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Accident and how to deal with them, and other valuable medical Information, will be found in Dr. Kaufmanu's great Medical work; elegant colored platea. Send three 2 cent stamps to pay postage to A. P. Ordway & Co., Boston, Mass., and reeeWeacopy free. It is stated tht Mrs. Potts, wi'e of that Potts who went through the whirlpool rapids, was willing for her htmlmnd to rhk his hfe. No one who has not had experience can appreciate what it is to be married to a crank. Scott'M I mu Islon of I'iirp Cod Llver 011, with Hypophosphltes, As a Remedy for Pulmonary Afl'ections and Scrofulous Piscases. Dr. Ira M. Lang - a prominent physician in New York, says: - I am greatly plt'ftsed with your EmulsiĆ³n. Have found it very serviceable in above diseases, and it is eaaily administered on account of its palatablenes?. ''I want to send soine floral tribute to the late Dr. Ketohum. What do you thmk of as appropriate as a device?" 'The doctor died insolveH, I believe?" "Yes, so I understand." ''flow would a broken piller do?" Lord Bulwer makes Cardinal Richelieu say : "There is no euch word as tail." These words can be safely applied to Dr. Seth Arnold's Cough Killer, which has been before the public forty years and his never failed to cure coughs, cblds, &c, when taken in geason and according to directions. Try it. For sale at all druggists. Price 25c. 50o. and $1.00 per bottle. Head of Department (to clerk) - "I observed the other day that you got into a cab almost immediately after my wife and self had left it Allow me to teil you, sir, that I strongly object to your taking Buch libertiesl" Dr. Seth Arnold's Soothing and Quieting Cordial for children. Recommended by mothers and nurses. 25c. De Garmo - And how do you stand on evolution, Miss Brewster? Don't you believe man is deceoded from the monkey? Miss Brewster- O, yes, I think he is; but what puzzles me, Mr. De Garmo, is where the women come from. We should economizo at all times, but more epecially when timeg are close. Observe the purchaaes ot your thrifty neighbors. More substantial benefits can be obtained from a fifty cent bottle of Dr. Bigelow's Positive Cure than a dollar bottle of any other oough remedy. It is a prompt, safe and pleasant cure for all throat and lung troubles. Sold and endoreed by Eberbach & Co. A boy can walk four miles to go skating, and drag some other fellow's sister all the way on a sled, but when hi mother wants him to bring up a bag of crackers froin the grooery his kidneys are so weak that he darsn't. The bet on earth can truely be satd of Qriggs' Glycerine Salve, whioh is a sure, afe and speedy cure for cuts, bruisea, scalds, burng, wounds and all other sores. Will positively cure piles, tetter and all skin eruptions. Try this wonder healer. Satisfaotion guaranti'ed or money refunded. Only 25 eentg. Invalid wife (to husband)- "The doctor telts me that I ought to have a change of climate. " Husband (hopefully) " All right, my dear, I see by the 'probibilities' that we are to have colder weather with snew, followed by warmer weather with rain."


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