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fW A and relial)le Medicinen are the best VJVW to depend upon. Acker's Blood Elixir has been prescribed for years for all impurities of the Blood. In every f orm of Scrofulous, Syphiliticor Mercurial diseases, itis invaluable. ForRheumatism.liasnoequ&l. John Moore, Druggist. Editor- What nowe is that in the assitant editor's roonj? Office boy - De Rssitant editor, J jhnson, is stamping on de new typewntin' machine. Editor - Wliftt's the matter with it? Office boy - Why, he plarted to write up "our funny column." and de t'ing runp up a chestnut before he'd wrote rnor'n a line. Careful attention lo diet is the best guard against diseae. It is a faot which all should know, that over-eating not only corruptg tlte blood but destxoys nerve force, and induces dyspepRia, jaundice, bad breath, piles, pimples, low spirits, headache, ague, malaria, and all storaach and liver troubles. Dr. Jones' Red Clover Tonio quickly cureB the above disea-es. Cn be taken by the most delicate. Pi i je 50 cents, of Eberbaah & Son. 'My dear,"8aid iN'W Jemey wife to her husband, "will you go out and see how ho weather is?" Presently he returned and Raid: "I was bitten by only four uwsq'iitoes." "Ir. must be verv co'd," ea:d ihe l"ty, witn a hiver. " Wlen Baby ni nek, w gsra her CMtori, VThD the m Child, he crid for ( 'tori, When he brrime Hits, h clang to ( 's(orl, Whn êht bid Chlldnn, ha jre tham UutorU, "Wint ir time? ' askel a teather of a ! class nt Miml lioyi". Nnbody could an A-er, nd the teaobor Mked agir, and lii.tle Connectirut nvenuechp huid up his hiinifa. "VVeil, Tomniic, that'g a god b.v; now teil tüe olas what tiuic b." "It's hat pipa nv-r comea heme on at night. I heard mamma say co." THE CREAT Germán Remedyjl IaTRUTHSF0RTHE8ICK. Bilious Spi'llsrtpponfl for a case whoro M I. III insi M-ijritBiïTLKS i'iii k Bittkkk willll Itwlll cure TOO. nntaasistorcuie. ]t Ei I'O JOU Mlllrr Wltll mr-l - N lthattlrcdandallgone Cleanse the vitiatcdljl llfciiliiiK; if bo, use ,iood whcn you scol I II it wlllrureyou. inpthrough the skinlll m shops; clerks.who do in; ncalla m lo' rm III not procure auflicicnt . mm mmmm _ llexerclse.andallwho sri.nirit r.i i 11 itsl I I larcconflnedlndoors, wl„ curc Wrer(;om- llshoulcl IISCSITM-UUK ,ai„L !)„„.( ,„. liB III JSnottheubcweakaud voll ' cq IMsiokly. ■ ""' M "TTTmhüTTíi 8ULPHUS lirrrERsRI atism, h?c a l)ottle of nkr you btrougaudl II si it I!itti;hs ; ill it liever failstoc.uro. 8ULPHUB ItlTTERslW le wluíout a willmakeyourblood-ij 11éS1io1IU'. ïrvit; you l'urc, rii-lianriRtrong,U will not regrrt it. iimlyourneslihard. I I Eacuee [n aencate Try mi.imu'h lii i I he:tlili, vhi are Bil n'-iis to-niht, andlll rumlowii, sliould ne you will sleep welllll -il i ni i. I 1 1 1 1 i ■ -. ■ i - ' ■ ■ ■ ■ ii U Doyo wiinttbe best Medical Work pnbïlshedr Siml ;i 2-c-ent Btampa (.. . J'. ORDWAt & Co., Büifton, Mass., and recoiT6 u copytfno SHINGLES! The best Rocflcgr In theworld is