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Interesting Facts Relative To The D , Y. & A. A

Interesting Facts Relative To The D , Y. & A. A image
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A fresh linpdMis win glven to tlie 11 ■ Detroit, Ypsiruiti and Ana i;ail,-],v last week, by the gnaniting oí a fraichis by th Spríngweilfl town board, allovrkig the rompany to run cais thcough that towmelhdp. Work luis already beeo commemceid iu tlie above township by Coartinactor MU-iiatl J. f i-iffiíi. Mr. G:ifin has already auainril considerable proiminience asa allroad contftiuetor. He hias.e coojtracl to .(nitniet tlie road as far a? Dearíjoüii, añil will work iu company with Mr. Jolm C. Llggiett, the compniy'H emgioeer. Mr. J. D. jHawkes, pve.-iitont oí tli company, has cteic: mimeil to make the raad ílrstclaes iu ewi'.v particular ;uu expeets H to bs a modal for surbiwban clect:i" road.s tliroHghout the country. The raadtoed will be oí th hlghesl ajid most modem type of stc-ain railio:il conetmction. ÏIm tracks wihfch have Ir&io dered and are i:o-v on thEir way to Detroit, are oí Vhe ln'aviist kind iLseil in railroad building, being tlua best 70-pounul uew '(- 1 rail, with 2640 ties to the inile. TIn' conibract for the overhead systeni has boen let to the Ohio Brass Co., of Miainsfield, Ohio, and will be complöte ia evory detail. A doublé tio'Jly system %vill ba used throutthonit. Tino power house oí the new ïoad will be cousti'ucted a, fyliort dista noe wieefc of Wayjie. It. wiïl be modern in every appoiiitanent and tquipped Wlö six L'00-horse-power boiie:s, on 60(Miorse-pover Coritas engine, and two 300-ho:se-povev Corltes engines. These three engines will opérate the dyuamos which will fuirni suEiicieet carrytng ca.pacity for any devielopauent of the road. Tlie 'cars will Burpass anythlng ia theii lime in this section of the country. Tbey will be 44 feet over uil witlL a oenter aisle and reversible Beat. Eacli car will la equipped wtth foar 50-horse-power motor?, air-bi-akes and hot water heatlog sj'stem, amd wiU la provided with toi'jet iiccommodatious whieh ia a decidedly new feauure In strest ra.ilwaye. t is the compauy's intention to liave offices ia all of the towns alontg tibe route, to carry lighb Ireifflit and to do a suiburban espress busijk.-s. Negoliatio-ns are iiending witJi ilie Uatted States Expa-esa Compaoy wbenefby it is belleved they win establish brauch oiiices in every iowl ilong t'ha rouite, thus cnabling the paJtroms oí the roadto express ïnerchavndise to any part of the country. The mew road will be completed aci iar ás Dearboni wittiin the nexfc aumiSh, and will ba coatinaed on to Aup Arbor in the spring.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier