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VvKi'. and ïlre. "Ym. H. Waite, are passius t.'ne lHíli(la,y vaeatlon. in Clit. Tiie Oracle 1'3 ont. a.n:l has a fiuantity of grlnds tliat juay be qucstioned by 't lio faculty. Tho AiiBtraliian bailo la use-1 at Ilamjwd for cla,ss elections. It reBtnalina ttoe sawagee anfl ppotects the la.mi)-. En t lio last üvc years The Ladio' HÖmeJoiirn.:i.l claims to ha.xv given cer 4:00 free schola.i"ships to youiig men and young vromen. rro'essor H. C. Crosby (colorea) who died receontly a ti Balelgh, N. C. toft $700 to Bhaw Uoiyarsity, of ■ndiich he was ají aílumnus. Proí. Fned T. Ingrahato of Tpsilantl, lit '97, was choe&n president of the State Society of Eloeutionists, at tli'O naimial meeting at Grand RapId8 last week. The Üntversity at Vtennai, .liter reftusinp to do sot many tirnqs, lias at last opened its floors- part way - to tv o men. by command of Emperor Francia Joseph. Good for Joseph. T.lue HJllsdale ooilege studente and the Hillsdale collega faculty appear to linve absoi'bed a gre.b deal oí dislike for eack other. Bat efforts are 'being made to. lmve them kiss nd 'mke up ioir Chrtstntas. Anm Ai-bor lms an Organhation ■termieid the "Anti ICnocker Club. "lts menïbers are compoeed of Btudents vrtio are imaljle to kaock H ball lor a saïe hit. There are about 2,000 cliarter imembers.- Adrián Press. , The University elosed its doors Friday iOT the holiöays, ïinil will open again Jairu 4. It is eaid that a larger nutuber af studente thae usual are reimaining in the city, but the streete are quite lonesome, neverth-eles.s. D. IC. Pearson, of Chicago, has given Oïivet college $25,000 on condición t'hiat $75,000 airei ralsed to go wift'h it withiii oaa year. The Congregattotiiailists will ao doutot saak-e a desperalte efíort to save that $25 000 to taioiir college. Il it is po-ssible the tronible that the S. L. A. is in this yoar should be o settled tluat no future trouble may arise in the satnie line. The scandals thöt haie conie to liglifc :iow and tluen in this organización ure no cred. Ifc to tlhe UelTBTBifiy, A University for wonieui is to be estabütehed at Tokio. The iJlan, has the support ox th pri'iicipÈi,l officials and mobtee o: tlie empire, and the Em. penor and empress havo contiibuted ni'Oney toward it. Io -will cost, act OTiliig to the estima tes, about $175,000 to start it. Prot. AVenley left, for New York as saon as Itís last class recited last w-eelk, artid sailed i'oir Edinburghi He xpect-s to retuniv in time for the op-emiing of t.liie Universifcy again on Jam. 4. The object oï the visit is a secret, but imay result in the loss O'i the professor to the U. of .I. It ís umderetood tliut lie ojects to co-educatiopi. Tlue Dental Journal for January 189S. lias made its appearance ia a meat, taistiy and very Btylisli cover. The firet papar "Electrieiby in Demvistry," is by Dr. "W. J. Herdimiaii, and full aï good suggestiotns. The eatire tatole ai contenta is superior to the uisuial numibers. The enrollment oi studemts in the Dental dep't is publiished, olí whieh the sbatisties are : Senlblrs 57, Junioirs 78, Freslunen 87, post g-raduates 2, total 224. Dr. and Mms. Cinas. H. Stowell, both Oi'Avhora were abone t-Lme connected ■vitli the University tacutty, a,re aow living at 70 Maaisur bt., Lowell, Mass. The ppoiessor is öng'aged ia ilie capa,city oí a vrriter, and we un terstiaaid lnas a.n inoorniO of sonie $9,. 000 per year, -nliiich profbably equals W it doies not exceed tliat oí ajny medical -w-t i ter in the United Staites. AVe are sujre thiaifc all our i-eaders -vho lunow tJie genial Doctor and his most admirable wi.'e, will rejoica at -Uieir Kuccess. There has beem consWerable sada al;onit Gicorge Stuairt, fannUiarly knoTi as ''Honey." svho luie been tlhe stur ha3f.back of the U. of M. teia. It eeenis tluait he had neglected to regteter as a student tlus year, and beiJng injuired in the Chicago Igatue he vremt to recupérate. Ió was giivieui ou'tj tinat he was a 'Timger," and tQie atMetic bo.a.rd has bewn made the butt oí many a sharp joke. j"ow Stuiar coanes out and assen-te that he is a. student, and that he never Ivas beeu piaild a penny foir lrtayiing vclth t he U. of M. team. The reporters will have to take back all theïr inm at his oxp0nse.


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