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The Michigan Division L. A.

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mieix 'hias givtm out Us uaaODerable ppog&Moa to Surulay naciug. Ttoe H. A. W. i rtgfhit-. Ii Spain kas au idea thab slis can ii Untóte Saimuel. how wotiid & k tor lfer to huow off a Jtfcle of bei' iightilng guiaiiities iu Cuba. ? The ■repuibliic.a.ius a.t, Port Hu rem. are fitting tihemsetves fo.r a democratie TictOry once again. Th.ey uhouï'J 5ea tona tio the emenxy. Tine Empei'OT oi Gennany may B.rut arouaid cm thto siide of tliiö AtOaotic spreadtag ouit liáa peacock. featdieirs, and cackltag OTer havilng wliipped The Ut-tle defeauseless darkie, until lie Oets a lioe pluanped through HolienzeTileron. 1). D. SlrMatr, oi Adirian. fa.tih&r WÍ Urs. T. S. App'Jegiate, af tibe Adrlaun rames. Us :ïov 93 yirs oi, ajid yet 3n igtood luaallth. Ho wiis a state senuvtor üln 1818. are two aftter taneai lfiiviing M'lio Avere members of itJïat legisla ture, Messrs. Henry EntiaiibeiílaM and J. H. Faroum. Attomniej' Onemer'ali F. A. Maynard fc 8Í t'h'e oijr.Liion thut xliO M. C. E. K. by not conifoiimJng to t'lve tow pa,ssed By itlre iegislature ia 1S91, couiptlÖlUg milroads tt ee-11 1,000-mile.tickïtc lor $20, bas p'tufc ihs foofc iu it. He beCtteTies ttat the Cemral ha iot-fei:ed lis cJnarter by ooneoCtdEutkig wiiltJ oitlier compañías. BVyian Ls beinjg winied and Uined in IIicxÏl'O. He wijl see the bright fcide 81' tthie eouintry. Buit wïi toe see The wrk3ng jeopie ? The people wh5 work for a iew caats a day and are tüen (paM im a debased ourrency that & warth oaiiy ome-half wha.t it shoivld be ? Tliie empúo-yers aïe Bhowllag t8m Mexico. Tliiej %yO no-t show luim t'hie "jalxnier's miie. Banon Von Fraitkeitdiurn, tJie new p:3mi8 mfiiuister of Austria, is a man wliio has íiteem irom tlie naaks by hltí wn exeiH'ilOTis. Hiö father was a eapteiün of potlitee, ajidi not öi blus noUiffll'y. 'Tbe Bai-ou is now c-ousidcr. ■ed 'one of tiliie best orators aad a.b:est sjtooilars oif tiliie eimpdli-e. Uut lie has a. dlilïcuilit task o-a bis hajids to unite d'iscorda.nt cïasses ai" Austria. Em.pei'or W'iüliiam Ivas now proviein hlansölü a great sculdiar ! He lias amt .hife war shtpis over bullied tim poor Öttte Isla.nd negro repmblic of Hayti into sarjurtilng flag and making ühem pay for t-lue trip. Great, áarñng amd nobltó deed tha.t ! Bilily's maine wSjl be heralded down the ages! He fe a powerrur flsditer agaimet weaKJiiDg-s. Now li.e bas seat noine of hila soídüers and g'un.boa.ts over to wihip thie deinseLtess Chinese, and to grab everythilng in. sigh'b they ca.n Tay tlheiir luaoids on. Budly Billy Kaiiser r T-lat the people oí tlve United States deisire tlhe oninexa fcion oí Hawai: was shown, beyond any misunáerstlanding, by the manner inAvhiclj Mr. CJeveland's acte in prevent ini; the same were receired. No act oí hls aSminislratio.n tended more to his 1 han that one. The great Americao peop'je are not to be easOy bluifed o.r bullied, and it it Is ftrae, as i'p'O.rted, tba.t Speaker ïleed ïs o.pposed tlliereta. lie shonVd ïemember üh-e fata af Mr. Öresafun and íír. Ovelaiwl, and learn ly ilhe'r HTttar experience. ShouiJd he oppose ■Av aniniexatio.ii of those. ICands, his política! fe&tuire, as far as tilue great ivest is oo.nicernied, wouM be sealed. Tliic Bishop oí Havti.raa, appo-.Os to t'lu; jneop'Je af the Uuitad States foi;:i 1 ,:■ tlhe thO'usajids oí staa-vmg ïeooooeoitinadoe. Tlie biwhoi) goed ii in the rin'ht WM,r. 