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Everybody Says So - Ciscareis o.n.'.y Ca.tiiarti:, the moai onder. ui medtoal dttsocKvery oí the age, pïeasajïi a.u.l :-'e;ï-etiiiu5ï □ the Laste! acit g-e-ut;y a.mi yositrely 0u kiltaieys, bowelö, tíleanstag Mie entie syslem, dfepeïs colüs, cure beadaohe, leveir, habii.oial consibilpa.i'iün a,n.I biiliotusness. l'tetsd buy an 1 tiry a box ol.' C. C. C. tOKlay ; 10, 25, 50 caats. Bold and g-ua.rantee'J to ouire ty all dpugO!öta. A Sure Thing for Yon- A tpaiosaotJon im wiüch yoni eanno, Kiese fe a suxe tliJnj;. - liilio'usnes-, i).'k headache, iiiirred tto&gue, íever, piies and a uaijuisaad' ofcbes1 ills are causad by couiisitfpattoln and sWiggish Üver. Cascarete Camdy Cafchartlt, the wonderTud aew liveir sitiimulant aní Hntí3tJsiaJ tiouic Ire, by ali drug(ui-ts guaramteed to cure or moaeyreíumdied. C. C. C. -n,:re a smre Ti'y a btex tia-clíiy ; 10c, 25c, 50c. Sample and boofelefe ífee. All druggfists. Educate Yonr Bowels -with Cascareis - Tako Cascaireta Cand'y Cath.artif. 10c oír 25c. If C. C. C. laiil' to cure drogglBte refutad momeo'. ' To Cure Constipation Forever - Gandy Cathartc, cure constiipatiofli Httievor. 10c, 25c. If C. C. C. ïa il, draggisits réfund moneo'. Beauty is Blood Deep- Glean blloicid meains a clean Bkiu. No beaiufy wi'ttuoult ït. Cascairets, Candy Ca'iüiaT'au cleau yaac blootl ana keep i'b clean, by t.'Jri-iiig up t"e lazy Ihier aimd driiviag all imp'urities .".ni idic bcidy. Bsgiin to-cliy to lianlih, pitayptes, bofilB, blolticllies, black-Koads. anuí tflua Btekltf WHJtowa oouir pUex'.wia by taküng Cascair-eit,- beauty íor tea cante. AH di-ugsi'sts, featiefa-cti'oin guairaaiteed, 10c, 25c, 50c. Two Milüons a Year- Wttuen pwple buy, try, aul buy agalla, ït nieams tiueyVe Eatltíted. Tlie peopnJa cxf tibe United Stotes are now buyiug Cascarete Candy Cathartic at tibe nata oií two míiruiloai boxes. a year and Jb -w'M toa tihinee milltoin beítore New Vear's. It nieans merit ptoved, ttlvafc Casoarets are ti mnsb deiüihtíul bwel rcg-ulat.cT for evvrylioiy i he year rmand. All drugg&te 10c, 25c, 50c ;'. box, cure guKwaaiitee'd. $1.00 a year for DEMOREST'S FAMILY MAGAZINE. The snbHcriptlon prioe of DKHORKST'S is rednced to$i .00 Ver. Kpiinircst's Family Mnicazini' Ís more than a Fashion Magazine, üthongh it gtves the very lalest home aud foreign fHShionseach inontb; tasriaíes'xsaíSBaE thlsis onlyoneof ltg "JAOsSí8SaS man y viiliiable feal&npMORFSTSB tures. It has some3 faÍulV W 'hing for each raem■Èm 4rA7IMPl ber ofthe family, for y r AUAINL K every departmeat of yMfypjüBBSFEn ílle houseliold, and ,_ its varied oontents I áH i ü . uL are of the hlghest - A SA '■, 'Pfci graite, makiugit preïSErWïïi eminenlly.The Fara'ifBWr l n Maarazinc of the .áflieí?'-i Morid. It furnishes ?HH?t-v?l the l)est thoughts oL 3SStCL5íi the ment iuteresting 5.'í?!iíj md most proeressj -jtr- ive irriten oí the thing- Art, Literature, Science, Society Ai fairs Fiction, HousehoUl Mattera, Sports, etc -a single number frequeutly coutaining from 2( to 300 engravings, raaking it the MOST COMPI-ETE AJS1 iIOST PROFUSELY ILLUSTRATED oftheGKKAT M0NTHMKS. . Uemoresfs Mairazine Fashion Department 13 in every way far aliend of tha contamed in anv other publication. Subseribers are entitled each mouth to patternsof thelatest Tashionsin woman'saltire, at nocostto thein other than I hal necessary for postageand wrappint;NO BETTER UHRI8TMAS GIFT than a year's subscription to Dfinorcst's Mag azinecan be made. K.v subscr bing AT OStlk you can get the magazine at the reduced price, and will also receive the handsome 25cent Xmas Number with its beautiful panel picture supplement. Remit il.00 by money order, reglstered letter or check to the DEMOREST PUBLISHING CO., 11O Fifth Ave., New York City, GREAT SPECIAL CLUBBIXG OFFER FOR PROMPT SUBSCR1PTIOIÍS. ONLY $1 5O FOR THK ANN AUBOK COURIEB and Demorest's Familf Magazine. Sena yonr Snbscription tu this Office. TO USERS OFGASOLINE. Wlien you want a free brtrning Gasoline that does not smoke or foul your stove Try Dean & Co'b., Red Stai__ The Finest Made. DEAN & CO. 44 South Main St. TÖOK1 FOR ON HORSE BLANKETS It's a positive gtiarantee of quality. The % Blankets were awarded highest prize at World's Fair. 250 styles. :: Square blankets for the road; j surcingle blankets for the } stable. Allsizesandqualities. ! i'or sale by all dealers. Writeus for the VA book. WM. AYRES & SONS, PWIadelpWa.


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