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The Best In The World

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The ií' st of the Choral Uiiion series o!' concerté will be giren m-mori'OW Thursday evieaiing, Nov. IS, ut Oniversiiy Hall, whem the Theodore Thomiae' OreheBtra will gira a fine ■pi'Ograun. Severa 1 new pieces for au Anii Arbor a-udfenoe, wlll ie readerad, and line orchestra tais seasou is fair superior in eompo.sition to tlie orchestra. oi tormer yeasrs, all lovers et nrusic -will desirO to att-emd. A brief Otttline of tlw; ontire series outy be of interest. Thse Hem-scliels, "vlio glve ihe seeond cncelí iii tlve Choral Union series, on Qeoemlber lOtli. are -wifchoat doubt the ldniest artists In the line of Kon? cedtals ia the warUL. Mr. Henschel nae oí tlíe inost versatUe musios ai the :-;vni'; ;i iiin. He jil.i "S l.i om-n aceamipanlameats- in fact v.k th-e ISrst artfet to. do this. The nility of bis style, the inspiriu.' rythimic quaütiee ot lii.s interprebatl&ns make him sn unapproachable ixjioiieiït oí the great Handel arias and songs, like tJio Two Grenadiers. ICor sewral years Mr. Henschel has 'íeien ome of the, most pro mimen f tigiti e ia Loudon nxueical ctrelee. Mrs. Hraisclxel has arouseil the gre enilrasiasni whiörever she has siui; -uail alie is no less the idol o A'ienna anü EeilÉa tlua.11 oi London and i" toe sake of aoveïty the third aotocait, Januaxy 14, vill present (;evsral.purifculaily line ensemble vrorks, among tlkeni the Saint Baene Septette tor aiamo, strings and trompet. Mr. Jomas, wíll pla.y a group of solo-;. Tbie Dtroit Pni;h:irmonic Club, whicll 'ÍMiig organizatiou luis not been .teard. far several yoars ia Aun Aiboav'nïüll also give several short nmnjbers.. Thuis will be a wost interestSa? aad novel conoert. It roay be objected tlmt U chaiaber comi-ert is not ada.pted for Univemty Hall.. Of course orclies'tral and choralxonieils are more in keeping ; bui it reajiíres but a slighrt knoiwledge 'of mathiamatlcs to see tliat with every eat tabea, it -would be impossible to IgitT; ten concerte, each one costing eonsáíierably more than one thousand a "star" at the FefitdteE coeting anywiiero froni Uv tliauBaind to twenty-fivo liundred dol ïwenty-five Ji,undred seats a $4 a sea't- pi-ovkliiig t-Uat every sea s resarved - can noí. be made t-o cov ■r siichi am expemse ; so cliamber con tta ara necessairyTlo meet the "wislies of the patroii t tlie series an effort has been liiüd jecure a perfect ly sa-tiefactory or liestra for the Chorad Union concer a Chicago orchestra has bee emgaged aifc an expense iimcIi in exceb of that iacTirred iu formier yeairs. Mfeadelsohn's "St. Paul" will be giv en on FteSb. 4. The chonis of O nvüll cw" cours ba tlae ceiïtral poin o iaterest. Mr. Lewts Campien, a Eagliüh, bass who has made dist in KuMïed successes in lus o.wn country and who has recemtly come to Amer Sca, htas bean secured. Miss Aliee & Sailey will sing tta soprano solos Maieh llth, Mr. Gardmer S. Lanir on will give a Song llecital whic wSll nio doubt be enjoyable, as Mi Camisón lnas ibeen eminently success ful fc. tihií particular field. As for the May Festival it caiu bnly fte said tliat it will ba in övory way w-orthy of lts predecessors. It i mipossible at ttoe present writing t tmnounce dletadls. Ie will be seen on cl', v.iuz to the fónneT festivals that In enery tnsbanoe tüe expettatlons ii vc been more tilia n realteed a.ud the JoiivereUy M mbiea 1 Society guaranteá Che coming iesdvnl avüI presenl he greatest artista avaliable. No one can föhn an idea of the amoiuit of labor niecessary 10 sneiu an underatoï.ils as givins a serles of com of the nii.isxj.iuHíoí Chora] .'niou B (whh-h as Max Bruch saj's eau nor. ba dap-ltoabe 1 ii any town of ia izc ia Gre -;n iuy tor ttoe price. Were C no. ïoi-the face tlrit all tli wort: u connection witli tbs management s done wltliouit auy remuneratlon, li se:ies 'vvoald be Ii s to be hoiK'it ilnt the responso í.i lie va,v of sale of tickets will ie u.-h that extensi're advertí Ing hioughouá the state ïiKiy not bs ïeotösary. Beports froni outside inriiii' iliat larger num.bei-s than last e.u from out of town may bs fcx► rii'il pi-ovidi'iiii there. Í3 room. TIK-, mumber oí tickets sola up to .Tan. sí ivï.l determine whether efforts ■au b3 made to accommodate the .unge clientèle bhcoughout the state. PBOQBAM KOU THfRSDAY EVENING. ymphony, O minor Mozarf. Allegro'molto. Andante. Jltnuptto, Kiuale. yinpliouic Suit "Schetierazade." Elmsky K' rsakow, foi'in 'XaousHUd and one nigliis.' The sea and the sinbad's ship. r The narrntive of the cnlender Prince. II. Tlieyoung Prlnce uuú the youug PrinV.6 Festival at üaedad. The sea. The hip aoes to plecen on a rock surmounted by the bronze stiitute of a warrior. Conclusión. INTBKMISalOJí. verture, "FlyiiiK üutchman," Wagner. :hemeand vitralious. Quartelte iu D miflor, i-chubert. StrliiBorchestra. Huntrarian Dances, Brahras Orchestialion by Dmvak. estival Marcli and Hymn to Liberty,- Hugo Kami.


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