Walter'sPatentShingles Made of Iron, Tin or Steel. Cheaper More Durable and Ornamental Tban Slate "Warranted to Rive eatislaction. For particulare and prices atiareas CEOKCS SCOTT, Arohitecr. Scle Awent ioT"WasV - tenvw Cjunty. CHANCE „;L MONEY ! Asenta wantod to sell our flno line o( Subpcripüon Books. We will glve rou a lusei ((imuitsRion than otherhouses (rtvc. We handl l'ini' Ilhistrated Ilooks, Biblos, Albums. Athics, ftc, ani (-ell on both the installmcnt aml i-ttOi nl'iii W'rito fir flrcnlnrc mul nur vpr liliiTiil terins to salesmen and laleswomen. JAS. H. COCSHALL & SON, nritrrn !■. ud Terrier SI., Muskegon, MiCh. I nrilTH W&NTPn P dr. scott's 21 LNIV "ltl' Leauülul Electric Eli I I ACorsets. Sampletree to uo-c be. K 41 1.11 1 V comino a.iorts. No rlsk, quiik tah ■ Trrrfiory giran. utlsfacüoD giuranteed. i'.c OR.SCOTT.842 Bread way St..N.v. REPORT OP THü, uoNDITION OFTHÏ Ann Arbor Savings Bank AT ANN ARBOR,yMICH, ON MONDAY, Jan. 3d, A. D., 1887. MIDE 1 II cp(rilnrp H II II Kection is. 1 Hli.l 87 of tlie UnerHl Hnnhliic I.hw. n Amended In 171. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts 8 272,771 S9 Bonds and Mortgages..! 175.237 91 D. 8. 4 per cent. Registered Bonda. 11,400 00 Overdrafts. 441 22 Furniture and Fixture. 1.930 fö Due from National and State Banks.... 87.09S 01 Cashonaud _ 35,983 74 S 581,863 82 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock 50,000 01 Surplus Fund 50.000 00 Profil and Loss 15.388 72 January Dividend 2,680 00 Due Depositóos 466,794 60 f 581,863 32 I do solemnly swear that the above statement! mie, lo the beat of my knowledge and belief. CHAS. E. HIBCOCK, Cashier. Subicribed and sworn to before me, thli 4th day of January, 1837. I GRU.VEE, Notary Public. & yhWin come direct f WJL TVoni L.S.tioTernnif nt 49W7The clitnnt i ansurpused. #wKVnd Church and School fncilitie kksood. Thesoil lêTitry iertile, and wiil Jfcllprodiioe larsa crops. Corn, Whet. TÏlRsv. Ot. MlUet, Claror, Timothj, Pe, BtMOB, Potitoes, te., nowhere tbrin better. 1,000,0001 RIVER BOnOM AND UPLANDS Kor ul on (Jrraüt sad (or Oaah. and Low IUtM, hj THE UTRE ROCK a FORT SKIITH RÍILWAYCO. The GREAT AHKASSAS VAIXEY embneM th Finest Agricultura! lands of the West. The t on whicli Übrnm land ve uld to thK, A tnal Settler. are nt tht) mot lil trral nfttar Arlnu iHospwi'-Hr wpII ilp" ti StockyJ Kisin. and f rtuit Oonntrj tlif.Vallej'ik is nowhure iceltoit. : y liirn n'l iirCÏÊ &ft tor younwlvi. F' ir furth'T IirtinA%Jfcwr THOMAS M.GIBSÜNa%S Land Oommisionor. ,'T'gB'Ml LITT1.K KOCKJ WlP TANSY GAPSULEC THE LATEST DISCOVERY. W Dr. Iiaparle's Clebrted Preparation, Soft" and &lways Beliable. Indispensable to LADIKS. Send 4 cents for Sealed Circular. CALUMET CHEMICAL GO., Chicago. ■"';';- 5KE4 GOLD MEDAL, PAKIS, 18v (m& baker's SÊma0GS Warranlod absolutety pnre aM Cocon, frora which theezccaaot a}SMn üil haa beo removed. IthaAre CTf I sW ''""■ fce fr'"?' of Cocoa " I in f II Wl with Storch, Arrowroot orSngat U l A and is tberefore far more econom II F I HUl rnl miu ua Uin une cent a Mi ■ iH u u deUclouB, nouriehlng. 