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K. T. party tomorrow night. Isn't it pretty coaled weather ? Wood say it was. Coming - Herr ADdte's Alpine choir and Tyroiese Co. Eight persons united with the Methodist church, Sunday. Tne telephone in Dr. George's refidence ha been taken out. At the A. M. E. church a watch meeting was held New Year'e eve. Died, for the want of breath, the Ann Arbor city railway company. Mr. Sheehan'8 dancing class meeli in Hangsterfer's hall this evening The city band will give a grand masquerade ball Friday evening, Jaouary 14th. Geo. A. Gilbert has sold bis sorrel pacer to Dr. McClean, of Detroit, consideration, $400. John J. Robinson k gracefully performing the dutief of deputy county olerk. The Two Sams wil! re-open their store Friday morning when their great Ct Sale begÏD8. Golden Bulelodge, No. 159, F. & A. M., will hold their regular monthly roeetir,g tonight Workman are engaged cutting armory balt up into rooms for offices and living purpoeeg. Joe T. Jacobs has a personal letter from the late Gen. Logan, which he prizeg very highly. The dance at Whitmore L'ike, New Year's eve , was well attcnded by Ann Arbor peoplp. Circuit court was in session Monday long enough to be journed until Tu-eday, Jan. 11, 1887. At a meeting of the Keek Furnitare Co., held last evening, a dividend of 7 per cent. was declared. The Farmers' and Mechanic's bank declared their usual semi annual dividend the first of January. Sunday morning the thermometer wa eight ffegrees below zero and on Tuesday morning eight above. Prof. C. H. Adams is haring a work on political ecoiiomy published by Appleton & Co., of New York. The Kiights of Pythias will install their newly elected officers in their castle hall, next Monday evening. Welch Pot, No. 137, 6. A. R., of this city, was the first in the state to contribute to the Logan fund. H. Gundert, formerly with Huteel & Co., has aocepted a ponition with Oscar Sorg, for the year 1887. F. H. Belser has accepted the position of book keeper in the First National Bank, tendered him last week. D. F. Shairer has inaugurated a alauehter sale of everything in his etore. Read his new advertisement. The date of the annual meeting of the funeral directors hae been cbang d to the 19th and 20th, of this month. Judge Joslyn granted Mrs. Flora Yust a divorce from Altrad 8. Yost, last Friday. They were from Ypgilanti. At the priïp contest, t Schützenbund park. New Year's day. Herman ArtnDruster secured the coveted houor. Aid. Swift has withdrawn the Buit he cmmenced in Justice Clark's court, a few i!ay.' ago, agfainst Policeman Amsden. At a regular meeting ol the superintendente of poor, Tuesday, John S. McDonald was re-elected keeper for another year. We have made arrangements whereby we will have an interesting letter from Linsing, dunng the session of the legislature. Jefif. Davis is being tried before a jury in Justice Pond's court today, for alleged libelous language against a colored woman of J ackson. The Africau Baptist church tu the scène of noany glad hearts New Year's eve. Tne fruits of a N-w Year's tree were distributed. At a meeting of the board of directore of the First National bank, last Tuesday, a semi-annual dividend of four per cent. was declared. Mrs. Caroline M Ooilier, an old resident of Ann Arbor died at Owosso, Tuesday, of this week. She was visiting her daughter there. It seems to be quite generally understood tbat McCartby is to lecture here next Saturday evening, Jsnuary 8, but his date ig January 28th. Mre. Daniel J. R as, of the Fourth ward, died last Friday, aged 30 years, with pneumonía. The funeral was held Saturday in the Catholic church. Thursday, Jan. 6th, the Two Samg close their store, re-open Friday, Jan. 7th. All Overcoats and Suite will be marked down. Bring everybody with you. Miss Caroline Gwinner, of thie city, died in Northfield, Friday, Deo. 31, of heart disease. The funeral was held in the Zion church Sunday afternoon. Oustave Biehm has been appointed deputy county treaiurer. Treagurer Belger, however, will keep the books and look after the workings of the office. Married by Rev. Dr. Ramsay, at the residence of Mrs. Carman, Ingalls-st, Jan. 5th, Jhines T. Millette, of Newoastle, Ind., to Miss Lola Josephine West Miss West has heen a student the past two years in the University. Mr. Millette is a lawyer of Neweastle At the aünual meetine; of the M. E. church society, Monday evening, P. B. Rose, A. L. Noble and E. Í. Knowlton, were re elected members of the board of trustees. Between $13,000 and $14,000 city taies remained uncollec'ed the first of January. City Treasurer .Sorg will get the benefit of an extra one per cent on the bailan ce. Attention b called