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Mortgiige Sale. Whereas, Default has been made in the conditions of a certaln mortgage hearing dale the 23rd day of May, A. D., lal, made by H ughej McLaughlinaudMary Aun McLaughlln hls wife, of the township of sylvan, county of Wasbtenaw. Michigan, to Rice A. Beal, of the citv of Ann Arbor, county and state aloresaid, and recorded in the office of the register ol decds for Washtenuw cotnty on the ÏSrd day of May, A. D., 1878, in liber 50 of inortgages, on PaWherèas.'b'y reason of saiil default there is now claimed to be due and payable on said mortaage the sum of two thousand nine hundred dollars ($2,900) and nosuitor proeeediu[s al law havinu been taken to recover the same or any part thereof: , . Now tuerelore. notice Is hereby given that by virtue of the power oí sale in said mortgage eontained, and the statutes of the s'ate f Michigan, the undersigued will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, on the 88rd day of February, 188, at lüo'clock A. m., city time, at the wett door of the Court House in said city ot Ann Arbor, (that heilig the building wherein ihe circuit court lor the county of Washteuaw is held) the premlses descrlbed i n said mortgage, or sufficient thereof to satisiy said indebtedness. costs and fxpensesof sale, andalsoany sum or sums which shall be paid at orbefore said sale by the underslgned in theway of taxes or Insurance to protect hls interests in the premises described ïu Eaid mortgage, lo-wit : All those certain piecea or pareéis of land sitúate in the couuty of Washtenaw, and state of Michigan, lmown, boundeu and describeil as follows, viz: Tbe southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of section thirty-five (No. 35), in township one (No. 1) south of range three(No. 3) east(Lyndon; The norlh part of the northwest fractional iuarterofsectiontwo(No.2),in township two (No 2), south of range three (No. 3) east Sylvan) containing eighty.eight acres and twenty-ei"ht one hundredths of au acre more orleKs. And all that part of section three (No 8), township and runge last aforesaid, knowu bounded and described as follows, towit: Beginiiing at the northeast corner of t -e _ . _ a ; - iUma „kimt jmr t-llílllf "l7ísf, fïïl the north liue of said section about seventy theuce south parallel with the east liue of said section far euough to luclude witniu a line drawn east parallel wlth the north line of sald section to the east line of said seetloci forty acres, thence east to the section line, and thence north to the place of beginuing. being forty acres of land taken lrom the north end of oné liundred and forty acres ol land sold and conveyed by Thomas Suow and Elizabeth Snow to James Snow by deed, bearing date the 26th day of December. A. JX. 1842, and recorded in the register's office for the county of Washtenaw, in líber W.. on page 446, to which deed reference is made for greater certainty ol deserlption. The whole number of acres of land hereby intended to be conveyed being oue huudred and sixty-eight and tweuty-eight one huudredths acres more orless.Nius g Residuary Legatee and Executor of the Last Will a"nd Testament of Rice A. Beal, deLOBENZO SAWYF.rt, Att'y for Executor. A. J. SAWYEH, of Counsel. Estáte Fbancib A. Soulb. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw. 89. At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw. hoMi-n at the Probaie Office ín the ciiy ol Aiiu Arbor,on Tuesday, tlie Oth day of November, in the year oue thousand eight huudred and ninety geven. Present, If. Wirt Newklrk, Judge of probate. In the matter of the estáte of Frnncis A. Soule decea3ed. On reading and flliug the petition dnly verlfied, of Jallas E. Soule praylng that a certain instrument uow on ñle in this eourt,, purporUng to be the last will and testament of said deceased may be admitted to probate anduhat adrninistration of Kiid estáte may be granted to himsclf and Ellen Carhart the nTmi,i in nid win nnmed or to som o other suitable person. Thereupon it is ordered, that Friday the 3 day ol December teu o'clock in the fore noou, be assigned for the hearing of said pe tition, and that the devisees, legatee and heirs-at-iaw of said deceased, anc all other persons iuterested in sai state, are requlred to appear at a sessio of said court, Uien to be holden at the Pro bate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, an show cause, if any there -be, why tbe praye of thepetloner should not be granted. An it is lurther ordered, that said peütioner giv notice to the persons interested in saidestat of the pendeucy of said petltion.and theliea ing thereof, by causiug a copy of thls orde to be published in the Ann Arbor Courier newspaper printed and circulated in sak county tliree successive weeks previous t ■said day of hearing. ' II. Wikt Newkibe, (A true copy 1 Judge of Probate. P. J. Lehman, Probate Register. Real Estáte For Sale. