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II w lo Remi Tour doitor's prescrlptlons. Send threc 2 cent stamp, to pay postane, and receive Dr. Kaufmanu's great treatise on dlseases; illustrated in eolors; ft givea tlieir slgns and abbreviaiions; Address A. P. Ordway & Co , Boston, Mass. "Our CobtK'l tettuhers- (king to im prove their niind and meiliodis" the headline ut a Biiffalo pxchnnfpt, .Tt is Uue, the rriinds oí somej of i.ur school teachers nciH iirproving iood deal more than tho- oí the pupls. What t look in humor it mulc-s up in truth. & SWINDLER does not refer possible purchasers to his victims. The Athlophoros Co. gladly refere sufferers from rheumatism, neuralgia, sciatica, nervous or sick headache, kidney and liver complaints to those who have been cnred of these diseases by Athlophoros, and will furnish names and addresses of many such pereonsio those desiring them. Athlopboros is the only reraedy for these diseases that can stand such a test. Lancaster, Wis. I have suflered more or less with rheumatism, also general debility. For the past year the trouble has constantly increased so that for a inonth I could not dress myself, could not get up from my ohair without help. From my head to my feet every cord and muscle was stiff and sore. During this time I used various remedies all to no purpose, and continued to grow worse. My attention being called to Athlophoros I procured a bottle. I took live doses then slept easily till eight o'clock A. M. I got up and dressed myself and walked out without a cañe. I was astonished at the result, could hardly realize that it had prcduced such an effect. I am getting to be an old man (72). I don't suppose it will make me a young nian, but will help the lamp of life to burn down calmly. Samuel Barstow. Montfort, Wis. T have derived more benefit from Athlophoros than any other medicine I have ever taken. I have been troubled with inHammatory rheumatism for about ten years, at times I was helpless, have tried all the medicine I could hear of but found no cure, -until I got a bottle of Athlophoros. After taking one-half of it I have not been bothered since. Geo. Galloway. Every druggistshould keep Athlophoros and Athlophoros Pilis, but where they caniiot be bought of the druggist the Athlophoros Co.," 112 Wall 8t., New York, will send either (carriage paid) on receipt of regular price, which is $1.00 per bottle for Athlophoros and 60c. for Pilis. For liver and kidney diseases, dyspcpsia, indigestión, weakness, nervous debillty, aiseases of women, constipation, headache, impure Vlood, Sc, Athlbpboros Tüls are unequaled. J ina Irbor Sm&U Fruit Hnnory ! All' kinds" of Berry Planta ; Fine Plante of the Shar'pless; The best Strawberry ; Fruit" and Ornamental trees from Ellwanger & Barry, ter, N. Y. Orders must be sent early. WINES AND SYEUPS. . Sweèt Home-made Wine for InvaUdR, and the Encharist, Sour Wine, Raepberry 3y'rup, Shruh, Pear Syrup. Plymouth Rock Eggs. E. BAUE, Weet Huroa St., - Ann Arbor. INSURANCE, REAL ESTÁTE AND LOAN AGENCY OF A. W. HAMILTOjS Offices, No. 1 and 2, First Floor Hamilton Blook. ■partiei desiring to buy or seU Real Estáte wil And Uto their advantage tocall on me. I repre ent the followlng firstclaaj Fiíe Insurance Com panies, having anaggregate capital oí over WO, W0.00QÏ Snn Pire, " ino nsrdlan lBSruce , I-onrti Kortbern, Ixrartoi Flre iDsuranec Aanaelatlou, Landos HectiKUic's Mu(nl Fire In. '., Pire Aiwoelation, - Phlludelphl American Flre, ■ ■ Pnlladelpnl Westchenter Pire: New York New HamusIHre Firs - Manchei Grand RmiiKlH Pire, - rand Kanltlt Underwrlters, frldenee B. 1 Traden. -...- Ctalea Rates Low. LosBea liberalïy adjusted uní oromptly paid. I also issua Life. and Investmeat Policies In tbc NeW York Mutual life Inmirance Company. As iets 165,000,000. Persons desiring Accident Insnr anee, can have yearly Policies wrltten fbr them o Travelei's Coupon luxurance Tickets lasaed si Low Bates in the Accident Insarance Compan; of North America. Jloney to Ixn at Currar Rates. Offloe hours from 8 a. H. to 12 H., aiid 3to ALBX. W. HAMIIiTOK, Bamilton Black TBS BEST SALBSMEIT. Newspaper advertlidng Is now recognlMd fc? rewd business men as the best of all poolbl. Mlenaen- one who never sleep and u dot weary- who goes after business early and ltwhocanbe in athonsand places at once, n speak to a mlllioi people each lay.saying toecj on tbc beat thlng ín the btct marnier. - It is Generally conceded by physicians that the spring truss i's the best known instrument for retaining hernia, jpving a uniform pressure and conformïng to the various positions of the body. They are clean, comfortable and durable. Our stock is large, embracing all the leading makes. We gnarantee satisfaction. Browne A Sharpe llair Clipper No. 1 83.50 ; Postale 15e. Dniwni'ANIiarpr Hortte Clipper No. 3 63.00 ; Postage S5e. MANN BRO'8, Drueeists, Ann Arbor. ÍDffflllSÍRS !í? yon placo ;t lollar# i worth oí Newspaper :mívítíÍsl ingí B' our prfee! Tle exaoi R i - i of any paper9 or list oi ■ pH[)(s rhi'frtnliy furnishecU 9 lí-' ttpon ip:)JU-aiion. H 1&-' Senil for New Cutaloguer J. C. HOUCH, H Advertlsing Agent i


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