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PENNYROYAL WAFERS. Ê Prescripción of a physiclan wU has bad a life long experience in treating témale diseases. Is used monthly with perfect succew by over 10,000 ladi' s. Pleasant, mfe, cffectuaL Ladies askyour druj"pist for Pennjroyal Wafers and take do substituto, or inclose postaeeforsealedparticulars. Soldbf all dnieRiRts, $1 per box. AddresS 3HBBÜREKA CHEMICAL CO., Detroit, Mich. oitld in Aon Arhor by EBEKBACM ' SO.. THE WHITE IS KING The White Sewing Machine Waa awarded the only First Premium and Diploma glven any Beurlng Machine at Hlchlean State Fair, Jarkaon, '80. ana t'ook more Premlumn In '85 than any other Se w Ing Machine In the World. Simple, 8ilent, Sure, Perfect, Powerfal, Popular. The Best Machine, The Bst WoodWork, The Greatest Range of Work. Tbe "White" Machine cmtodies more MECHUMCAL IMPROVEMENTS Tban uxj other Sewing Machine In the World The Antomatlc Bobbiu Winder, Vibrator and Btitch Begulator. m tact everj lmpruvement known. WeWumt Eery Hablne for 9 jrmwm Becaoae we know It wlil last. Trr lt, and ja UI be pleaaed. Buy lt, and yon wul be latbOad. White M achink Co. L. OTOOLE, Wnmtfr, IV-OfEce, Huroimt. one door wett of Main t. Ann Arbor, Mich. 622-67 jQ p.p. p.p. %P. PLASTER Cures Backacfe, Lung Troubles, Kidrycy Diseases, Rhoumatisn?, Etc. A trial will convinco the most skeptlcal that thsyarotlie best. Tbey ara medloated wlth capslcum and the active principio of potroleuiu, benig far more poworful in their action than othor piasters. Io not be inducol to takeotherB, but be sure and et the gonuinn " Petroline," whicb is always enoloMd in au envolope with the signatura of the proprletor, The l'.W.P. Co., and directions in four lannageaj alaü .cal ia green and gold on ewh pIMtár. Sol.t by all drugglsts, at xT cents cauh. PEDACURA CORIM PLASTCRS Are the bost known romody for lian! aixl .soft coros, uud nevr fail to ctin-. l'i'icc, 0 rciits. PEDACURA INSOLES i imCold I'c.--t,(iut, KlK-umatlxiii, Iralysirt, Hwollen Keet, etc. Tho Peleg White Proprietary Co., 34 Churoh Htreot, New York, Manufacturera. Of lir.nt clas (truKKlMtH iin'l H. J. BBüWN, Dist. Agt for Ano Arbor. EBERBACH & SON, BKUGGISTSAXDPfíABMACim No. 1 2 South Main Street, teepon hand a large and neü elected stock o DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE-STUFFS, ABTIST8' AND WAX FLOWBB UATB RIALS, TOILET ARTICLES, TRUSSES, oPURS WINK8 AND LIQU0B8 SpeclRl attentlon pald to the furnishlng oí Phy (telan, enemista. Sohooie, etc., wlth Philosopnlo,' ajad Chemical Apparatua, Bohemlan Cheaaloau fUaasware, Poroelaln Ware, Pare Reagent, etc. ínyaidana Preacriptlona oarefully preparad H iU honra an-CH LIJEBlS LtTMBER! LÜMBER! If you oontemplate building cali at FERDON m YARD! Corner Fourth and Depot Sta., and get out figures for all kinds of LUMBEK We] manufacture our own Lumbar and ruarantee VERY LOW PRIOES! -Hvr un a cali -nl w wlll mke 1 jonr Inlrrml, MN OMr lart "! wll IcriMipil aCork fnlljr antitina onr nurllon. JAMES TOJLBZBT, Prop. T. J. HK.KrH.Napt VB-tn BQTSI7 4 S1AB0LT 1STOS. 6 -A.IT3D 8 Washington Street, Ann Arbor, Mlohigan. Hare always on hand a complete Stock of Tn thlng Ij. tóe GROÖERY LINE! Teas, Coffees and Sugarg All prime Artlclea bought for Cash and can nll atlow figuren. Our frequent largo lnvokm ! Tea ia a auru sign that we gire bargalna in QUALITY AND PBIOB. We roast our own coffeea every week, alwayi freeh and good. Our bakery tunu out the re best of Brèad, Cakea and cracker. Cali ana eeeaa. 182-tOT OThr Bt'ÏKItS1 (.1 HIK la lltanrd K. pt. lul Mrcl, rju-h ytx. i .'!!! lr, K'.ill'. lurlirx.M llhuTcr 3,SOO Uliutratlona - w'boln l'lcturo Gallery UI V IOS Wbolesule Prloe direct to eomrutner on all gooda tor personal or fiunlly -. Trlls bow to ordrr, and glvn exact coat of eveix thln you une, etit, drink, mar, or harr ftra witli. Ttaeae l.VVAI.I UII.K IUNIKS rontaln lnfArmatton gleanMt frnm the iiurlirti of the ivnrlil. W wlU maU a eopy KRKB to any aa drrtui npon rccelpt of 10 rt. to drtruy expenae of malllnjc. It u hear fronm yoa. Rcapectfally, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. Sf 7 V aai Wabash Atcone, Chlcaco, Uk


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