffday, to wit mess the game wi'th the Ohilo UÜTCirsiity team. Ar audiiing: cniiimi t tee bas been appoÖMfced by ttie S. L. A. boairtl con:iS' dt Prof. T. C. Truebïo. i 1. 1). Ij. Harriö and Cïapeaoa W. Whitney. Dr. Y. R. Turner, a gradúate from the UniveJ-trty oí MLvJifcan, lias loca ted heire, and emgaged oiïive voonis In Vhe Ford blodk ovw -113 Leader o:t".ce.- Mil'an Leader. Sonie years ago "Bojmy" McMfllan, now of the Chteag-o Tflmeis-Hea'ald stiaff waiS 011e of the mosfc popular stuidents m tlie Unïveirsïty. He was ilnere greeting old friends Sattirday. It. is almiost certaLn thiat President Aaigeli, whio'&e leave of absence expi'res a year fi'onii now, willl ret.mrn to tlie Unilversity at tlie opening oi tlie n-ext college TJ. of M. Daily. Ii. T. Huntley o: Boise City, Idaho-, vteated Detroit, Ann Arbor and Howell friends last week. He was looking imusuaUy well. His son. Roy carne down witli hi'ra to attend tlis U. W M.- Howell lïepublkan. Aam Aïflxw expeetis to ptóy ;ílJee, the comtnig wtobej. A glee club 1? attout OTganJzed. Allthatis lacking ;s a secomd Iias3 and iïibcher.- Adrian Press. The pitcher is all ri;rht- tlie cSiffinulty is in keepiag ifc filled. The Methodist pneachers o; Philadelpdiia have da;iouin:ced iootball as bciag woi'se than jirize li-thxing. lu tliis conmiection it might be well to cali the atteublon o-f these wocthy gen'üemien to a1 filno field ior misslonairy eïïort at Ann Arboa'. - Detroit Free Press. It wiill be remembered tliat vwo yeatis ago Caispar Whltmey in Harper's "Weekly eevereiy criticised' the Univeirsity of Mitfhigan's a.tdïletics. It was ra.t.heir merited, althöaigli partially miöundeu'stoöid. But now he U traak to eay in the last Harper's ■i'Jiat t hiere haa beau aceoimplfislieJ in tiro years ilu the mkldüe west, tesulfñe wlhidh the east was aborot halt a dozen Ja antaiaiing," and he ad'ds t'ha.t ■the UaïviersBtiee oí Chifcago, MMhigan, Minneaoita and Illinois, are a.ïtaïavly maiiurtaining even a mare eoaiimenidable attJtuide than are Pitajcetotn, PL-im-yivair.a, DartJUOufJi anl Lafayette." Senator Wm. Maatnn, oc Calcago, or pvrhaps Illiiwás, wouldi b& more a.ppiopriate, o.peoed the 8. L. A. course o.n Friday eveniug last, an University Hall. Senator Masan, is not an orator, bat he is aaa 0; 'n gort oí mMi whu lLa.via a facoilty ol telling Otones in a, pleasaufc way Lhat keeps nis audience iu the best ti uood humar. He said tome extremely goad tjiingó ajadf altli-oagh he did r.oi. fa va.p tJie uim.xation ot any mora teiTitory by tJie Uaiteid Sta.te, yec he was warm in advoca ting ïhe canse of the Culbans, and thought tiiat this nation anght t-o aesisC ihe Hawaiians la maintaining a repmblio. He didin't. hit the i'ight key in iJiat, far tlie publiei feeling i.-i Very sta'ang here thatthose Mande should be a, parit af this na'tlotk The Kv-olutioD of :i Natian was not followed onii as many expéobedi it woiuld be, and yr! a3 far a the Sana tor -.vent beyond -t li e tadpole pertod Ir.; did wel!. Tbs auidienoe was ;i large oue for +Jie qpandng night, and tbe conree wlll rao (l-iiibi Ik' m::-v popular than eT' this year.


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