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3SS33S33333333333333:Í3S Modern Treatment of ! Consumption i $ The latest worfc on the tieatment of diseases, written fcy forty eminent American w physicians, says; "Cod-Hver Ss olí has done more for the con% % sumptíve than all other reme% dies put together." It also says : The hypophosphítes W of lime and soda are regarded 5 by many En'glish observers as tv ;s speófics for consumptíon." I Scott's Emulsión I t LJLI uiim.. , „„ fl v contains the best cod-Iiver oil i ín a partíally dígested form, f combíned wíth the % I phites of Lime and Soda. This remedy, a standard for a i quarter of a century, ís ín exact accord wíth the latest % i views of the medical professíon. Be sure you get SCDTT'S % % Emulsión. ■ All druggists ; 50c. and $1.00. 'M SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. V Bueklen's Armea Salve. The Best Salve in the -vo-rld íor Curte, Bruises, Saras, Uloers, Sale Rhieutm, Fever So-res, Xebter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Bldn Erupaioms, and posltively cures Piles, or no pay required. It la guaranteed to give perfect satisfactiaa or money íeftaided. Price 25 conta p-er box. Por sale by Eberbacb & 6ou. 0 A Sure Thing for Yon- A tirainBactjon in wJiJich jrom canboo lose ils a suire Bllio-usness, sdtók headaclie, íuirred IJoingue, fever, piles and a thousand oltlaer illa are oamsed by coiost8pattoin and sluggisli Bvier. Cascarebs Caimdy Catluirtic, tlie wondcsríua new li)vr etiimulant anrl itnrestinaa tonto are by all druggiate K-uarant-oed to cure or money reTumáed. C. C. C. are a sore thilng. Ty a bocs tot-day ; 10c, 25c, 50c. Samplo arad booklet íiree. All flruggj&t. A PURITAN DAMES. F:,;1 i'c :. a lÉÉSk and founded that W hardstaips and difficul ties as shall fall upon them." What self-renunciation and heroic purpose was this! They drowned witches to be sure, but that was no part of their puritanism. It is to the puntan women we owe so much for that spirit in our people which gives them the fortitude to endure hardship and stake life and fortune for their convictions. The American women of to-day have the spirit of their puritan mothers, but their constitutions are not rügged or able to endure half the hardships of these New England aneestors. Very often they are rundown with weaknesses and irregularities peculiar to their sex, and the constant drain upon their %'itality makes them chronic invalids. Many women hesitate to go to their family physician, because they dread the local examinations so generally insisted upon by practitioners. Such women should write Dr. R. V. Pierce, chief Consulting physician of the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., giving a full description of their symptoms, history, etc., so that he can give them the best possible medical advice. If Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription seems to suit the case the Doctor will say so. If not, then he will give medical advjce which will put such women on the rapid road to recovery and health.


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Ann Arbor Courier