to the advertisement of the Two Sams in another column. Their store is closed today, wkile they are marking down goods. Thev will be open to-morrow morning. James Carey, of thi city, was adiidged insane in the probate court last Friday, and sent to Pontjac. wkither he was taken Monday by Sheriff Walsh. The loss of a son is attributed as the cause. Bach & Abel tke a column of our gpace this week to quote some extremely low prices they have putoncloaks, shawls, drees goody, etó. In fact everything in their store has been marked djwn. The Deroit Tribune ends out very 6ne New Year's greetings this season. The Tribune has become a pride to the republicans of Michigan, eince its present proprietors aeeumed tbe management. Matbew Clarkens, a resident of this city for the past forty years, died at his residence in the third ward, Monday, aged 75 years. The funeral was held in St. Thomas chureb. Wednesday morning. John George Henne, of West Libertyst, died last Friday aged 68 years, of inflamation of the lungs. The funeral was held Monday in the Bethlehem church and the remains deposited m the cemetery. " A job printer in the employ of K. Kittredge has done a bold tbing ; he has married a lady by the name of Speechly." - Masón Njws. Yes, but after being well Cook-ed she may become speeAless. Freddie the 14 months oíd son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bell, of the First ward, died Dec. 31, of pneumonía. The funeral was held Sunday and the remains deposited n the vault in the Ypsilaiiti cemetery. Charles E Everest, of the First ward, died last Fridsy, at the age of 48 years, of dropsy. The funeral was held at the residence on Division--t, Monday afternoon and the remains diposited in the vault. Company A elected the" following board of directors last Monday evening: Geo. Dengler, John Burns, Chas. Roehm, John Fischer and John B Dawson. Civil and non cominissioned oflScers will be elected next Monday evenir g. At the annual meeting of the Presbyterian society held laet Monday evening, Philip Baeh and S. W. Clarkson were elected members of the board of trustees. The annual report showed the society to be n excellent condition. Mrs. Sarah Seabolt was taken before Justice Frueauff last Friday, charged with drunkeness, to which she plead Sjuilty, and received a gentence of 90 days in Detroit house of correction, where she was taken Moiday by Chief Sipley. One of the most artistic New Year'g greetings s received frjm the Detroit Evening Journal. That paper does everything t attempts in an able manner, and it is giving lts arge constituency one of the best papers ever printed in Michigan. Iti a Bohemian oatg note case, at Adrían last Monday. Judge Howell held tbat the bon ds or contracta to sell doublé the num ber of bushelê the next year, under the saaie gcheme, are void and agsinst the public policy. Cramer & Weaver appeared for plaintiff. Thi Rkgi-ter is pleased to chronicle the the receipt of a goodly number of new eubscriber6 within the past few daya. Several are Bending it to their triends with their compliment ; and nothing more appreciated could be found for so small a gum of rnoney. Washtenaw L dge, No. 9, I. O. O. F., el -cted the following officerg last Friday evening. for the ensuiog term : N. G., O. D. Royall ; V. G., Geo. E. Apfel ; R S., R. E. Babcock ; P. S., Conrad Krapf ; Treas., M. Stabler; Rfpresentative to the Grand Lidge, Geo. Scott. The officars of the Pouiological society are desirons o( a full attendance at their regular meeting Saturday. Besides mattere of general interest that will be discussed, A!d. Allmindinger, of the citizen's committee, will submit a proposition for organizing a fruit preserving company. Hon. Loreneo Davis, who retired from the board of the superintendente of poor, Jan. 1, 1887, retired with a record to be proud of. During hu six yeare of service he was present at every meeting of the board, with one ezception. His absence at that meeting wu on account of being on a jury. The Forrest Hill Cemetery Co. held their annual meeting in Zina P. King'e oflBce, Tuesday forenoon, and elected W. W. Wines, Emanuel Maan and Wm. Wagner members of the board of trustees. The board will hold a meeting next Tuesday to elect officers and transact other business. The Schiitzecbund society elected the following officerg, last evening, ior the enHuing year : President, C. Krapf; vice president, J. Wali ; secretary, A. Eisele ; treasurer, Chris. Sohmidt ; shooting masters, John tonyer and John Armbrus'.er finance oommittee, Fred Oaekle, C. Martin and Fred Graf. About eleven o'clock, last Friday evening, smoke wag discovered emanatiag from the organ workaof D F. AUmendinger. The fire department responded promptly