11 n II twDgthcninK, eaeily dlgeeted, anc ■11 I II il! hfiadniirably adapted for invalide ai UJ JUJ wc-ll M fñr itm.i in health. f . BAKER & CO., Donteter, Mass, Sawing Made Easy. MOMABCH UOHTKIlfO 8AWDT0 MACBXNB gS A RTTTJT OKJ" Aeeata Wantod. í H0N1SCH KW. CO.. CAEPEMTEEV1LLE, L-L. Soiid 3"i ets. for our Irmnoe boxnf WftAe Embro! erySllk, vrould cost$l iu skeins. Wholjcsalr Fui k Luti M'iit oniy wht'n applfcatton ItacoonspasSed by The Best Potato üigger THK 'MONARCH" nBttHM to dijr 5OÜ bunlielH Wptr ila . Speriftl Ttrins o r N T MteJk- to síoí ajf 'n t s, ON Ws. SEáAfc5 TEST 4 SkS' Oinrn and Factobt, MONARCH MFC. CO., Carpentersville, III. fflill fes T A TT?T m.;vw Tount nn fllo r-t vJw. XQiO JrüirJJJCV y. luivwlL WsNemp :in. f AdvertlsinKBurpau.niSpniüeS!.'. licro odvertislrj coauacu uiaj' hu mado tur it IJS AKW 1UUK. k5-'?'Michïgan fjffi%3 n, CENTRAL "' )(eJ nl&nt Polnis .T. ow Hujcfawt?! Time Tablc- Taking effect Nov. 14, 1886. GOING BAST. - 8TANDABD TIMK. Valima u-i 'y tN.Y f AU. tNgt OB4 Staumi. 'Mij Ex LEx Ex Kex A. M.iA. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. Chicago 6 50, 9 00 3 lol 8 15 9 10 P. M. Michigan City... 9 15 11 11 4 53 10 18 11 23 p. M. A. M. Buchanan 10 2012 03 12 37 Niles 10 38 12 15 5 49:11 18 12 55 Decatur 11 27 12 58 i 1 42 P. M. IA. Ni. A. M. Kalamezoo 12 17 150 658 12 83 235 645 Batte Creek 1 12 2 27 7 3S 1 30 8 20 7 ïl Marshal] ..Arrive 1 40: 2 50 " Leave 2 on; 3 10 7 54 1 58 8 43 7 57 Albion 2 X 3 32 j 2 28 4 05 8 20 Jackson 3 10: 4 18: 8 47 3 10 4 45 9 15 GrassLake 3 38 _ 6 13 84 Chelaea 3 5!) ; 5 3i t 58 Dexter 4 12' 1 5 50 16 07 ANN ARBOU.... 4 331 5 30 9 45 4 35 6 08 M 25 Ypsilanti 4 501 5 4? 9 56 4 52 6 24 10 40 Wayne Junction 5 15 6 05 5 16 6 47 11 08 West Detroit i 5 50! 6 SñjlO 35: 5 50! 7 20 11 45 Detroit ArrWe1 6 OOi 6 45110-451 6 001 7 30 11 46 eonro vnr. „Hém. MM D'y ' OBAitEvgitPK btalion. M1 jj' j Kex Ex" fit. A. K A. MP. M F. M.'r. M. F. M. Detroit Lce 700 9 10 1 80 4 00800 U West Detroit 7 10 9 20 1 40 4 10 8 10 9 36 Wayne Juuctlon 7 40 9 53 2 03 4 45 8 37 66 Ypuüanti 8 01 10 12 2 20 5 12 8 58 10 X ANN ARBOR.... 8 16 10 25 2 32 5 80 S 12 10 M Dexter _. 8 85 J 6 60 9 32 Chelie.. 8 48 ! 06 9 62 GraaLake 9 10 j 6 27 10 15 a. k. Jackson _. 9 85 11 32 8 82 7 10 10 52 12 Albion.. 10 15 12 10 4 08 7 53 11 27 12 42 Mrehall..Arrive 12 30 1Ï47 1 04 ■' Leave 10 38 12 .0 4 22 8 20 A. M. Battle Creek 11 03 112 4 40 8 52 12 12 1 85 Kalamaioo... 11 62 1 50 5 15 9 46 1 20 1 35 P. M. F. M. Decatnr 12 40 _ 2 12 Kilea 140 322627 3 03 4 II Buchanan 153 3 84 8 18 Michigan City... 2 58 435732 4 32 5 40 Chicago. 5 15 6 40 930 700806 F. M. P. M. P. M. A. M. A. 1Í. Canada División. GOING EAST.- DETROIT TOCBL'FrALO. (..,,,.,„„ I' Pac. k. y. M'l & Aü bAky öWUuni. NV_BX L Ex Ac.da Ex lp. K P. M A. A. M. P. K. Detroit Lv. ; t7 15 10 55 5 00 6 10 12 05 St Thomas, Ar. 11 Oft1 2 07 10 10 9 40 8 25 Leave! 11 101 2 12 1 00 9 50 3 80 Weiland 153! 