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TO THE LADIES ! If you are afflicted with rheumatlsm. neuralgia, nervou exhaustion, dyspepMa. or wilh diieases of the liver, kidnnys, beadacheor cold feet, swollen or week anieles, or swoilen feet, an Abdominal Belt and a pair of Magnetic Foot Batterles have no superior in the releif and cure of all these eomplaints. They carry a powerful maguetic force to the Beat of the desease. For lame back, weakm as of the spine, falling of the womb, leucorrhcea. cnronic inflammation and ulceration of the womb, incidental hemorrhage of nooding, painful suppressed and irregular menstruation. barreuiiess, and change of Ufe, ihis is the Best Appliance and Curathe Agent Known. Price of Supporter with Magnetic Foot Batteries. J10. Sent by exprese C. O. D., and examination allowed, or by mail on receipt of price, and if not found satisfactory even after six months trial they can be retnrned and money refunded. In ordering, send measure of walst and size of shoe. They are worn over the underelothing. They hold their power fnreoer Send for the ' New Department in Medical Treatment Without Medicine." with thoiuands of testimoniáis. Send for circulare. Write ua fuli particular as regards your difficulties- order? direct. TUE HAOXETIC APPIifAJiCK CO., 134 Dearborn St., Chicago, III. The newly oranized American club in Spain is not likely to prove much of a success. V siting American have diseOTered that they can lce their raoney at cards jun as easiiy aud much more cheaply at native clubs. trvO trifle witU any Throat or ''' Lung Disease. If you have fc Cougli or Cold, or the children are threatened with Croup or Whooping Congh, ase Acker's English Itemedy and prevent ' further trouble. It is a positiva cure,' and we guarantee it. - Price 10 and 50c John Moork. Druggist. A "premature wrinkle" is one that comes in a woman's face before she is m%rried. SGOTTS And Hypophosphites of Urne & Soda Altnost as Palatabiö as Mille. Th only preparation of COD MTEB OIL thal cn bo teken readily and tolerated for a long tiou bj delicate stumachs. AMD AS A BKKEDT FOTi COXSrMPTIOS, scbohurs Airu iio.Ns, anakmia, okw. EBAL BKBI1.ITÏ, tOli-HS Xu TIHtOAT AF. FECTIO.NS, and all Wi viv; i'li)KDEB8 OP CH1LIKK it isjnaryiT'iv'Á ". ñ üsnlra. Prescribe.! aiid endorsetl by :u& Le3i Phyeiciacji n the countries of the worM. FOR SALE BY ALL ORUGGISTS. Mortffixce Sale. DEFAULT Having been made in the coaditions of a certain mortgage made by lia; C. Roberts and Amelia Roberts hls wife of Salem Washtenaw County, Michigan, to Luke Dake of the same place dated December 29th, A. D 1876 and recorded in the office of the Register oí Deeds, for the County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, on the twelfth dayof January A D 1877, in Liber 61 of Mortgages, on page 65 on which mortgage there is claimed to be due at the date of this nothe the sum of four hundred aud thirty-four dollars and fifteen cent?, and au attorney's fee of tifteeu dollars provided for iu said mortgage, and no suit or preceedings either at law or in equity having been insUtoted to recover the moneys seeured by said mortgage or any part thereof. Now, Therefore, By virtue of the power of sale contaiuedm said mortgai?e, and thetitatute ia euch case mide and proyided, notice is hereby given that said mortgage will be foreclosed on Saturday the 28th day of May, A. D. 1887, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. by a sale at Public Auctlon, to the highest bidder, at the Easöroat Door of the Court House in the City of Ann Arbor (that being the place where the Circuit Court for Washteuaw County is holden), of the premises described in said mortgage, or so muck tliereof as may be necesary to pay the amoun: due on said mortgage with the Interest, and all legal costs, together with an attorney's fee oX fifteen dollars convenauted for therein, the prem iseM being described in said mortgage as all that certain lot, piece and parcel of land sitúate In the township of Salem, in the County of Washtenw and Stat of Michigan, and known and described as follows : Commeticing at the North East corner of tfcc Weet Half of the North East Quarter of Sectiou Eleven, town one, South, Range Seven East run ning South irom said corner, forty-six rods, t the fence runniag West; thence West to edge o' ditch and Water Course ; thence running Nort following Ditch and Water Course to the center of Highway ; thence Eaat to the place of beginrang, and being the traot of land, willed fcy James Hollis to Stephen Hollis. LUKE DAKE, Mortgagee E. D. KINNE, Attorney for MorWee Dated Feb. 25, 1887. 637- ♦ Probate Kotlce. STATE OF MICHIGAN, ( COUNTY OF WArtHTENAW. f83Notice is hereby given, that by an order of Ui Probate Court for the County of Wasliteiiaa made on the Seventh day of March. A. D. 1H six months from that date were allowed forcre3!Tors to present their claims against the estáte f NeUon Stroug, late of said County, deceased, and that all creditors of said deceased are required t present their claims to satd Probate Court attbe Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, for eiamination and allowance, on or b"ore t seventh day of September vtxt, and that such claims will be heard befnre said Court, on Tuesday the Seventh day of June and on Wednesdthe seventh day of beptember next, at ten o'slcxk m the forenoon ol each of said days Dated Ann Arbor, March 7, A. D. 1887 WILLI AM D.H ARRIMAN, JMX-4Q Judgg of ProbMe. Probate Wotiee. STATU OF MICHIGAN, ) 1 COUNTY OK WASHTENAW. f83Notice Is hereby given, that by an order of ■ the Probate ('onrt for the County of Washtenaw ■ made pu the twenty-fir t day of February. A. D I 1887, six mouths froin that date were allowed for ■ creditors to present ihuir claims againt the ettatf ■ of tdward olney, late of said county deceased, ■ and thftt all creditors of said deceased are ■ quired to present their claims to said Probate t'ourt, atthe Probate in the city of Ann ■ Arbor, tbr examiuation and allowance. on or ■ forethe22nd day ot'Augiiüt nezt, and that such ■ claims will be heard beforo sai.t Court, on ■ rey the 21st day of May an 1 on Monday the "ai'i ■ day of August uext, at 10 o'olock In the forenooa ■ of each of said days. Dated, Ann Arbor, February 21st A. D 1S87 WIL1.1AM 1). HARRIMAN. ' " ■ludae of Probate ■ SWMvertisementsl TO ADVERTISERS!! For a check for Ï20 we will print a ten-ltne 1 aient in One Million issues of leadliisB American Newspapers. This is at the rate of onK ■ 01 e lifth of a cent a line, lor 1,000 Circulation ' ■ The advertitement will be placed before OM I Milllionewspaper purchaser - ■ Five Million R kaders. Ten linea will accom-H modatc about 75 words. Address withCopyo'H Adv. and check, or send SO cents for Kook oi ■ pages. GEO. P. ROWELL A CO., 10 Spbüce St, ■ New Yokk. lJiYfHi EPiLEPsrl " " " lluvilli; d ICO I a nerve fatliiig cure for this terrible malady - desinug that all so aftlicted may test without es ■ pense the wouderful and immediate effects oi ■ remedy, I will mail a package FREC to air Dr. TIMOTHY DWYER, 2 T VAMAD SIRKKt! . V.fl


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Ann Arbor Register