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YpwitonU's .'1,'imreil pomltiry show i tiakes pernee 1C' -7. The Abbott wbSng mae&aris s;oon to le d'J-iiriayoil lueie. Thie A. M. E. clmrch poDple are irytaig tio raïae a delbt o'i $325. Ea-vviin F. Uhl lnus tíoW h'.s linie liome to Grand Rapïda ïor $20,000. Clitutioo Elüer's pitótnire appears iu tüic MetnoipoiJban ior th-!e month. C. H. Cady, cï Aan Arbolr, lw heen takiiiug bathe hne dowing tlu! week. The animal mioe:i:ig o.' t he Ypsilanti Needie Work Gulld will be held SatuTday. Ifcie Sappluo Club Wiü re-od-gajiizt; tio-aig'ait at tire holmo' oí MfB. Chas. Stevein. Tlue 0. E. K. will give a Hallowe'eia &oial at tbeür roKxma on Mónday e vanlog Nov 1. Mir. and. Mrs. I'. R. Cl-eai-y gave a .neeeptüom to the Cleary College stuctattte FrOday evening. The ïieglstratiaa at the Normal U now 869 students. Of thiese all but 17 are from Michigan. IJns. Abbüe F. V'oe diied on the 19th Sust., afc the tome of her daughter Mus. Franela Chüte, ia this city. Elizabeüh Hainlin, wife. oí J. Eagene BasseOt dted Oct. 14, at Detr'oib. She was a formar resMeati oí tihia city. E. E. Osbaad a carpenter, working on a house at Normal Park, h-ad a lot oí vo.lun.lbla tools stolen a few nigihita sLnoe. As far back aa 41 years ago last Wedmcsday, Dr. Wattong, o? thie U. of M. dental faculty opemed an office to this ciy. AVorlc on the bicycle patlx on the sou'th road i now in progress, the contractor having started out yesterday with his men. Fred Green, law '98 a,t the U. oi of M., 19 abbilétiic manager lot hi8 tíl'ass. Fred is nta taü ia stature, buit lias gwcl head oinhim. ThöPe seems t-o ba a rov oq" betwean the cauinciD andi the boord oï public Avoirks. Very natural ttaing to occur, judiging b.y Ann Arbor. In trying to use kerosene to lighi a lire last Sumday erening, Mrs. Eila Childs, of W. Comgresa st., was quite badly bumned about the face and aiins. i Kev. amd Mrs. R. K. Whaj-to-n. gave a recept ïo'n to tlieilr fiieade and membeirs of thie PresbyterDwi coaigregailoii last Firiclay evending, tïiat wafi ■gveattty anjoyed. THe oonimencememt Cleary College will be fcedd Nov. 10. The ;id'ilress will bo delrvered by Dr. Cinas. II. Thmrber, deán oí the 'Morgan Park Acadlemy, Chicago'. There ils a Ulckeir on the foottoall el'evea named Brtoesamle. If he vwulM crnly puit. a p 'Ja bgtweon Mie nii anid I hc -wio'uid simpliïy the name -er',y niuich tor the EngllBli tongue. Citfy Cleric Carpenlter has already fcad a snit broug-ht agaïnsb socalted Lima NwHuarn, R. E., and that C?o., -wüien they once saw Peiter's fiáoroe eyes, setftled quifcker tlian. cat. T1i Yp'sii eominieü has ta-kem acusen tihat ■wiail lead tb tlie pavüaig en' hec p-rilinciïai stireets. Tiiis is icoond wllli tlie public splrlfc oí O'ur citizeas. We aïwajs lead, Mm ïollcws. TJie game benveeii the AgrSïattiipal Oollcge team fMofl the Non-mals -vas dedlared o:i Batmrday lecause Dan Ia-(vrence oï tlie. lat'tor was not n lO'ii;vtJde stiwteiit, and tl'.ie M. A. Cs were sbandillng 3ot puwe o-tltutettes ■or aotliütag. Tii'o peopl-e di -Jliïs cilty wlw kuow Mus, J. W. BabbDt a.nrt her wcxrth o uriy oirganilaataom, are eangratulaiinji tfce Gnamd Cliapter ou" the Eaátern Star uipüii her appoiiiitinieaib ais grand ctaplniïi. Slue wEi centainiy make a splendi'd offlciai. MLss NeWie Sonóme, Wlkd Jias beeu au exoeltent woirker ini tih'e Y. AV. C. A. hna far e-oime time, hias gane fco Ottumwa, Iowa, where sinO has been selectied aa general eooretary of the asaociatiiota ta tbat city. She gaas wLfh tlrei very hast, wishes oii honts of trLendS in YpsííantÜ. Wtoen the outstiaiuding 1iais are paij the water warks ïuniii will be overdrawn $5,590.48. Now ttoe coiuncil is figiwing Oa jiso-w to ïmeet vtoe daiiiy expeoises aiad buEd thiO extenfcTio'ns ordered wifchout aay mioney to do it with'. To a business man ther wicmüd bo but on' way : boprow i.t. On Saturday last Mr. and Mrs. Wm Wortley, who resid on N. Huron st., celebrated the 62d aaniversary of marriage, which jceurred iu Eagland. Mr. Wortley will be 87 fceais of age aud) Mrs. Wortley 81 on tlio 1-ith diay of February next, bo'th being Valentines. The coupie Have resided here Bince 1S52, and l)Oth aro remarfeably well presearrecl ipeople. ' The YpiaBauti San'tünel editioir luis a bllie. aad last week b'otme One carne ■altoinig anid motakeyed wifill the tooi ohest oï hifi wlieel, relieved ib oL sitomaclh p-ump, a'Ji Bquilrter, tooth brwslh, pwnöture meander and ïnonkey wienclli. As Wactda-uW woibbles a long tttie ötneeits wiith fdlolbby tilres, ioose iiiancite baova and neaü süippilag fcvery way, every miomtoey lne meeta f;'Jves ■ham Wie ïaugh auidl he caía d :iio:th-ing to t'lnem íot 1ití wrencih is fc'oine- Adlfaatt Press. lihe Detfoit Evenüng News teKB of a Normal sitiidieat whose p airen ts lifre at Jaickson, wiho -went ta Buffai'o, N. Y., to see a ;weetlheairt ilostead' of n-,eturai3ng to sdhiOOl1 aa liiis iaither had jgïven Mm moraey toi dou When he got dlorwn ea9b g'Jrl' jilited iikn- nevar knew hiin- he g'olD cu.t olf iimds and h!L'3 ia.ther beilas aippeal'ed toi wrote to hátm this : "I liare al'waiys bad a desiire to fcno-v how many rai'i'road tlee thlere were between Buffaro aoid YpsiiLaiatiP, and now yom can CKWUBt tlluem." The boy reached here a few da;ys Biïace, raigged, barefoo'ted end weairy, havling been ttoee weeks lm dOTUitiHiC the ties. He kno;w mare nXw, ho wever, xüaxL he ever d&d beflore. Olie oï the relies Oí barbaribm is the ol'd practioe whfcli compete the preacher iso make au anímate! bulíetiu oí hiimself befara every service. In t&ese days oí .liewspapers and printílng, tüiere is no. more excuse Sor tihis than there w-oulü be ícw a torwa orier, amd at the Prestoyteriiaa ehurch no ao'fcicea wüll ba givn oíat arally hei'ealter, printed anno.uncemeat being placed in all tihe pews.- Peltoskey Demoorat.


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