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V-C vr would enjoy your dinner XJ W and are prevented by Dyspepsia, use Acker's Dyspepsia Tableta. They are a positivo cure for Dyspepsia, Indigestión, Flatulency and Constipation. We guarantee them. 25 and 60 cents Joh Moork, Druggist. "That's the mot pompou.i and surlyljokit g creature I've seen in a good while. I wonder who he is. I'll lay you a new hat ro a cigaret tha he is sexton of a swfll ohurch. Is it a go? ' Not much. The odda are uil n your side." HALE'S HONEY is the best Cough Care, 25, 50c., L GLENICS SOLPHÜR SOAP heals and beaurifies, 26c GERMÁN CORN REMOVER Hls Con & Bunions, 26c HILL'S HAIR & WHISKER DYE-BUck & IWvn, 80c PIKE'S TOOTHACHE DROPS cure i I Minute, 25c. DEAN'S RHEDMATIC PILIS are a cure, 50c Mr. Mushroom - I uuu't see why it is that my gaa bilis are o much larger than isst winter. Little Willie- Why, sister's engagement is on now, and it was off last wiuter. A.Dgie - I guess you don't know Charlie and me. If bis ea'line; here affected the gas-bills at all, it made them let-8. TRAPE y? MARK. Free from Opintcs, Emética aiut JPolson. SAFE. r%n, SURE. yïCtS. PROMPT. A%J-=AT DBL'OOtBTS A!CE DtMt.ri. THE CHARLES A. HXÍHLKH (H). BAI,TIJORE, P. bERMAN reMEOY Va ft ■ Cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia, E Af Umn ll.-l:irh,-,, Tootknfli, I fl PRICK; FIFTT CENTS. B VI ■ UI II AT DBOÖGIBTa AND DKAlnu. THÍICHRLES .. TOOEI.ÏR MUimmlli TAI LOR I IO WOODWARDAVE. Cor. Congrese-St, DETROIT. Rrneli of 'taiORjco. Fastonalls Tailoring MODERATE PRIOES. ■ All the Novelties. LATEST :-: DESIGNS! Scotch Suitings, Fanoy Worsteds, Oorksorew Diagonals, Meltons and Kerseys, London Troueeringa. Fit and Satisfaotion Guaranteed. Panto to Order froia - 0 O 00 Sult " " "... 30 O Spriug yfrtoiitn, ■ 18 00 Au eaily inspection of out stock is lnrlted. The largest and fiuert asBortmcnt of Woolens in the city. Douot wsit bat place yur rders now Samples and rules for Self-measurement sent on applie&tiun. I tO Woodward Avenue, DETROIT. Raymond Baby Jumper _ pO CD gi-tfgt ■ m a Sa ö Pj h-j . H ■ 2 '-i - a " sa The best on earth can true'y be said of Crriggs' Glycerine Salve, which 9 a sur, safe and speedy cure for cuts, bruises, soalds, burng, woun Is and all other sores. Wilí positively cure pile, tetter and all skin eruptiong. Try thii wonder healer. Saüsfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Only 25 cents. The Prescott (A. T.) Miner has the following: "Is this reservoir wnter healthj?" asked a newcomer of an Hasoayamper. "Do you see that mule, Rmtiigei?" "Tes gir." "Well, ten aiontln ago that mulewaa a jack rabbit, Bnd drinking this wa:emade him whit he is today." For Colds. For Croup. For Neuralgia. For Rheumatism. Doctor Thomas' Cclectric OU. 12 " Spant Fly Dollars Ia doctoring for rheumatism, before I tried Thêmas' Eclttlric OU. Used a so-cent bottl of Ihis medicine, and got out in one week. For bons and sprains it U excellent." Jas. Durrum. Eut Pembroke, N. Y. 64 You Can Depend On It. " For sercre Toothacbe and Neuralgia of th head, [ used Thomas EcUctric OU. TWs is certainly the best thing I ever knew for the relief of pain of any kiad. The house u never with. out it." Mrs. A. M. Frank, 17; Tupper Street, BuffaJo, N. Y. IOS Sprak Richt Up. " Have tried Thtmat' EcUctric OU for croup and colds, and 6nd it the best remedy I have erer nsed in my fannly." Wm, Kay, 510 Plymoutb. Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. 