'jet tha iKopilc appea.1 to the presiient, theii iet the president appecil tO' the singar, tiea aad loUaeeo trusts, and M [iat ter aro wllltng, tin1 reconceai. i wíU reoedve ald. - Aum Arbor I)llll(X'l",l t. Indeed I Quitte ingenieus ! J!ut wiiy not appeal to tlie eluvi'Jiy o; tluat great miain, Bryam wlhlo gavK.') tlie Kansas demïocra'ts so much? But i, por'haps wind woiijdu't Help thia Ciiibans af ter a!l'l. Tluat. x3ie in'0'the.T o the .piresïdenij urvived a st.rofce oi Jiaralyt-iis no iDufe' %vllïten iioib {rom ,93, 3s u. tiijinü' ijaat canrmeiitíiiy upun tJivï vl. y and powers oí oiwitiraaiee 1 ).ií:l.■ {rom a hardy ;uicesiu-y and a wi l'.-o: ilsTed li.:O. Tne yus oí Motlher McKiajey iö au eTntmalo w'Jidlch mo iiouuo is ;i straa but -her (lLjsout5]ju appetila 1 i the miatlon ibecivuss oi tlie greait hoiaoi 'Jhi' (yetar oí lier datii has trought bo (br distainigutóbed soix., Xot tha1 her patriotJan, lner Bpj&ndid lacellectoal powi&rs and her deioti.o;n to htev chüidren aro' aJttrWwites ia fchte Qand of nobte taotliers - but becauae'tlhie cvents of the past yeair and a 'lualf brough: hör loialble quaDtlie.s ihto a p.rom.Lix'eaibe tha.t lias bsen a matara; úa llt lias ■1aem Bttawilating iio woithy ideale o.' Amerfcan mother. l-.ood. - Detioilt PiXie Pres. The diipatclies teíll lis t'liat aa e;o. t wiLi lic mudioi ónice inore to et'atfliiïfli a National Univeisity at W,-,s;i:imtii, 'D. C. Tlve idiea ot this UniveieKy as wa gathor it, ii for the'U. S. GoMaiiuiiiTOiilti to buiüd and owin and run the estiab;lfehdinent. Thene are same advanltages no doutot to toe obtiaiiuied froia euc'li. ain iinstitur lijai beca use oí the greiaft. natioaial :lildllay, tli ïSouiijïjiso'niiain iustituite paröeMS, ePc., but there are.disadvantia&es afeo. At AVashington, tlie insii'L'vut.;on wouad becoume a; political iiooibai'l, {illed wlbh stnracuire potsliJjius, and nrany senators and ,cniiessjnieai wouild seek tö jjefc" ,som ínlud ot politician caned for, witlhout ïieg'aid r the fübn'esa of the maai ïor tlie ptta.oe. It would be another sln'lvhloCe for the people'a money and i. eoiceísy eeems as it .tltoere were niougih' waj's to dilspose of alE the casli tte goTeromenit can.e-t holid of dl'i-eady. , The old story of Prometheus is a parabQe. PrometJieus was on terms oí intimacy with the godd. lrom lhem lie etoje fine, and gave it to nuin. For this sin he was boumá co tlhe rocka of Mouirit Oaucassus, aad vuRtuires Avere set upoa him. Tüey onïi' atle his livier. This grew agaia as tast as it was pecfeed away. ,ie his suifferings to bO imaglned '.' Take a modenm iaterpretation oí tihe para bleu There is aa oookin; witlio.u't ïine. Ia and eatiuK the mischiöf lies. The stomach is oiertaxed, tihe boweüs become cljogged, tliey oaonot dispose1 of the food that is g4TTeoi thm. The inipairitias bact up oa Vha ilivier. Then come the vuiltuires- the tormen,ts oi a díaeased ïïver. Br. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is more than equial to the vultures of dyspepsi.a and ita kindiied diseiases. There is no mone meed of suffer i nis from dyspepeia than there its oi haniging one's seïï. Soïd by all anedictae dealers the wotrl'd o vier.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier