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Sunday Theaters--no

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The Times and tlie Democrat, both, :m I&ngTiagie imleniical, advocate Sun(I.iy bbeaitrJcaJIs, and assert that aiiy one w.luo opposes the same is naffov. bügoibed and íilled wltft intolleramce. Wiettl, H may bel so. Tkie Savi-oiw ta,ugiit that it Ís better to do good tluaa ovi'l 011 the Sa.bttóíth day. It ií possliblñ tliab Siiaday i ivc.-i.t res may bo justd'íiied iiii the miada oí sonie on tliose grouads. Buf muero aro mant? ivlio ca,n not 'be convinoed tihiat t liare is auy goo iu a tüieatne, eveji onx a week day. Tino 'iaife.rence, however, to be drawu Irom 't(ü9 article referred, to, 10 thai .peopto -wliio atiteud religioue swvices on Simday da so beca.use oí Uie ,amiuisemiilt it af fords them. ís tiliíat truie ? Ií it is a saltisfactiaii and pleasivi-e peoiplia to attend divino worahip oai una Sabbartto Day. aad fael that 1iuej havo dae their daty la so 'úoiing as Chiiistian people, they should not be pdac&d in tina uaime categon-y wiih people wluose OJily religión Ib tliiciiL' owin amiuseaneoit, and wlio per■io.m no acts oí devotion ou tino Ba.bbath, but nnatae the day .orne oí pleasure Beefldng aatlre)!ly. Leave out tlie teacliJfiig'S cxl Christ, and the Sabbath desecrator is no better oCf. Since llie day taa.t Jiotes delivened the conimandment ïrom Mt. Simal tha,t the eevwnth day should be the Sabba-th, and a day oí rest, lc lias bem so observed by al nations of the earth. All na.tiions do not agree upoa öue particaiar day, but all naitkwis agres uplom the principie, and t'he people oi all uattons obser-e eolme ottM of tha seven Baya of the "sxuk as a daij oï i-est. Nonv camee a pilaai to compel a cerfcaltt portioj] of peopla t-o work ou Sunday- as actoi-s- tliat another por tin may be amueed. T!hien-e can le notJitoig wy braad, liberal or eimobibug in that proposition. Sdme pöople liiie o, d.nce. Why nou have Sunday da.uces for them ? Solmie people liilse to attend boxing (boults and piriae fights. Why not llave au arena dpietneiï tor piigitistic pwmmeaJng on Sundaj-, to amuse t'hi; class 'who onjoy1 such things ? Sottme píople deligliit In driiiking and caromstog. AVluy noit tíirow opan vide the doors of saloons for all such? Iï you conimencO to allow Sabbatili deisecratioin, cm what clasï of liiberty lowJng people will yoa draw tina Une? Literty Ls rig-ht. Licetuse. is wroug. He wluo rana lilberty tato' lioemse Jorges dnains of restiiction upon liimself and Wiis íMXfelibors. Tlue opianiiig oí tiheabres on fjunday ba iidb in accord with tbersph'ib oí a íiairgie majott'i'ay oi tlue ieople oí 'tiii.-s caimitry, wO, if tbey Uo noc■beliwyie ia the Chiris;i:in religión themeelTCB, a-esp'edt tlie feeliiags oií tliose wfho are belteiers. And iax a. f rea oouDÍfcry tSbe majorlty, not tliieuiiiiio:-i'iy, rulie. Ijöt us -be caabaut, tliea, wi'tli our Suaiday as a day oí diíx)tioa for libase Y'ho ai-e religiouely tacllned, aind a day oL naáb lar all. Aüd let th thoatre be content ■vitli six daya oí labor , it inay rest m the seventli. "Now tliat tbe gni'Oke) bas cleaired awaj" tbe nat gala o-f two repmblioans in tbe Baílate. neains to be the moat significant items in tilie list. Ohio republioaais are celebrating and not quiarraling. The democratie effort to cultiviate a republican eplid in fbat etabe hai9 been dismissed as amuisimg. Gem. Blanco finds thia,t Weiyler has redxwsed Cuba to a wretched remmaiit. Tlie Spanisli airmy on the island ia bat a shadow of the host Bent to AVejTler. Ome Americaji firm haa just received au order for fifty-six locomotives to be eeat to Canada, Brazü and Plaland. That maijr fairly be Called a eoamopoUitlan demand. With Bishop Doane, of Albany, we deplore auytliing tliat would breed strife between John Liull umi Brother Jonathan. But the first mentioned Jolm must teach lii.s iet üou to keep bis paws off of America or said paws may get touched with the hot end of the poker. Suinday eomoarts in London, wbere ouilj nacned or classical nwusic .is mdttied, arO grorwing in popuAarifey. Tbc aggregaite aitten-dance BOimetimee reatbea 20,000. At most oí tlicm t.lio pilioo ai reserved seats ,begins at Ge 12c, al tlhie ,bast piliaces ure 50c. A iai-gio iiuimA6r öif ,i;eats are {roe, and tliere is gr&tuitous , standing i'aom at AVbert Huil for ,.1,000 perrons. Buit it Khould be lvanembered that tliesa coacerts aj'e nat .theui iicals, -vv-toro ptek tiglits and .bro&d K'Sts alxHumd.


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Ann Arbor Courier