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Michigan State News

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The Breen bilí, relative to offenses against chastity, etc., has beoorne alaw. lt is one of the most stringent laws against prostitution ever cnacted. It provides that every person who shall keep a house of 11fame, resorted to for purposes oí prostitution or lewdness, or wlio shall procure or assist in procuring inmates for such houses, shall be deemed stuilty of a misdcmeanor and punished by imprisonment in the State prison not more than ove years or in the county jail not more ttuin one year, or by a fine not exceeding 11,000 or by both such fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the court. The bilí was introduced by Mr. Breen, of Menominee, and is intended to sippre9s dens of iniquity in the upper península. Michigan Item. The Detroit graiu and produce quotations are: Wheat-No. 1 White, 81tf@81ic; No. 2 Red. 82 Klour- Roller process, Í4AKK" .:': patenta, H.75@6 00 Rye- ) 00(.:! 25. Corn- No. 2, 89JÍ@89Jác. Oat- No. ', :ki' [c. Jiuttn-- Creamer 2?c. Cheese, (aKJV. lÏRgs, 13@14c. A teamster in Gladwin County afewdavs ago goaded an ox severely. whereupon the animal tnrned on hira and toro out one of his eyes with ité horns. John Vosburj!, foreman it Luther & Wilson's camp near Luther, Lake Connty, recently refused to allow a man who was sick to lay off for a day or two and dischargod him. The man feil in boarding a logging tr4u to go to town and dicd of his injuries. The men struck and demanded Vosburg"s discharge, which the irm granted. Jewett Hipley. while at work a few raorning ago at the brick-yard in Pinch towD, Muskegon County, moving a smokestack, was hit on the bead by a derrick and almost instantly killed. Mrs. Ripley had returned tho same morning from the funeral of her mother. Mrs. Funy Btewait, aged iifty-four years, was hanginj.' out ulothes in Detroit a fow afternoons ago when a building to which one end of the clothes rope was tied wm pulled over by the weight, striking the woman on the back, and injuring her so that sbe died in ten minutes. The Excelsior Creamery Company of Caro, Tuteóla County, was recently incorporated under the State law. Capital stock, tó.OOO. The iollowing offloers were elected: President, W. A. Heartt; VicePresident, F. A. Thomas; Becretary and Treaaurer, W. F. Street. Marinus Carwood, a young farmer ncar Oalesburg, Kalamazoo County, was (inving down a hill a few days ago with a load of wood, when the wagon slipped upon the team, making them run, and he was caught and dragged, receivintt injuries from which he died in a couple of hours. Prof. Frederic H. Pease, of the State Normal School, and Miss Abbie J. Hunter were marriedthe otherday attheresidencé of the bride's parents in Kalamazoo. E. E. Myers & Bon, of Detroit, have been chosen as architects and J. A. Moross, of Detroit, contractor íor a new granite courUiouse at Stockton, Cal., to cost f300,000. Captain David Dibbs, held as a vagrant in Bay City, received a letter a few days ago from Knjfland containine L17, and the information that 13,000 awaited him as his share of the estáte of a deceased relative in Knglami. Kalamazoo beHeves it is destined to come the greatest vehicle-manufactjring town on the American contiDent. D. A. West was arrested at Detroit a few days ago on a charge of smuggling opium from Canada, the drug coming from China to Hritish Columbia, and thence to 8t Thomas, Out. The arrest was belicved to bj an important one and the tirst blow ■track ftt a glgantic chame to dufraul the (ovcrnment. Hi'iir.y Klttke, B farmer, of Conoord, Jai-ks'in ('oiinty, 8léd a 1 IW days ago alter takng medicine maoufaotured bv a man who has boon preparing and distributing n 1-illCS f()T' thl Willltun l'ctci-'s Hay ('ity wu tmrned the atlii'r day. Two drillboasei were lo do1 roye Loss, 140,000; iuily nisuivd. A Toung Woman'B Chrls ation lias beec organizad at Coldwater wltji thirty-four charter members. lis vvprl will ii i thai of I Heii's Cnristian '■ i, which has 180 mem. ttuvt e:ty. '1 Is raph e, ,in puny, oï Kaiiiiiiuzoo, rcrently tWi artirles of im i 'y clerfc lts Ule is li j i) i t íi to i i!iis - are the i ent and niainleriuni'c of a district teleRrapb messenger ani wal'Hüuin System ni Kalamaz ui. Jobo II Wuni, ut A.ppleton, Wis., bougbi a uvo-tiurds interest in the Bt I au mino, ni'iir IsUpemlDg, for í'í.OJO. A frw ilays air Ik' SOld Üfty-One off the one hunhandr irving tliu (alance for liimscl!. He will act bs Bupspintendentof the mlae, i headquarter at Isbpcming. A Vermontvillc (Eaton County) oUiten who had been troublod with epileptic öts ior over thirty years died the other day. Reports to the State Board of Health by flfty-üve observers in different parts of the State, for the week ended on the 12th, indicated that diarrhea, intermittent fever, diphtheria, consuinptiou of th lungs, bronchitis, dysentory, measles and infiuenza inercased, and inflammation of the kidneys decreased in area of prevalence. Diphthcria was reported at twenty-four places, siarlct fevcr at iwcnty-one, typhoid iever at sevcn, and moasles at twenty-one place-. Durinj the cominff summer a United States geolOKical surveying party will make a tour of the upper península and will thorouguly Investígate the uppi coppor-bearing regions. At Un' animal meeting of the sUiekholders ot the Ropos Gold & Süver Uinlng Company, held at Uhpeming th; other night, Juüus Hopes ri iresident. The serrctary's animal ri'port showcd thai Í4S000 in silver was muiod last year and tha the rork avoraged six dollars ■ ton. Governor Lqog tiaa appoioted WlUiam A. Smith, of Orand Kupids, to tlie newlyi'roatcd oSoe oí Btate Fish and Game Warden. The HU luw provides for nul more than three deputies in each countv, who undor thi' Statf Wanlrii au' obai with the cnforceraent of lish and game laws. ADout a vear ago a man boardilla at a Port Huron hotel refased to pay his board bill. The proprietor scized his trunk, and has kept it iver smre. The other day he callcd in a policeman and the trunk was opened. Xt contained nothing but iron and tin. ■ At Hovvcll, Livingston County, late a few eronlngl aj;o the hardware store ol F. N. Monroe was exploded and set on lire. ; The flames extended to an entire rowol' business houses, causing a loss ot $80,000. Mr. Monroe Isa leader in the Frobibition cause, and cluimed to have received warning letters in February that he would be burned om. B mor HanuiH'f. aged twentv-one years, at Uty crushe t a few days agn liy a


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