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■ffm. H. Bowen luas been granteil au iacxieasi of pension. Asndrew T. Hughes has nioved back on to his farm in Scio. Dancing at Graageir's on Tlmnksgiving Da,y ii-ora; 3 to C p 111. Tbe M. 13. cliuiTch ladies iniade $50 hy 'tthieir experlance social' Tnursda-y e-vwntag. Tli'Oöe iutcii-ested should baar in imiid thO meeting oi the Bchoolmastier's Cluib, in this city Nor. 26 and 27. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Buchiiolz oí W. Waehdington st., lost, their little son Geo'-g Leslie, Sat-urday morning. ' A,nn Arbor dancers lia-O a "Forty Cliilb," wtblch meets regularly. lts mieon'bei-s nuniber 40, but. they üanca liki) slxty. - Adiiam Press. On Sunday last Hrs. SaralL J. Austin, oif Hiiscoek ut,, died öi apoplexy, aged S3 yieaa-s. Funeral to-day. Interm-emit at Peibblte's Coroer's, Salem. Ann Arbor te tlie thíird oldest city in Michigan, only Detroit and Grand Ilapids being incorporartfed ahead oi her. Thien follows Adrián and i'lint. Prof. A. A. Stainley -viiH !;ivc the nest lecture jai the Unity Club course u. xi Monday evtening. Subject : ' Bayreuth and tbe Wagner Festivals." H. H. Stevens, the state inspector oí Muitmal Fii-e Ins. Cos., lias been hiere a't Aam Arbor, iiispected the WadbfbeniEbw Mutual Flrelns. Co., and íoumd the same in good condition. S mnu.el Bluintach, who has recently BCartied a cigar store on Hurón st., has rented &, house tit nía eom&c oí Jeffersom and Diivisiou etireets, and morod hls íamily into 'tlhe saínO. P. S. Gauld wiho has baeni afc the üniviersity Hospital a.t Aun Arbor lor 'UlLa pasb íivio weeks has so far í'ecoviered tlhat he returned to his biollher, S. Goald's, on Saturday.- Diuidee Repórter. Ex-Mayor Smiiill will give $5 to lünd ouit the boy who shot the Mme ,squdrrel mear his house Saiturday, and and o libar citizens will give üeveral $5 bilis -Bo saa tfhe ome who did it properly punished. Mack & Co., oí Aun Arttori. ouul the Demoera t, or the Democrat viil Botosa own Mejck & Co., i( thíe Orm paye regular rates íor advertisüng. fino iag'es a week sduoutd briing t.he Democrat moro pie plaat", sure. - Adrada Press. On Tliiuisday evemiug-, Xov. 18, tthero will be held afc the lsfc M. JO. siupper, ior th'e bemeïib oí the Germán M. K. cbuirch. S upper will b servèd at 0 o'clock, amd tlitó admbstiiou w ill bö 1Ö cenite. Youi wili get a g'ooü Slipper. Somethlfcig Oi&w iu 'the line oi' dipeotoriSB is being gotten out by G-ien V. Mills. He is at work on a Studenii's Directory, wJiich lie will guar.antee as.reliable, as it will be Jmxde fiain a personal canvas oí overy house in the city. Tbe Oetotber receipts oí the Amn poetoilice were $3,600. Tuis ia th.6 beet moiathly ouit-put iu this tüaüary and is dura to tibie Diagley blil And gold standiard.- Adrián Press. TWat wias saW ia jest. Buit it uhould te re'miembered tiijat there Ls mauiy a (tiUitih spokuai iu jet. And "che üUovö is aia indfcano&. Mi. Aiuki Shiplook oi aun Arbor, becagae tk-ed xhc Siüplook bojids oï wedlock ttat bound zo Oao ShipJocli, aaid acoordhig'ly iomnieuced pioceedkigs rio liave ualocked the lock oi wedlock tluat bouuid her to aail SiiipiOtk.- Piymouth Mail. 'lltesa locks iseein to be' capable oi niiioiy combina-tioais, e7"eH H tdiey are sh&p-löcks. Oute oi Ulie fine fox sciuirrcls chat Uvüd in Judge Kinne's yard, was killed last Satarday, by soinna lawless 'boys wlih a iloibea-t riïle. Xhesu boiys are shootkig aJiinost anythiiig tttiey get eight oi ajid ought to be stopped. lf the uaxnea oi these youmg scamps ca-u be ascortaiaied we uindeiiatand that a gentleman stands i-eady to prosecute tuier to the ïull exoeoit of the law. On Friday last deathi camie to 11 rs. Wiu. Wallace, at thfe family home om W. 3d et. Shte had beem sufie-riug for a long tiniei witvh cáncer. She was 65 years oï age,. The funeral was hield Sunday aíbernoon froui. the liouse, couiductied by lie. B. L. McEiroy, of tJie M. E. chiuirch. The rema los were tiaikea ta the cemetery in Lodi ior internrent. Mr. Wallace, ypbo conducta a business on N. Main et., taas maiiy frtands, will synipt tliize with hhn in his bereaivement. 