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■"Sowiiag tifie Wind" at he opera ] erase Jan,. 1Í. I ■ Eim-plka IvOilg:; K. oí P. wi'11 glve a ' hall at Ligbt Gu:ir:l Hall Ctefctïnias even ing. "Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cutler caitas 1o the city Thirrsdiay, t aittend the tunoral of Mr. Croas. Mr. .and Mrs. Cïark S. Wortlsiy ex. peet ito go to FloriSa sooa ior the balance of the wilater. Mm Edwin F. Uhl hap gome to Ger. ma,ny to joln her tvvo chüdren wlio are pureuing studies In Barlin. At tlhe secomd meeting of the Michigan Whrist Aesoctatlcm, held in Detroit, the te.i.m fronn here ftoUhed t.'he 2d. St Luke's Parish Aid Society made aboWt $50 as its sliare of the "Cosmjorlamia" show at thiö op-era house last Frï'day nightu 'The late Judge Cha.umcey JoBlyn was tlhe i'irst nua.yor of Ypsilanti, in 1858, and the late Jadge Thomas Nhide its iirst city attofney. The people are petMtiouing the city fa.thers to allow tbo electrib lights o Rurai all n%hit. Thia.t would le tO'inirxvhit iexpemsiwe bint very desir. xble. Mi-s X.i.ucy Bafbbitt wlll leare Batui diy morning for Koairney, Neb. She wïll stop at Ha.rtford, Michigtan, arad Crestón. Iowci., to vifelt her Bistere, Allee a n il Nora, í-espectively.- Commercllail. ' L'Jkie Aiiii Arbotr, the highly intelll. geul roud makers here have the mud drawii oÖ i'n tiha fa.ll oï ths yeaj 1 hja t is dra.wn ola in the spring. That l'ix&s it so th,at thore is atwBiys soimtluing to do. Gein. Juistus McKinstry, wlio {oa-_ morly resided here, died at his home in Sr. Louis, Mo„ Döc. 10, aged 83. He -n-a,s tilie iather of ex-Register of Deeds C. P. M-éKimstiry, a,nd o": J:iiini?s II. McKiinstry. The boom of John P. Kiirk congress iwas fortmiafly launetoed last ov, 'ii! s iat the Co'smion' fihou". A bil'-;' gttweip was led acro'ss the s bearfiog the siga, "Fot Coiigress- John P. Kirk."- Daily Timies. Tlic slaand elect'ioni oí offieers íor the Unique club resultecli ia the lol10'WÏ'ng cholee : Ed. Dolson, president ; Frank J. Muller, vice president; Gramt S. Baker, secreta.ry ; ï'raiiik A. Palmer, treasurer ; F. C. Holt, 5ergenni-:it-,irme ; H. TL. Cronin, supnettué judge ; S. M. Miller and Fra,nk .1. t&flkuals, assista.nt judges. Ttnc Maccnibcc3 iiiitintcd candiitlates Into the Oriental degree Tast evemyig and coneluded the exer_ ei es iwifih a íiaa b.xnquefc. On Jan. 19. f,h,ey expect tta yïve a banquet at wihiteh many of the officer-s of 'the Grand Lodge wlll be present md give il ivew Ímpetus to the ;rowth oí t' -wide-nwiiflce on-dei'.- Ypsilaivtian. A tira.yeï.ilng mAW from Sioux City, Ia., out oí a job, iíii a. momorut of dis. païr, s!lowed a loit' o: morphtae p;tlls. Avhile at tli Hawkiiw, last Frtla. He hlad nio' more tham po;, tüiem ilO'Win, bafore he repented, seint ïot a doctor, arul wbá a happy miau, -wtiwn he found out. that he wtoiild l?ve. Ilisi iiitrae wan M. 15. Hanse, 'amd he prosnised never to do so auy nlore. UnJoD Councll, -No 11, R. & S. M., flected tlhe follow'iag offlcera ior the ru uur ySJ : T. I. M., L. C. Goodfchi !Ann Ai'bov ; D. I. M., B. W. Kifef, Ypsilnna ; P. C. W., W. S. Carpentieir, Ypsiïanti ; treasurer, H. B. Scoifettl, Ypsilantl ; recorder, P. W. O.upenter, Ypsfflalnti ; C. ai G., H. G. rinttvinnii. Ann Arboi' ; C. of C, 1". B. NewtDain, Ypsilimü ; stewai-t, II. R. SO'vi'll, ypsilantl; sODitinl, Geo. V'. Kishlrir, YpslDalatl. V,'o;-s-ie.i-Jne Temt, o. 77. K. O. T. M., tos elected the toilawiag officers: O., Chlartes Latobort ; Ij. C, Frank .lo-lyni : R. K., Ed. Holmias ; F. K., D. ï.. Davis ; sergeant, Theo. Hjutper ; M. at. A.. 3)oui WoodaR-d ; prelate. Joïin Forsythe ; 1 st gaard, Joh i öarixfl ; '2d gulard, Geoi-ge De Mosh : sentilaeil, T. Ij. Ost.rander : picket, T. Reader; physifciao, Dr. G. M. HuOl, A'rter the electióm 21 knights took (he Oric'sitnl djegree and Uhis was followed by ia baaiquetw At tlie animal col:n,munication o.' Pltowift IX)dge, No. 1:i. F. & A. M., the loRlowing officere ior the ensuing year were electod : W. M., B. W. Küef ; S. W., C. R. Lia,niibcirt ; J. W., J. B. Coaian ; treasurer, H. R. Beo. vffll; eecretary, P. W. Caa-peinter ; S. D., S. C. FishrW ; J. D,, Dom Lawremce; mtu-siKvl. W. B. Eddy ; rep[(■srniaf.'ve to Gi-aind Lodge, A. S. TuTmbull, P. M. W. S. Oarpe-ntev ■w-as pe-elècted Maater almiost lunaniaii-ou-ly but aeclitoed the same, past yeav lias beeo the sasast in tlio history oi the todge, the pts bavtog been iipwa.nls cü $1,000.


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