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ANOTHER SUDDEN DEATH. Hardly a week passes without the mention by thenewspapers ofsudden deaths,and of late the alarming frequency of the statement that death was caused by rheumatism or neuralgia of the heart cannot fail to have beennotieed. Inallprobability rnany deatht attributed to heart disease arr caused by these terrible diseases, which are far more dangerou than is generally considerad. Is there any positive cure ? The beat answer to such a question is gi ven by those who have been cured by the use of Athlophoros. Mre. Carrie Lee, Kenesha, Wis-, says: "I don't believe any one ever suffered with rheumatism as I did and lived ; in fact neither I nor my people expected to see me walk about again, and at times despaired of my life. I was stricken during the month of January. I had taken a severe cold in the cars on my way to Chicago; I had returned home, when' one evening I was taken so suddenly that in a few minutes from its first appearance I was so prostrated that I had to be carried to my bed-room, where I remained unti! the following May. During the interval of January and May the suffering I bore could not be described. I was treated by the best physieians, also had different ones in coii8ultation without any material i'hange. My arms and limbs were drawn in such shape that I could not lie down. and was helpless to assist myself in any way. I was in the constantcare of a nurse bath night and day. One of the nurses 1 had applied magnetism, but that was a failure. I oommenced taking Athlophoros, and could feel its effects upon nïe as soon as I commenced taking it. It was certainly marvelous. I was soon able to atraighten my limbs, and when Ihad taken five bottles I was free from rheumatism." Every druggist should keep Athlophoros and Athlophoros Pilis, but where they cannot be boosht of the druggist the Atblophoros iJo.,112 Wall St., New York, will send either (carriage paid) on receipt ot regular price, which is $1.00 per bottle for Athlophoros and 50c. for Pilis. For liver and kidney dlseases, dyspepsia, in digestión, weakness, nervous dehility, dtecases of woinen, -on.stlpatlnn, headache, ünpure Uood, Ac, Athlophoros filis are unequaled i


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