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E. A. Phillips is in Toledo. Dr. Lemon, of Dicksboro, b very sick. Henry Manu spent Sunday in Chicago. G. M. Monroe is expected home this week. H. Woodward has returned to Mt Clemens. Geo. Case has returned to the agricul ural college. Wal:er Pack, of Ypsilanti, was in the city Tuesday. Mis. J. M. Gott, of Tecuinseh, ïsvisiting friends in the city. AM Allmecdinger has been icdisposed für the past few days. Corne!iu8 Hildner vi&ited his paren ts in Detroit over Sunday. Miss Bessie Grosse of Ohio, is the guest of Miss Louis Craig. I. Fond, ot Detroit, visited friends in the city over Sunday. Mr. and 11 rs. S. S. Blitz visited relatives in Detroit over Sunday. John R')bison visited his sister in Pinckney over Suuday. Benjamin Morse, of Alpena, attended the iunior hop Friday evening. M;ss Anna Bleicher, of Dexter, is the guest of Miss Mary Burkhardt. Albert Bus, of Hyde Park, Hls, is the guest of his brother, F. W. Buss. Miss Lucy Burns, of Ingalls-st, visited friendi in Ypsilanti over Sunday. Stephen Galloway, deputy United States marshal, was in the city Saturday. W. L. Becker, of Brighton, called on lus many friends in this city, Sunday. F. W. Buss, with Mack & SchmH, has been confined to the house this week. Caleb Krause hai returned from Howell and entered the employ of Osnar Sorg. Henry Krause went to Dayton and Columiua, Ohio, Wednesday, on business. Mrs. J. T. Jacobs and daughter Clara re on a visit to friends in Columbus Ohio. Lewis, Farley and Mamie McLou'.h, o Lunsing, are visitinj; their únele, A. M. Djty. Geo. J. Johnson, publisher of the ïratiot Advance is visiting his sister, Mrs. D. C. Fitll. S Jomon Liepmannssohn was in Chicago, Wedijesday, attending the wedding of a niece. The remains of Prof. Olney will be ivmoved to Kxlamazoo Saturday for nterment. W. H. French, of Reedsburg, Wis., speut Sunday with his daughter, Mr. II. Woodward. P.of. C. W. Dodge, of Detroit, was the uest of Gilbert Bli.-s and family Saturday and Sunday. Miss Nellie Garrigues, who has been spending the winter in St. Louis, has returned home. Ed. Guiñan has returned to this city and entered the employ of Stafford, the tailor, as salesinan. S. W. Clarkson and family visited the "onner's paients in Lenawee county the Srst of the week. Wui. Streeter, lit '82, principal of the Lnpeer high school, visited many friends in the city this week. Mi.-s Kittie Morse gave a party, last Saturday evening in honor of her guests, Misse Maltz and Comstock. Mrs. Sarah Chambers who lias been quite sick at her residence, corner of Ann and State-st, is convalescent Mis. Mac C. LeBeau was gi ven a surprise last S iturday evening by a number ofher friends calling upon her. Rev. E. A. Spence has gone to Saginaw City, where he will engage in missionary Work during the coming year. Benj. S. Krause goes to Grand Rapids, Saturday, to be examined n pharmacy before the state examimng board. Wc received a vcry pleasant cali líonday from B. K. Zfrr, a special correspondent of the Rt-ading, (Pa.) Daily Eagle. Mis Roa Schneider was very pleasantly surprised Saturday by a number of her friend calling upon her, Saturday evening. Mrs. D. C. Gilbert, of Lincoln, Nebraska, is expected n the city, today, to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrg. John (J. Snhairer. John Lesczynski, of Detroit, formerly an upholBterer in Keek's store, in this city. was calling on his Aun Arbor friend, Tuesday. About twenty-five pereoas took possession of Will Stimpgon's residence last Friday evening. Whist wag indultad in until a late hour. E. D Kinne, J. F. Lawrence, A. J. Sawyer and J. C. Knowlton were among the Adin Arbor attendants to the Michigan club banquet, Thursday. Miss Mabel Maltz, daughter of State Treasurer Mltz, and Miss Carrie Comstock, of AlpeiM, are tlje guests of Miss K'ttie Morse, on Fourth-st. Col. Di'an, C. W. Wagner, J. T. Jacobs, Dr. Breakey, W. C. Stephens, J. E. Beal an 1 other attended the annual banquet of the Michipran club in Detroit, Tuesday. ' Mis. .1. .1. Read of Chicago, is spending a few weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hiscock. Mr. Read, on his way from Chicago to New York, visited them over Sunday. Honry Herpolsheimer and two daughters, of Lincoln, Nebraska, arrived in tlie city last Saturday, to vistt Mr. and Mrs. Henry Krause. Mr. H. went on to New York. the first o( the week, on business, and on his return the young ladies will accompany him home.