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The Elks' Great Day

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Last Fritlay was set apurfc by the BenevDlenb and Protective Order of Kfks taving a lodge ki this city, va ono of Ebslr da,ya. I" the evening eatoe the long-looked lor cnterbaimjiient, at thie Athema Theatre, whiile 'the greater part oi tlue day was epent in pneparatioms and in meeting and greetiog vtolting EDks from, Jaeksan: Detroit, Toledo and varioue oth er places, win cainñ to assist tlieil' b.eJhiren here in the laudable puryotóc oi swel.iag charit'y fuiid. At noon the local Elks uuu'Ched lo tl M. C. stotiua, haa.ded by the Waaüöenaw l'lrnes bund, to, meet the tpiet-i-il ta-ai.i froun Jacksou, wblch to.ougih't three Pullman car loads o; vtsijUug brottoers, amoog tbem betng Diitiict Deputy Kabarfc Lake, Btate Oiitaa. H. Smlth, Dr. O. J. K. Haima, l'iviscu'tlag Attorney Kii'kby, Hun. J. AV. Boardman, and uiajiy ottoörs. They marched f. 'ou! t'lna statioia xo. t-hi Elk's quari)e;s preceded by tliei Boos band, o Jacksou, aví;i1i the local, baaid brijnging rap flïa ïead- each band trying lo outdo thie othei' ici exc&Ueut muÖCj and both Biiio&edLug, adVnira.bly. The 'af Darnoon waa Bpeut in visiting and having a gaod ÍÍBI18, whieli appjaned to be eminejvtly gucceeeful. In Uï3 eeniiig there were )io vacant seats at the theatre, the peo-pli luavhig a gpeüit deslre to witness Uw First G-reat Cliaricy Bene i c vl:i-,:h had been in preparaitloa ao long. The local performers and singe:s -vere thiase who hatie estalblished rtutatione, and -wha-terar they go In! po is not onLy a eucoess, but somer aliing oí real miea-U, nmd thls was uo exoepi.'io.n. HarkLns, SeaTuoLt, l'arker, Mclnltyre, Eyan aud Fred Dansimbuig are adil arttefcs in tilisir reí-pecthia lhies, wboneed no pnaise, for work is naa-e to be praise eoiough. The chorus was excellent, and tlie otlir features of the evening iucli as to bring a grea-.t deal oí inerited 'applausO. Mr. Danfiiiiig'biwg really deserves gieat praise for hls work. It was H.Bt-clas3 ia evei-y respecfc.Af ter t,hie enterta ininent at the Theati'e, tli memtoers oí the Elks, with a. iew invdted guest-s, adjouTned to the elegant aaid oinrmodious lodg rooms of the order, where' a fine banquet was awaiting tliem, and w hiere a feaet of good things for botli the physical aind ïmentad being waa liad. Martin J. Cavanaugh Ilsii., was t.he toastmxasber for the cvning, and -lne did the Iioqoi-b in a poitóhied and bright way that adüed m'uch to tina eveaxng's enjoymenti TUoise who Avej-e called upoa and responded, wre Robert Lake, Hon. Clïae. H. Smitli, Dr. Hajuia, Hon. Joha W. Boardniiain and Elmer ivirk1y, oi Jackson ; Mayor Hiscock, Hon. A. J. Sawyer, aind Olías. A. Ward, of t'his cify. The speeches oi Senator Smit'lt ajid Representativie Sawyer, wene eaoh fine efforts, as fine, we are told, ais was evier heard ia Aan Artaor upttm a similar oceafeion. (But our iiníormiant did not attend thie secnd annual banqaet o tiie 'Washteinaw Coun-ty Ba.-, aad in -ar t,he closimg speeches.)


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