'The TL of M. team wül pla.y the AYittenbeng team on Regent 's Field iwxt Satwpday, the 20t.h. If soane ome should take a flash. irha picture o-t" the iteps nt the : tutrance to the high thool building, most aay pfeasant evening, tlhe prints woutd be in gr&at demand trom the eeusatirnnl pictorlal ptsbllcatioms. Col. B. M. Tbtfmpson has bonght tbio lot at tbe comer of S. Btate and X. I.'inver.-iiy are., and will orect a bustoesa block tihereon the coming gprtog. Tbie firdt Hoor1 will be for store piua'pos'eN and the second etory for offices. The maui whO' npofcei oí Uie mud yeaterday or the day 'befou-e could viery eajslïy ha-ve puit) hla foo'i iu it. That w-onderiutïly pa.ved Detroit st.! Did yon matice it Satu-rday, and Sunday and 'Manday and Tuesday ? AVhat ? Pudding, did you say ? A hteuBewlíe who claims t o have t.iied it, says a gresit saring In -ame and fuiel in bJeaiting flat-irons eau be ;'ccoinpKshied by turning a tin basin, dish pan or aniy. artieto oi the kind over tbe irons while they are heatag. It is simple and woi-th lesting at least. It is better to "be defeated tban, to by unuir mea,ns. Dislionorable praotioes are, in tbe long run and in the noblest Interest, a losing buBtoess. Cbaracter is won v, her "pin,ts" are lost, a.nd is an honor when it coimes through fljeing honorablie. Tbe Ann Artoor Argus nameö the conJtractor of tbe cycle path "Westoif." We nevcr knew Mm to get ' oïf." His nam, certainly, is AVestoin.- Ypsilanti Semtinel. The questian tbat has puzzled mnny a man, Is -'Will you ba off or from ?" Onr esteemed contempoi-aries seem to bave chaniged it to : "Wia you be off or ooa?" C. B. Davi'son, of the CoiwiiKr oflice, lnas i'ceiied ïrom Chas. M. Jones oí Wichite, Kas., a program of the 20th semi-annuia,l reunión oí the Scottish Eite, Valley of Wichita, held this weet ia that city. Upon one of the beautiful lea.ves i embellished the portrait of Mr. Jones as a 33d. Taken as a wlncíto tibe program repreBWïts as fine vork as we have ever secn irom any presses. Rose Demmou, wie of Daniel li. Ninde, diied at thieir home ïu Denver, Col., last Friday morniiug, after a:i likbees oi several month, with consuropi'loii. A little ove.r a year ago Mt.1 Xinde lft this city a bride. Her remiains vore forwa.rded, reachtag liere Sunday. Interment in Fortt llill cemetery. She was the damghber of Prof. I. N. Demmon. Tlite M. C. R. aniiiounce a upecial ïootball excui-sioa to Chiea,go n Wednsday, Nov. 24, teaviag here1 n ! a. w. Five dollars for tbe ïouaid trip. The tickets will be good to a'etuirn until Mouday, Nov. 29. Tbese ra tes to be given provided 200 liekets aro sold. Get a.n option tickets of sonia of the Atihlelic board, or oi Sheeha.n Dr "Wahr. Tlte ii-st of tha at homes to be giviem by the 'V"o ma u's .League, % ii: be beid at tbe Womati's Building f. om 3 to 5 o'clock on, Satua-daly, Xovuiuber 20. The recepltiou comBKittoe is conipo.sed tbe íollowing íaculty wcjintin : Mpb. Lomba,rd, Hoff, D'Ooge, Pnescott, Watlilig, Cal-liart, Freer, Copeland, Scoltt, Reed, Lyman, Uiighiud, Fraincois, McElroy, Byron Cbeever, Israel Hall, and tbe iollowüiife- senior girls, Misses McOauley, XacWtiiiib aaul Katliea-ine Brown. All m„ mbers oi tbe League are cordially iinvited. Somie time ago a case' was made out agiainist a nuerchant in Monroe, for viollating the state pure food law, ia aeiUing muBtard ihut was adulterated. His deietise was tbat he t-ough't the article for pure mustard, and if it was not so, he was ignoriant af the fact. By consent of vhe attom-eye in the case the merchniu was fouiiwl guiWy, and tlie caso talcen to tbe euipreme court. That court bas decided tlie, case, upholding the law, aoid aesea-ting that the retaii döaler's ignorance of what ïie was seilitug was inexcusable. That a man bas no bueiiness to sell any article of food aa pure umüess iit is pure, ■and if be does do ït he islilable. This decisión is a warnlngj to dealers a'.l over tí state. We h'ave beea told Hhat ColmmiöSioJier Groselnor has caaes agaüinst certain niercbants here to Ann Arbor, and that■petapBneuits are liia.ble to be made almoit aoiy day. It certainly behooves our grocers to ba very careful iu miaiking tbeir purebasess, and if the Igoods are not aa represented to reiies to i-,ecelve themi. It may save gi-cat trooiible a.nd expenso. The law will be emfoa-ced. Slnce wTiting tlue above we leaxn Muat Mr. Grosvienor has comnienced a eui't agaiiist Casp&r Blnsey, under ithe pfforteioufi of this law. Wliatcan heal a wounded luart? . Is thereaugut to sooihe that sinart? Yes--tlioui:li sadly wc may rue 11 - Nice new clothes will anmetimes tlo it -Chicago Kecortl. The nafta o' ta.xes thlis falS will ba $8.82 on $1,000 valuatiom. Gt yoiiir pocket book ready. Tle Artoei'.ier Veretn will rivc a turkey raffli, oa fclonday Nor. 22, in the ir Iu:i 11. All mambere a.iul Irlends o tfliio society are toirtted. The lii-in of Stfark tt Gartee paint ■:.