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It is samewhat BÜngnüfflC. tluat idie(oees and gen-WÖafiy Bhtonild be popular HyiKJu'ms. "Tho butc'ta-, ïü baker, ttoe oandlte-altíek-maker," and otter trad'ssmen, as wéll as fcbe upper ranks oí busl'ness men, generaflïy look lorward wj toe laiy- tba happy day ;,s thiey forndly dr-cain- ivten they ahlail have ma-die cruo'usH money vo retiTe from work and oain cnjoiy the'.r ortitun cuni dignibate. Tiieire is omeilhíMg natural a-boiit thte. They are tlhen seltf pensi'oned. They have eairned tl.iio right ta repose. They have touig.ltt ttoe battïe of Bte and come off vietbirtous in a pecunia.ry sense. Wheilher they can daslt asïde Uieir oi'd luaijius witli e-aea and 'Jmd enjoyment in nw ones, ia ar tlheir &wb íioiusidierattom onïy. Anylio', they are entt'tlecl to mafee tlie experiment. And were taue matter to. 'vest here, l.t'ik: oc jalsiShfliel would ensue. UiuJoaiwiateiy, hiawever, the suc, , oi Uhe paranlta uwuaïlly begets a paPbiciuiafr amUitáto'n in mq miiwlis oí ilie ohiWiiee. The daughbea-s desire to ba l.vdies, tlie eons to. Le gentlemen. Thi's, oí oauirse, wouli be praisewor■Uhy iï oonmiected with scwne vseHnl caTeta-. Wheii, üoweveir, as is too. oítea line oase, it meama simply to live fin id'le Míe, 'squaítlug laally üpoui fcbe h.aiid-ea,Tned toirtnnes ol thir fathers, It beco)m.s a caiamiby Hot all con-. oeoraed. But WteQ 16 atea leads tliem wj be aslhamed af their arigto, and of tfhe howwsit mtho,ds by Nvhich thelï aölanoe hiaa been uecured, tb ia Wr tle Blhort ói depravity- meao, despicable, reipuOisive. Sutíh false views o Me tund ol Nvhat Is beoomlng, muflt needs lead W disaster. Because to make up' ïor want ■o biTtih ar breedine, t'hey lauMh ont inio --nidgar extravagauce, cndeavoaing tb dazzhs where they cannolt convince. Yachts, raceirs, and ho-unds, expeinisiTC establishmemits, gambWiig and voftiptuous Wving, aire a íew of ie meara by whieh the earetaKy gattti'aried weaitli oi socceaelul mercïtantB ar proüessiom-al men, is Uissipated by their heins. Very Lw of líbese cara to walk ia. ia steps ou ttoeir iatlieire, of ta engage ia the oecupattoOB wilrtóh made theni vich. And piöbably Itoe n-ret Sesaoas Sn wüd expendifuj'e otn tlie part olï these ppodlgal soai were teamed ab our Uniivieryiife, wüneore, i;o.r a Homg period, generartoms of vain %veakminded ywutih ha via been hopélessly cortrupi'ed. It Ifi ead to l-elDaat Si-oiw altea the metlaioöB by wiil-ii a sujecessruï man endeavore to advaace tihe pOBBbitoo o; h3a chiildiren beco'mo tHie means oí riKin. He peiOesïts, it may be, on h'.ls ownsüanoy eduea.t.toüi otheir ,d'ii.sadva,n:tages ta earily Me, and deteim'5ne.s that hils noois sha.L'l ïare be'tfcer. Tlieiy shaill go, to soune great puUl'iltt schooi, VO' Oxiord, or Cambiíidge. Th.e'y SttuallI learn all vhat Bhlal'l ba leaamed to these homes o the Muses. They tshall mix wil.h :-e-iflemen and noibliemoji, make supea-iotaequaüQtances, and catch tbcfilr tome. And. that they may mot be prejudaced by bSe stuturf, he suppliles vhem most lJbenally wiltlo poukeit-money, and encionwag'es ilvem to Hlïïie ilu vhe dtepïay o.; weaiBüa. Aíter a lomg touli-ise, wüilch pailita! hopess have l)eea exciiied, -hey ovten ïeturn tSie old rooi wtffch oüly a vhin vecneer oí sciii ola stüc acquürenneaíís, but deetply engrailiied wilth. all tilie vfces wliJeh, iD is well kaown, tiiese seminaTÜSeii ara abite ïO teau Distentatlton whi'le there fa secretUy vidicuied by xhejr conpantons, their mon1uls a-e rutoed, amd they ome back w4th appetütes wh&tted ior proCtgacy, dösplwiaig business, 'aTerse to tisefuï oocuptitl'ou, aad impaitieait oí ïheif fam.ily aaud euirroumidmgs. In üiesvi cases, lnowever, where these evlH have beem milnimized o-r evien avoided, Where -tlhey have teaiïy st'tudied, and tiaeir habilts íuid cojidluict have been fairjy decent, they are s'tUl as averad a3 iwmer lo tlie occupationts ai parents, and a,re occaisionailüy p-romp ted to end-eavoir Oo dist-JaguiWh themseles iu Cai-aiiioniablte society. Thds is oí ten very èUfknaüt. Nevertüieless yonith, moiuey amd paree veranee, caai accompl'is'Ji muich to Lime. And Ii they suece-ed, wlhat is the resuillb ? A ruwe ■repmia'ble mo-de of equandering thau Hiat. of otiheï, buit a 'iiii-e oí (yreater xuselessness. Anti tihe mlstakes oi bailii cl'asses artee througlL the lault of Une paremta. Füir all t.rue ediKcatüoni beginis at "h-ome. Con-ecit habilts amd thomshts nYust ïiioit onl'y oir:(gimate. tliere, but nwiis't tlioi'e be qullekened iinltOi activity and be traAned to öbeady dijscipilüie. As tih.e ta-ee is, so are Hbs Iruits ; an,d as t(hö hOane Ü3, SD ilfcs ehill'dreia. In ar. avtmospllware of honor they wilK be honorable- suïroiunded by deoedlt (ttey wül be deceH-firl. Where wealtü lis w.arsíMipped Wuey wtl bow nlsou Whlere Hleiiess iis íoferated they wíll ■ rtesipllso wark. Ifc is worse tlian vain - it iis criminar- to eend you'fhs with i'jn'ormed or badly íarmert tílL&raeters unto great scTuoal's íin;l colleges, iind expect ttoem to proflb by experieítwc. Nortttilag tessthan deeply footed gienitinnents of pariiby, xnd 'raibiits stionig firom dall'y use and Eovrrect trom convik-ü'oin, can enaible tl'a&ta to encape the coiiiftaimiaaücui inseparable íi'om tftoese estabKehmentts. T'ti.f devttuti Aus,:m Bíiiid ttoa.t "Id'.encss a tíhe sepiiilchre. 'af a li ig man." He w'hio düeö nouhtog la no.'.lhi'lng ; be te engiiil'.'ed, sw a lloved up and oib3irafce;l by tito teajjire ot' liil-i exisfeanee. He ií woree o'.'í tlnan 'Ál lno liía'd jieMar beeii, pjr he Aegleeta rile dippantomdities whföib. R-a:l and liLs age lave ijivem lúiii. Tlie oíd prowirbs say : "IdlecK-ss ;uid lust fire BTrora fü-iiMids;" "Idlo men are vBxe d'evl'H playfellOiwiB;" "Idleaiess 3s t'lie greatast prod.'galüíy in tSie woo-ld." The muarafctB, frotn BoHomon tó 'út: Watts, huwe no onlíy vemteid thei1 S'itrücfcutres en iidílit-iiips-i, but en sluggisliness as well. To. be di'.,laoiry oír perfusic'lrory i to be partiaiCly idle. To be ianjprö.v'ideniit i.s tlie same. We are Jnvitied to eanaulKt Natuire and imítate her tio.res!lght. And "Wbatiswever thy h'amd iita'detih to do'," said the Preaehvv, -'ú-ü it wit'h thy mlght." Idlte and addlc litive tihe wame inean'ímg, and, witlii aü, are dieirived íroia tho same ■watú, whfch silgnííied' í.01 be 'fciifk, conruipt, vaiid. Asa idlio peraon 'M an ai'i'inig parean, etek In bady find mind, oaiirupt in marais, r'ottid of undieaistandiag. An idie Ufe is a.n addled Ule, noxi-oiuis, tiinipiraduct4ve, and i iead to aJJl goodniess. Yet Main is nh liLe wWten c maniy coveb and oillíers are prornid io possess, and-tiiat ii tlie todlvidual wIiiq is alloiwed pirecedieaix o%"ar the Indrastailotus ! "Nature f;!ts all her cnildren. wltli somietSiiJag to d'o," said tlne poet, and truüy tlbere Js bo niuidli, xo be iloae in tjhtU wo,rld- physioal'ly, meitttally, m'oraiay- tlhat iit befii! none toi be me. Thtese are Augean. utables vo be cüaan&ed, anciteat and miglity wiorags to be vedtüfiied, grave abusen to be rediressed, and dense eiouds ot ifein'orian-ce to be di-pelled'. The vorl moturmis ío-r -wiaat,' aind m'Jsery, and tn'imie, and "the Oairki pteoes of tihe eanii acre futí oi eruelty.' Power and tojuistice tr ampie upon t'he -.veak and itfue iuui'ocent. Naitton iw armmg EiíTí agaiiinst nartion, and "a man's toes are iJiiiey ot hífi mvo booseholiJ." Poveiiuy prays ín vaiia ídr itó daüy bread. We see Site Industa-toua idle tnom oamputoiiüm, and vline -viieked i-aL'mjnal lirom wajnit di knoiwtedge. Oúir boa-sted bfoltíherhood is a poetüc dxeam. Eatlx Öghite íor liiis ama luand, regairdless o-í oíchers, and ïhe ond 110 man can oinsea. "So mauy worleis. so mucli to do, &o lime aoue, sucli Ujings 10 be. " Siiiredy h'umanity requilres the best eíi'orits af all íts members. Thw is no place 8otr idlei-a or lovers of íalse gentaölty. Tlire is work íoi be dome, iserJous, patieint and persistent vokk, 110c t'híe sai-vise oU ttoe uiave, but vhe C'hieeriu'l labor di the f ree inaji, f uil oí kívhig-kinidnesí:. Tae wocld is dtill ytoufflg, and uiVblei dutifeá lfe beilore K. As St gron-s wis-er it wiji guoT,v hiapprer, uimtil' lave supplants sellMluness and beeomes the universal Ioav of ics bamg. As Temny.sou sweetl'y sang to "oe Great Worker : Our little systems bave tlieir day; They have Iheir Uay and cease to be; ïiiey are but brok en llgbts of ïhee, And ïhou, Ü Lord, art more tbau they. We have but iailb: w% cannot koow ; Kor kuowledge is of thiugs ws see; And yet we trust it comes from Thee. A beam in darkness: let it grow. Let kuowledge giow from more to more, But more of revurence in us dweil, Tbat mind and soul, according well, Make one music as before.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier