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Marvelous Changes

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Is tliia country linconsiciooslv nu dergoing a wonderftil chttuge, ís tht cbange to take place befbra we are aware of the fifcet, and when it ba taken placa will we wonder wby w did not see it belore it wan too ate? Those Ihat see the clianges early avail theniseives early, and thereby re ceive benefit. The shrewd iron nin sees the iron interest transferred frora Pittsburgh and Pennsylvania to Biriningham Al almriia, and in his far-sightedneea see the furnaces in Pennsylvania ton down and deserted for tiiis new ann proliñc field. It is claimed by the iron men of Alabama that the low price a wbicb iron can be produced there wil revolutionize the iron interests of the world. We have seen the graiu-growing een ters of this country shifted to the West We have seen the pork-packing in dustry tiit from Cincinnati to Chicago and from thence to Kansas City aiu Omaha. Southern cotton milis under sell New England and American du kets, and challenge the world. We have seen and are seeing all thi take place before our eyes, and know that other changes are taking place equally as prominent, and we wonde as we beholu them. Ten years ago tl. e insurance companies only required an analysis of the fluids when they were taking insurance for very largeamounts To-day nofirst-class company willinsure any amount unless they have a rigic analysis of the fluids passed, and if any traces of certain disorders are apparent the application is rejected. In their re porta they show that the death of sixt of every 100 people in this country, i due eitiier directly or indirectly to sucl disorders. ThtLBromptou Hospital fo Consumptives, London, Entrland, re ports that sixty of every 100 victims o consumption also have serious dis orders of the kidnes. Among scientists for the treatment o this dread malady the question is be ing discussed : " Is not this disorder the real cause of consumption?" Ten years ago the microscope was someting seldom found in a physicuiu'. office ; now every physieian of standin has one and seldom visite his patients without calling for a sample of fluids for exaniination. Why is all this? Is it possible tha we of the present generation are to dii of diseases caused by kidney disorders' or shall we mnster the cause by War ner's safe cure, the only recoónlset speciflc, and thus remove the efl'ects? It is established beyond a doubt that a very large percentage of deaths in this country are traceable to diseased kid neys. For years the proprietors o Warner's sale cure have been insisting that there is uo sound health when tbl kidneys are diseased and they entlnis iastically press their speciflc for this terrible disorder apon public attention We are continually hearing its praises sounded. This means wonder! Cannot thf proprietors of this great rfmedy, who have beeu warning us of the danger, teil us how to avoid a disease that at first is so unimportant, and is so fatal in it8 termination ? Are we to hope againat hope, and wait without our reward? The most significant of all changes bowever, that we of to-day can note is this radical change of view to which the public has been educated: It was formerly thotight that the kidneys were of very small importance ; to-day, we believe, it is generally admitted that there can be no such thing as sound health in any organ if they are in the least degree deranged.


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