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, Couuty of Waslite In the' matter of the Estáte of Hugli Hu. ston Keid, minor. Notice is hereby given that in pursnance of an order gratitud to the undersigued guardián of the estáte of said minor, by the Hon. .Indce of Probate for the county of Washtenaw, on the 28th day of Oetober, A. I). I89T, there will be sold at Public Vendue, to the lighest bidder, at the east front of the court ïouse in the city of Ann Arbor in thecounty ot 'ashtenaw in said state, on h'rklay the lTth ay of December, A. D. 1SÍI7, at 10 o'clock in oienoonof that day (subject to all encnnirances by mortgage or otherwise existing t the time of said sale, the following des rlbed real eslate, to wit: All that certain piece of land sitúate and oing in the Cily of Ann Arbor, County of ashteuaw, State of Michigan, and described s follows: Cominencing twenty-two feeL outh of tlie norlhwest corner of the block one nortti of Huron st.. and range iive east, runniug thence south along tb e east line of Fourth Avenue twenty-two feet, runuiug thence east at right angles to said last mentioned line, one hundred feet, running thence north at right angles to said last mentioned line twenty-two feet, running thence west at" right angles to said last mentioned line one hundred leet, to place of beglnulng, together with a right of way to and aïoi?g the end of said described, teu feet wide. Coinmencing on Ann st, at a point one hundred feet east of the northwest corner of block one north of Huron st., and range flve east, running thence south at right augles to Uu' south line of said Ann st.., to Huron st . to be usedin comrnon with the other owners or oceupants of land and tenemeuts, or those who mny or shall hereaiter own or occupy land or tenenients In said block one north range flve east, for the purpose of passing or repassing witii teams and vehicles necessary to be used in the business in which said party of the second part hts neirs or assigns inay be engaged in said premises. Wm. W. Whedox. liuardian. Kstate of Snsan E. Soule. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, County of WashteO naw, ss. At a session of Mie Probate Conrt lor the Couuty of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate üffire In the City 01' Ann Arbor, on'I'hursday, thel8thday of November in theyeurone thousaud eijilit hundred and ulnety-seveu. Present, II. Wirt Newkirk, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Susau E. Soule.deceased. On readiiiK and flling the petltion duly ver[fled, of Ellen Carbart. praylng tbat ilieadmlnistratlon ol sald estáte inay be granted to herself or some other suitable persou. Therenpon it is ordeied, that Tlmrsday, the 16th dayof December nest, at len o'clock in the foreuoon be asslgned lor the hearing of sald petltion, and that the helrs at law oí said deeeased, and all otlier persons interested in said estáte, are requlred to appear at a sesslon of eaid court, then to be holden at the Probate offloe In the rity of Ann Arbor, and show cause.if any there be, uhv the prayer of the petitloner phould aot be granted: And il is turlher orderea, that said petitloner glve notiee to the persons interested in sala estáte, of the pendeucy ol said petltion, and the beariDg therepf, by causing a cop.v of this order to be publlsned in the Ann Arbor Conrier a newspaper p'riuted and elroulated In Baid county, tbree snecessive weeks previous to said day of bearlue. II. "Wikt Nkwkikk. [A true oopy.1 .Tmlge ot Probate. P. J. LEITMAN, Probate Register. fcl&iAá4 50 YEARS' flj fe EXPERIENCE ■H Trade Marks rptt Pn Designs ' FtYT Copyrights &c. Anyone senrtlng a sketch and description may qulekly aacertain our opinión free whether an invention ia probably patentable. Communications atrictly confldentlal. üandbook on Patenta sent free. Oldeat apency for seeurinff patentfl. l'atents taken throuRh Munn & Co. receive special notice, without charge, in the Sclêtttlfic Hmericam A handsomely llhiatrated weekly. I.arprest circulation of nny scientitlc lounial. Terma, 50 a yenr ; f our montlis, $1. Sold by all newadealers. MUNN & Co.361Broadway New York Branch Office, 825 F 8t„ Washington, D. C.


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