but fortunately their services were not required. Chicf Sorg, with the assistance ol a few others, secured halr a docen hand grenades which they ttirew on the ñames, which had got quite a start in the garret, putting out the fire in a short time. Not ninch was burned but gome dainage was done work which wa 6ni-hed and ready to leave the factory. How the tire oauíht so near the roof is a raystery that will probably never be solved. Hu loss was about }S00, which is partially ooverd by insurano. The prizes to be given at the band masquerade at Beethovan hall, are on exhibition at Halier & Song' jewelry store. Six prizes, three for ladies and three for gentleman. To the laches a nice pair of opera glasses, a large silver pickle castor, salt and pepper set For the gentlemen, a large silver card receiver, elegant napkin ring, gold lined silver cup. Elaewhere will be noticed the dissolution notice of Osius & Co., the wellknown booksellers of this city. Mr. Osius went to Detroit, Wednesday, to accept a position as secretary of the Michigan Amonia works. He is a pu ther and will do good work for h8 firm. Our readers will be pleased to learn that Mr. Wahr will continue the business as usuaL Everyine likes to trade with Mr. Wahr, and he will hold up his end of the book business in this city. We desire to cali the attention of our readers to the statement of the Ann Arbor Savings Bank published in another column. This bank now has a surpluB a? guaranty fund of $65,000 and according to the list report of the state treasurer is tbelargestof any savings bank in the state outside of the city of Detroit. Tneir careiu! and conservative manner of doing business has gained the confidence of the public and given it a large patronage of which it is well deserving. At a regular meeting of the oouncil, Dec. 6th, a reeolution vu passed instructing the mayor to appoint a committee, wbose duty it shall be to look after the interests of the poor living in this city, and to proteet the city against professional beggars. The committee so appointed by the mayor held a meeting Tuesday evening with T. J. Keech, in the chair, and passed the following resolution : Resolved, That it is dnemed advigable that the marshall shall keep a book of record relating to peop'e who apply to him for aid. This record shall state all available faots as to the worthiness of pople so applyinsr, and shall be accessible to any citizen of Ann Arbor for consultation. Abo that tbe ladies' charitable union, or any other charitable society of the city, shall notify the marshall of any pressing caëe ol need within the city and of any persons who are practicing fraud upon our citiiens. Also that our citizens report promptly any cases of people coming to our city for the purpose of gaining a residence in order to draw upon our poor fund. The next meeting will be held Jan. 18. Pioseeuling Attorney Norris submitted his annual report to the attorney general the firat of the week. Throu;h the kindness of Mr. Norria we were permitted to make the following summary from it : Whole number of prosecutions, 180; of thw number 53 were for assault and battery, which resulted in 37 convictions, 5 acquituls, and 11 dismissals upon examination. For assault with intent to kill, 3, of' which 1 was convioted and the other two dismiseed on application ot the injured parties. Assaul' to do great bodily harm, 2, of which one is still pendin and the other was dismissed upon exatnination. For robbery, 7, of which number 3 were convicted and 4 dismissed on exarniuation; of those convicted 1 was sent to Ionia for 4 yeirsand the other 2 each 2 yeare. There were 2 rape cases, both of who were discharged on examination. For larceny there were 32 cases, all of them being convicted but 2. One was sent up for 5 years ; the balance were justice cases and they rece.veí various 6nes and impri9onments. Seven men were convicted of larceny from dwellings and offices, 1 of them got 3 years, 4 of them 2 ears each, and 2 of them 1 year each. Utsorde rly case 28, which resulted in as many con victions, and their pucishment consisted of various sentences and fines. One was tried and convicted ot murder. Burglary cases 4, of which 3 were discharged upon examination, and 1 still pending. Malicious injury to dwelling, 6, resuking in 3 convictions and 3 acquittalg. M.licious destruction to personal property, 3, of which 1 was convicted and the other 2 dismissed upon examiration. There were 11 liquor prosecutions, all of them resulting in convictions; 2 of them paid a fine of $40 and costs and 9, $25 and C3Sts. The other 21 cases were for various offences and were disposed of in various ways.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register