4 42 5 12 12 44 6 06 Fallr View Runs 1 14 Niágara Falis. I 2 22 5 08 via Ft 1 23 C 35 Susp. Bridge 2 35 5 20 Kr. D. 140 6 50 BuftaJo Ar.i 3 361 6 15 6 25 2 45 7 50 Ia. m.!a. m. p. m, p. m. t. u. Canada División. COIKG EST.- BLTFALO TO DETROIT. v.,,j ,.,„., , (!. Fat M'l &,Amer Pao. 8MÍ0M. Ex w Ex Acc j Ex gx P. V. A. M A. M.iA. M. A. M. Buffalo Leave,U 30 j 45 f6 Oó! J9 00 11 BS Susp. BridKe...Ar' 12 30 6 48 Runs via 12 86 Niágara Falls. ...„ 12 45 6 5 Ft.Erie 12 K Falls View 7 04 División. 105 Weiland 1 10 7 ïfi 7 10 10 05 1 83 St Thomas Ar. 4 10 9 55 1115 110 4 35 Lv.i 4 15 10 00 3 00 1 15 4 45 Detroit Arrivei 8 IK 8 45 5 20 8 45 a. H.p. MP. SI. T. K. P. M. Kunday excepted. tDaily. O. W. RUGÓLES. H. W. HAYBS, 3. P AT. A., Chicago. L cl Ag't, AnnJArbor. Toledo, Ann Arlior & NortiiHcliiw 11. Time Table goinjt into effect Sunday, Nov. 28. "86. SoingNorth. I Güing South. STATIONS:! _J pL.j & 8ttndrJTIme. 1 ' P. M. P. M. A. M. I. [Arr'a. M.'p. M. P. H. 3 ÍS 6 10' 5 15] Toledo ! 9 20 1 8ti 11 30 , 4 0O 7 42: 6 05;Mouroe Junct'n 8 45 12 42 10 33 4 101 8 02 C 15 Dundec 8 32 12 32 10 22 4 31 8 44 6 35 Milán 8 0ö!l2 18 10 00 4 52 9 40 7 00 PiUsfleld i 7 87 11 43 9 40 5 10 10 03' 7 18 ..Ana Arbor 7 20:11 30 9 80 5 30ilO SO 7 80 Lelaiid's ! 6 4511 12 9 10 5 45 p. m. 7 4S Whitmore Lake a. m. 10 58 8 53 5 58 7 55 Hamburi? 10 52 8 62 6 28 8 80 Howel' 10 20 8 15 7 20 9 30 Duifíid 19 30 7 7 45 9 52 0 auna 9 08 6 38 7 66 10O3 . jwowo.: „.. 9 00 6 32 9 16 11 23 ....Ithaca 7 46 5 15 11 45 ?t. Loóla 7 27 4 57 9 41 11 6b Alma ' 7 20 4 50 10 30 la 46 ...Mt. Pleasam 6 30 4 00 r. m. r. M.i I ' A. M P. M. All passenger trains run daily except Sunday. I ConuectionK at Toledo wiüi railro&dBdivergujg. I At Manhattan Juncüon with Wlieeling Lke Kre I ?.. K. At Alexis Juuction wití y.C R. B . L. B. ii'y :(" F v f. M R. K A' ilonroe Junctlon wñn L S'. .i. M. 8 Ky. Al Dundee wlth L 8 Al M. S.. and M. & O. Ry. At Milán with W., 8t L. A I y. Ry. At Pittsfleld with L. S. & M. 8. B"T.I At Aun Arbor with Michigan Central R. R.,aní' at South Lyon with Detroit, Lansing and Northern R. R.,and G. T. Ry. H. W. AHH1-KV, W. H.BENNETT. SiirATint..o', i i, u Vasnper Affent. O. G. WALES. Agent, Ann Arbor. a00fitP PAT JAN. S, 1886. J Menthol Inhaler, ' AFTOEDS QCICK EEUEP OP NEURALGIA, HEADACHE, HAY FEVERi CATARRH, ASTHMA, And by continued use effects a cure. &T Satisfaotion Guaranteed or moncy at funded. Six months trnaimcnt f er 50 centfv lf your drugfrist h-s not the lnhaler in stOOl send 52 cents in stamp to the proprietor am thn Inhaler will be íorwarded by mail, poettjF paid, and if, Httbeexpirution of fue days rrUj ItSTeoelpt yon uro not satisfted with its effecl you may return, it, and i f reoertved in good co ilition your money will be ref unded. Circular and testimoniáis mailed freo on ir plioation t" the proprietor, H. D. CUSHMAN, Turki; BlVXBS, MlCft l'ur Nnlp by lrnuu ii- ni Ami ArW


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Ann Arbor Register