30 Workrd Wonder. u My daughter was vrry bad off on account of M cold.and pain in her lungs. Dr. Thomas' Ec hctric OH curtd fir in t.rmty-four heurs. Ooe of the boys was cured of sore throat. This medicine has worked wonder in onr iimUy,' Al Taji Pinckney, Lake Mahopic, N. Y. EOSAOB T. PTTHFIELr, Carpenter and Joiner 36 South 12th Street, Post-office box MS. All work in my line promptly attended to. "fc. Ferest City Blrd Store. v_ iS A. cstalilished 1871 SiruraBK WS 'mg Birií9' Ta'king Pr■■■P' rots, Bird Cages, Pura - Seed. Song Keetorer rJlfV Insect Cure, FishirM . ST Tackle, Bird BookkV Poultry Rupplles, OoM W Fish, Uogs & thoir Med - eines. Ferrets. Bird's Eyes. S. H. WILSOJ. 349 Superior St-, Cleveland, Ohio. yb RTJirruiiB;! gaC Um% EGAN'S IMPERIAL TROSS. T Hl Spirx! SDring with graded prea5f sure 1 to 6 pounds. Worn dy and V niijht by an Infanl a week old r adult of SO ycars. Ladto' Truase Sbi- a specialty. Enclmw tanpa tof f B restimoulal of Cures, measure■■ments, etc EUAM 's IMr-ERljil TRtrsS (TO.. Ann Arbor. Mlch. YOÜR LAST CHANCE W TOBÜT IrI MINKÉSOTfti dakota; Land at prwent Tw%linRT. LOWPRICES. AJSr IT8EXF In FItc t 1 HALF artpidad.MILLION wüb ffuide booka. # v X AwKto Vrtctermsotf "W-OonTiient to m&rkt. alend othaz ƒ WeU-waterod. HklU partloalan, f tof cUmata. Qood K" ' nut tree. # mm schooi, uvi social adrao - ff US ionwhew tmiL MmM un u' cropt haa uever baa W CHARLES E. SIMMONS, IMl Ind Oom. O. t N W. Rüwr. VVjf CHICACO, ILL. ƒ! 1 fyTheae huida cannot fil to ba gmmg a prontable and ASAFEINYESTMENT CAPTAIN THE HONORABLE ALISTAIR HAY, THIRD BATTALION BLACK WATCH Eoyal Highlanders (SECOND SON OF THE EARL OF KINNOTTLL.Í DriTLIN CASTLE, PERTH, SCOTLAND. S TO THE LIEBIG COMPANY: " I wai In a condition of great debllity, conaquent npon a broken-down stomaoh, dyspewilt and malaria, compllc&ted with klduey irritatloii, when my medical attendant directed me to take your incomparable Coca Beef Tonic. Iu effect was simply marrelous. The power of dlgenUon waa quickly restored, the kidney irritaüou vanished and rapid restoration to health followed: "Other preparations of Coca had been trtod without the slightest effect.'' mi mi mm m seeoer, Prof essor of Medicine at the Riryal Universtty; Knightofthe Hayal Amtrian Lirdcr of the ron Crown; Knigltt Otmmander of the RtryaX Uvanish Order of Isabeüa; Kntght of the lioyal JVuglan Order of the Red Eayle; Chevalier of Uw Leaian nf Hoiwr, Ac, Ac, says: íítIEBIO CO. S COCA BEEF TO3ÍIC should not be confounded with the horde of trashy cure-alls, It Is in no cense of the word a patent remedy. I am thoroughly conversant wltt lts mode of preparation and know it tobe notoniy a legitímate pbarmaceutical product, but also worthy of the high commendations it bas received in all arts of the world. It eoutains essence of Beef, Coca, Quinlne, Iron and Calisaya, which ar dissolved in pure genuine Spanlsh Imperta: Crown Sherry.' Invaluable to all who are Run Down, Nervous, Dyspeptic, Bilious, Malarious or affllcted witt weak tidneys. Beware ol Imitallous. Ser &Wi FaTorite Cosmetic dijnriat Used by Her Roy al Highness the Princew of Wales and nobility. For the Skin, Complexión, Eruptlons, Chapping, Roughness. 81.00. Of dmjnrists. ËTEBin CO.'S ennlne Syrnp of Saranarllla is guaranteed as the bost SarsaparUl inthemarket. . Y. Depot 3 JMarray- MWILSOÑ WASHBOARDS. These Washboards are made wtrb a Bent-Wood rim. The Strocirest boards and best wasiierg in Uh world. For ale by all deulen. TMOIaW M.F' CO. Saginaw, 5Iichlgii.


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