- and decorators, lilas been lissolvti by muitu-al coinsgnt, Mr. (hu-tee carrylag osi the bueiíttess Uereáfter. Ai. ,-ul(li;ioüi i,i to ÍJ3 built on 10 the oi Georgu Wahi'a Main a . . in.which ha will keep i.n'l lisïsl.i.v li i s w.ill paper. Hetiry Pipp lías the contrad . Jiwlgs Kiaiuo wtll hohl a special berm of court luere Monday, when Uhe caso oi the 3?. !fc M. Baiïka,i;uiaist Hito cliy oí Aun Ai-bor, lor money u,dviajicecl to Cullbn tt Co., tb eewer coutractors, will tome uj Iop ineartog. Mary, daughjter oí Mr. aavd Mrs. Jas. McMaliiOia, died Sunday, aged 11 yeara. Fraiej-al waal. held Tuesday aftennoon, f rom the home, corner of Fourtih ave. and Beaks st. Lodge oi Iiisti-uctioa at YpsKaotJ to-aiiiiyM. li you eecune au lnvitation you eau attaiKl the .Thaalcsgiving party to 'he given by the, O. M. 15. .V.. at the Armoi-y, oiu tli-e evenlngi oi Xov. 24. A class lias beiaa fon-med at, the 1'. M. C. ná., roonis to study city tforeriiepiumjsnt and parliamentary forms. Sueli a class is a good thimg. 'A gentleman wlio drove in ten toSlee jHesterday, to üoi soine trading ncimiark'ed to tlie writer : -'I carne ten müïes to-day and found no "ery bad roads uinltil I reached the city. You peoplle thinJlc we folks in the comnlti-y do not know how to build ï'oads, bufc we shall never co'me to Aiimi Aibor for lessons." Wliat teply coald be made ? A fvee for all ruumimg race will be j-iun at tihe Fair Grounds Thanksgiviag ai 2:30 p. m. Tte promoters have puit up priaes to the amoutut of $25. The raca is tot half inile lueate, best three ia fire. Entrance iea $1, bat onüiy fifty cente if entry U aaade 'om op belïore 8aturday, November 30, at 6 p,. m., to ö. M. Sbopheüs, 102 Hurom st., Bast. 'The Catholic Fair closed ast night at Uw Armory, in a blaz-e oi fjlory. The affair has b&eiii a saccess from llhni .start aiid will realizo a handtom-e siLiu for the new church, just liow much it ca-nT not be told ufc ppesetolt. Rev. Fr. Kelly was the liK-ky winner of tihet silk vestinents, .taioug-h Fr. Goldrick was a close ml. the suggestivt; ilijins on sid-eboard by Mayor Htecock. Mayor Mayímry was 'ilhere duiring the ej-ening, and told htím.0 limo stoiies that intei'ested the ermvd. The beet fooi-ba 11 ;aine of the seasom will occur at tbe ïair grounds m xi S.itmrda.y a.fbeiriiioo'ii at 2 o'clock. The Hig-h Schooa team. will eaideavoito win from Orchard Lakie. Orchaa-d Ijabe has seven of tihe oíd playera who were coached by Bloomungston and luive won overy game thii-i year. Ths High School hav had a vei-y succesaful seasom, haviug defeated Ypi-ilanti, Adrián, Detroit a.nd Jackson. In the ea-rty pairt of the season Orchard Laike beat thern. by a score öf 13 to 0, and they now lropose to reverse the soore. Admission 25 eonltfi. Thte Deituoit Tribwie of a recent date had in les columns a statement iliat "Au Old Jlaid's Clulb" had been formad toare in Ann Arbor, and that althouigh the miembers enjoyedl their owin society ery mmch, not one wouJd owin up to being a uieimbeir ■t.henein. The story is simply a despeiwbe attempt upou the jjart oi tiomie ïiiewspiuper correspoadent to iill out a newsyi letter. The wri.ter kaiows that tbere are uo old maids in tho city. There miaj' be some bachelor girls who preïer to eaiii mm living rattoer than to help support a hubaawl, and whose mortal canipositian may be tinged with the beauitiful appearance oi the ma'ture autuma of lite, yet whose immoi'tal spkit is still as fresh and youaig as in thei spring time of girlliood. Js'o. Ann Arbor has no "oíd maids," ia the general acceptance oi the tonn. .


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Ann Arbor Courier